Harmonization with the Orbs of Light

  • 2013

In this Golden Age of Light we now have the opportunity to deepen our connection with the many Beings of Light around us that appear as Orbs of Light. These Beings of Light are giving us the opportunity to experience their vibrational signatures as we harmonize with these intricate designs of Cosmic Consciousness and Spherical Celestial Light.

At their highest frequency, the Orbs of Light hold the energy signature of the Ascended Masters, the Christ Galactics, the Angelic Beings, the Spirits of Nature and the Fairies, as well as aspects of our own Multidimensional Self.

In addition, many Orbs of Light are, or disembodied Beings seeing the Earth before incarnating, or Beings leaving the Earth more commonly in the form of a sphere, an octahedron or a tetrahedron star. Its unique geometric design creates its own Merkaba Light vehicles.

At the time of the Equinoxes, solstices, Full Moon, New Moon and the many astrological and planetary activities of the Light, as we deepen our mutual connection in Divine Love and the One Unitary Consciousness, we can amplify the frequency experience of these Many Orbs of Light.

Another way to amplify and experience, feel and present these magnificent Orbs of Light and Celestial Beings is by creating our own Pyramids of Light. The energetic pyramids of Light amplify the signatures of sound and color in a harmonic resonance that assists us to harmonize with the Orbs of Light through the many spectral frequencies of sound and color that they bring us in this Golden Age of Light as the Orbs of Light are here to activate our Light frequency; to inspire, illuminate, transform and heal, offering his unique signature of Divine Love co-creatively in recognition of our own magnificence and Light.

As we harmonize with the higher dimensional frequencies of the New Earth Patterns and the Only Reality of All That Is like these Transfigurative Sacred Flames of Divine Love, we experience a new communication language through the energy of the Orbs of Light, allowing us access to the various dimensions of Light and Christic Timelines.

We are cooking our Heaven on Earth, and by doing so with the many Celestial Illuminated Beings of Light that appear to us vibrationally, through our own gifts of knowing, seeing, presenting, and through these many Orbs of Light.

Harmonization with the Orbs of Light

I call on the Overlight of our Mother / Father God,

and the many Heavenly Light Beings that I personally recognize,

as I merge now with my dear Presence I Am,

the Light Higher than I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother / Father God.

Now I visualize a beautiful Golden Light Pyramid

anchored and activated around my energy body.

Now I connect through the Unitary Grid of Divine Love

with the Lightworkers, Star Seeds and all Heavenly Light Beings assisting in the Golden Age of Light.

Now I focus on my Portal of Light located just above my crown chakra,

connecting with the Sun and the Solar Core,

and the Helios y Vesta Overlight,

Our Solar Logii and God Parents of this Solar System.

Initially now, while I focus on the Sun above the crown chakra,

I experience being wrapped in these beautiful Flames of copper gold and rose gold from the Solar Service,

rising to the Solar Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love, the Patterns of the New Earth, and now the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.

I now have a beautiful Pink Orb of Light activating in this Solar Portal of Light,

bringing through the qualities of Divine Love and openness in my heart, mind and body.

This Pink Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,

and then in and around the Unitary Grid of Divine Love.

Now I experience a beautiful Red Orb of Light activating in my Solar Portal of Light,

bringing through the qualities of the Divine Will and the Empowerment [empowerment] in my heart, mind and body.

While this Red Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,

I focus on activating this beautiful Red Orb of Divine Will and the faculty

in and around the Unitarian Grid of Divine Love.

Now I experience a beautiful Orange Orb of Light activating in my Solar Portal of Light,

bringing through the qualities of healing, insight and understanding in my heart, mind and body.

While this Orange Orb of Light expands around my body and energy field,

I focus on activating these qualities in the Unitary Grid of Divine Love.

Now I experience a beautiful Lavender Orb of Light activating in my Solar Portal of Light,

bringing through the qualities of peace, harmony and forgiveness in my heart, mind and body.

While this Lavender Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,

I focus on activating these qualities in the Unitary Grid of Divine Love.

Now I experience a beautiful Purple Light Orb activating in my Solar Light Portal,

activating the latent DNA to the maximum that the Cosmic Law allows.

While this Purple Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,

I focus on activating the latent DNA of all Life, in remembrance of its magnificence and its Light in and through the Unitary Grid of Divine Love.

Now I experience a beautiful White Orb of Light activating in my Solar Portal of Light,

bringing through the qualities of protection and clarity in my heart, mind and body.

While this White Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,

I focus on activating these qualities in the Unitary Grid of Divine Love.

Now I experience a beautiful Silver Orb of Light activating in my Solar Portal of Light,

amplifying my gifts of extrasensory sensation [PES = ESP] and a deeper feeling of purpose and passion in my service work.

While this Silver Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,

I focus on activating the gifts of extrasensory sensation of all Humanity in the Unitarian Grid of Divine Love.

Now I experience a beautiful Golden Orb of Light activating in my Solar Portal of Light,

bringing through the qualities of the only Unitary Consciousness and tolerance in my heart, mind and body.

While this Golden Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,

I focus on activating these qualities in the Unitary Grid of Divine Love.

Now I experience a beautiful Platinum Orb of Light activating in my Solar Portal of Light,

activating the Timelines of my Highest Potential by merging with my multidimensional I.

While this Platinum Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,

I focus on the activation of the Christic Timelines in the Unitary Grid of Divine Love.

Now I experience a beautiful Diamond Orb of Light activating in my Solar Portal of Light,

joining with the Cosmic Heart of All Creation and the dreams of my Heart.

While this Diamond Orb of Light now expands around my body and energy field,

I focus on the activation of our collective dreams of the Heart in the Unitary Grid of Divine Love in the Golden Age of Light.

Now I experience a personal harmonization with the Orbs of Light and Celestial Light Beings that I personally recognize,

activating the sound frequencies and the color that I need in this Now

How is this Sacred Flame of Transfiguration of Divine Love

in service to Mother Earth and All her Life.

Now I sit in the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,

while keeping my connection open to all the Celestial Light Beings,

and with a great appreciation of the Orbs of Light and my ability to communicate with the many Celestial Light Beings.

I am a Sacred Flame of Transfiguration of Divine Love,

I am a Light Master Being,

Cooking Heaven on Earth.

I am all that I am.

Harmonization with the Orbs of Light by Anrita Melchizedek www.pleiadianlight.net

Music by Michael Hammer www.michaelhammer.com


In this Golden Age of Light, as our Sun has become the Central Sun and Mother Earth the Spiritual sun for this Solar System, Helios and Vesta imbue us in the radiance of their Divine Causal Body of Light and the Patterns of the New Earth through the Cosmic Ray of the Solar Service, a combination of twelve rays in the Second Ray of Love and Wisdom.

Throughout this year we have been experiencing these beautiful Sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta, taking us deeper and deeper into the Cosmic Heart. And now, through the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta and our Beloved Presence I Am, as we experience the Equinox, we are being given the opportunity to experience the Temple of the Light Ray Frequencies of the 12 Powerful Elohim.

In the initial creation of our Solar System, Helios and Vesta directed the Rays of Light of Absolute Consciousness to this Solar System to keep the planets in a particular orbital position, and to sustain life in them. Passing this initiation, the Divine Pattern and the Immaculate Conception of our Solar System was manifested with the assistance of the Silent Observers, the Powerful Elohim, the Builders of the Form, and the Intelligence of Nature.

And now, as the Patterns of Perfection are experienced through the Patterns of the New Earth, we are offered an opportunity to experience the Highest Wisdom of God, while we assist the Mighty Elohim to anchor and activate their Frequencies of the Ray of Light of the Temple through the Unitary Grid of Divine Love.

In essence, we are being given an opportunity through the Powerful Elohim to experience our full magnificence and Light as Solar Christ Light Beings in this Now and to activate the Elohim Light Flames so that all Visa can experience their Potential More Elevated as Sacred Flames of Transfiguration of Divine Love.

We are being invited to the Temple of the Elohim of the Rays of Light to be imbued with the frequencies of the rays and their qualities of each of the 12 Mighty Elohim, and to activate these Flames of Light within and around the Unitary Grid of Love Divine.

The Flames of Light experienced through the Powerful Elohim are manifested through:

Hercules and Amazonia ~ Dark Blue Flame ~ Activation of Power, Divine Will and Responsibility

Apollo and Lumina ~ Golden Yellow Flame ~ Wisdom, Illumination and Contemplation

Heros and Amora ~ Pink Flame ~ The Cohesion of Divine Love

Purity and Astrea ~ Light Blue Flame ~ Purification

Cyclopea and Virginia ~ White Flame ~ The perception of Truth and Justice

Peace and Aloha ~ Green Flame ~ The Power of Peace

Arcturus and Victoria ~ Violet-Purple Flame ~ Freedom in the Creative Expression of Self

Astriel and Aspira ~ Silver Flame ~ Divine Grace and a deeper understanding of our Service work

Regiel and Capella ~ Pink-Gold Flame ~ Divine Harmonization

Oriel and Divine ~ Silver-Gold Flame ~ Beyond the Abyss ~ Convergence of the Timelines

Persiel and Delfina ~ Flame Platina ~ Demonstration and Magnetization

Matriel and Vegela ~ Flame Diamantina ~ Activation of our Light Bodies and the Light Body of the I Am Collective Avatar

We will finalize this transmission with a focus on World Peace, linking with the many Legions of Light, Lightworkers, and Star Seeds activating the Flame of World Peace on September 21.


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