Aries: I arise and from the plane of the mind, Rijo

  • 2013

Planetary Network of Light

New York Note, on the occasion of the entry of the Sun in Aries - by Phillip Lindsay

Exaltation of the Sun in Aries

“The Sun represents here the life of the spirit, which is fully expressed as a result of the great evolutionary process initiated in Aries. The life of God, which in this sign is "impelled to activity", arrives in due course for its consummation. Latency becomes power and midnight merges at noon. God the Father rules. ”

The Sun is the symbol of life that first arises in Aries, the first impulse of the spirit manifesting itself in matter. The "life of God" is "brought to activity" by the ruler of Aries, Mars, and achieves "consummation" in the opposite sign, Libra, where Saturn is exalted.

Saturn in pound organizes in geometric forms the impulse of Aries in the mental plane, finally allowing a precipitation of the spirit towards matter. This is why The Tibetan called Libra the sign of "practicality."

Uranus is also potently involved in this pair of Aries-Libra opposites because he is the hierarchical ruler of Aries and soul ruler of Libra. Uranus rules the seventh ray of ceremonial order or magic, and is connected to the seventh plane, the physical.

Therefore Uranus, together with the exaltation of Saturn in Libra, helps to express those "ideas from the mind of God" in Aries. The seventh ray is the ray of geometry, assisting Saturn's creation of thought-forms and reminding us of the well-known saying of the great avatar Plato, "God Geometry."

God geometrizes through the seventh ray!

“Uranus personifies the energy of the seventh ray and its work is analogous to that of Mercury [ruler of the soul of Aries], because this ray relates spirit and matter and unites electric fire [spirit] and fire by friction [matter], bringing the manifestation. Uranus leads the soul to the burning earth during the final stages of the Path, when the fire of Aries and the fires generated by the power of Uranus produce the flaming heat of the last burning earth.

The initiate must finally pass through this burning land. Uranus rules the hidden Path and, in an esoteric sense, is linked to the Hierophant of the Mysteries of the Initiation. ”

The fire element is connected to the mental plane - through its fiery energy in its essence. Aries governs the head and brain that is the one who thinks, hence the indication "I arise and from the plane of the mind, I rule."

Every year, Aries gives us the opportunity to start from scratch, to evolve, to encourage fresh ideas to manifest, based on the experiences synthesized from the previous year. Hence the importance of tuning in with the cycle of the true new year that begins in Aries, not in Capricorn (January).

And yet the superior expression of Aries is connected to intuition or budi, which will eventually replace the mind. The fires of the mind will be replaced by ethereal intuition.

Jesus and the Fourth Initiation: What Humanity Can Be

As an occult student or as an aspirant to mysteries, it is important to understand the esoteric part of the Bible because:

1. It is what most of the West has grown and is familiar with.

2. Many people who think independently have rejected the Bible and its internal teachings because of the boring and lifeless way that "the church" has offered these teachings.

3. The life of Jesus is as important as that of any other outstanding initiate in any other religious tradition.

What does this passage mean? - “Uranus takes the soul to the burning earth during the final stages of the Path, when the fire of Aries and the fires generated by the power of Uranus produces the blazing heat of the end of the burning earth. Through this burning land, the initiate has to finally pass. ”

The "final stages of the Path" is a direct reference to the fourth initiation, that final goal for all humanity, where liberation is achieved. This initiation is also called "Renunciation" or "Crucifixion, " where the candidate renounces everything and sacrifices the soul on the cross of matter:

“The man who receives the fourth initiation, the Crucifixion, usually has a life of great sacrifice and suffering. It is the life of the man who makes the Great Renunciation, and that is still exoterically considered difficult, intense and painful. Everything leaves him, even his perfect personality, on the altar of sacrifice, and is stripped of everything. Renounce friends, money, reputation, character, position, family and even life itself.

The life of Jesus is an outstanding example of all that humanity can be opportunely in possession of an ambiguous kind love, wisdom and unwavering will. In the words of another great initiate, Saint Paul, a perfect male, tailored to the stature of the fullness of Christ.

Due to the nature of the evolution, the tests for initiation are increased in parallel with the development of consciousness. Fully acknowledging this fact, Jesus said,

Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also; I will grow old already, because I go to the Father.

The Padre is the monadic consciousness attained after the fourth initiation when the causal body of the soul is destroyed after eons serving as a mediating principle among the pure spirit and matter:

Then the disintegration or destruction occurs, the causal body vanishes like a flare of electric fire, and the true man or I is abstracted. do of the three bodies of the world.

The first ray of will and power is the main ray that passes through this first sign of the zodiac. Aries is a sign of new life, but it is also a sign of death, Aries fire burns and destroys everything that hinders the path. Pluto, co-regent of the first ray, is the Lord of Death and is activated in this sign. Thus the Sun nourishes, but burns and destroys and, combined with the first ray of Pluto and Uranus, produces the flame and heat of the final burning earth. Fire is an agent of purification and,

Through the lesser fire of the mind burn the jungles of experience extinguished by the flames; then the Path is revealed and nothing prevents the vision n .

Somehow, paradoxically, it is through this fiery purification that the mind is released and the ruler of the soul of Aries, Mercury, becomes the intuitive illuminating principle through s of life experience. In the light of the three rulers of Aries, Mercury is the mediating principle between the Uranian spirit and Martian matter.

It is this combination of factors that allows Aries to take a position and set the example, to be the idea in the manifestation. It is said that death by fire or burn in Aries releases the initiate to the Shamballa planetary center. Jesus certainly did his last posture after going through the entire range of purification and rigorous persecution tests; of being deceived or disappointed by those closest to him in Gethsemane; and being completely misunderstood, leading him to say, "Father, forgive them because they don't know what they are doing."

Aries is the "lamb of God", the "lamb slaughtered before the foundation of the world"; when Christ worked through his disciple Jesus, a great cosmic event that occurred not only on earth; It was at the end of the Age of Aries and at the beginning of the Age of Pisces. For the first time in the history of mankind, a thin thread of Shambala's strength was anchored on this planet:

“His main work [of Christ] - the revelation of the Path of Higher Evolution. This implies attracting the pristine divine will and relating the spiritual Hierarchy to the Great Council in Shamballa. Therefore, it will be evident that he was the first to carry out, stage after stage, the total revelation of humanity to the Hierarchy and from the Hierarchy to Shamballa. ”

Esoteric teachings were given to humanity because of their cry for more light. Most of us are mystics, we have an intuitive understanding of spiritual matters, without necessarily understanding how and why. The discipline of the path of esotericism or occultism gives us the how and why mixing the paths of the heart and the head. Hence we must learn to live in the world of meaning, reflecting external appearances and cultivating a regular meditation / reflection that remains linked to the source. We must learn through esoteric training to read between the lines or beyond them,

“The interpreters of the Gospel and the numerous disciples of the Christian dispensation did not peculiarly capture this revelation; They emphasized the death of personality when Christ went through the experience of the "great emptiness of darkness" and issued the hidden mantle aloud, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?", acknowledging with that simultaneously the difference that there was with His "mantle of glory" (symbolized in the distribution of His garment by the Roman soldiers), also calling attention to all future disciples and initiates on the disappearance of the "middle principle", the soul; He projected (in world consciousness) the recognition that must come from the relationship with the Father or the Monad. This great dissolution culminates for us at the time of the third initiation, when the Light of the monad annuls the light of the soul and the material atomic light of the triple personality.

But - and here lies the question - the recognition of this death and its effects, is only symbolically represented and recognized at the time of the fourth initiation, the Crucifixion. All the dissolutions, deaths, renunciations and minor disappearances, of which the inferior nature clings and in turn is clinging, act in relation to the habitual aspects of life of the form and of the conscious sensitivity and perception, and are simply preparatory and they symbolize the great final dissolution of the causal body, consummated in the Crucifixion. This leads to the resurrection, or elevation of the consciousness of the personality? Soul (duly fused and mixed) in the awareness of the monad, which is finally achieved and brought to the degree of solar perfection at the initiation of Ascension. "

Therefore, at each Easter festival, we can "direct our hearts to Jerusalem, " not the literal city, but the "place of peace" within the heart that is intimately connected to the path of the soul. We can resolve, assume a position, a New Year's resolution - practice "all minor dissolutions, renunciations and disappearances" that ultimately lead to liberation.

Most spiritually awake today are somehow between the first and second initiation, with only a handful that has reached the higher initiations. How many of us can really say that we have conquered desire in all its manifestations, qualifying ourselves for the second initiation?

It is this fifth individualistic Root Race and somehow proud that has been filled with excess manas or mind, many have lost the right sense of proportion when placed correctly on the path. This has resulted in a misuse of esoteric teachings and an over-stimulation of the next step that lies before you.

This is both a clear and very subtle problem, where the arrogance of the Western mind wants to be on the top of the mountain without going through the "difficult yards" on the minor slope. This has been mentioned in previous letters but it does not hurt to repeat because, as a developed race, we face a battery of illusions that beset us from a corner face - while we seek to balance the pairs of opposites in the mental plane. It takes a lot of discrimination and killing the ego to discover where one is on the Path.

It is enough to have to deal with the mirage on the astral plane and have the illusion on the mental plane, but that is where most of us find ourselves, dealing with kama-manas or desire-mind. The final transcendence of all those mirages and illusions leads us step by step to the triumph of each initiation.

Easter Resurrection and Ascension

The main message about Easter has nothing to do with the agony of the crucifixion or the blood sacrifice, it is better to use the term Renunciation. The real message is about the Resurrection:

The Christ also referred to the magnetic power of the will when he said: "I, if I am ascended, will attract all men to Me." This does not refer to the crucifixion, but to the magnetic will of Christ, to bring all men who live in the world of material values, through the immanent Christ in each heart, to the world of spiritual recognition. He was not referring to death but to life; neither to the Cross but to the resurrection.

In the past, the tonic of the Christian religion has been death symbolized by the death of Christ, greatly deformed by St. Paul in his effort to fuse the new religion that Christ established, with the ancient religion of the blood of the Jews. The goal of all religious teaching in the world during the cycle that Christ will inaugurate after His reappearance will be the resurrection of the spirit in the human race; the emphasis will be placed on the experience of the Christ nature in every human being and the use of the will to achieve this living transfiguration of the lower nature. ”

Technically, the "ascension" concerns the sixth initiation, after the fifth degree (resurrection) where the candidate becomes a Master of Wisdom. Jesus took the fifth initiation in his next incarnation as Apollonius of Tiana - ironically among the Romans!

The sixth grade is where the Master becomes Chohan or its equivalent, a custody of a particular lightning power line. The Christ, working through his disciple Jesus, took the sixth initiation while Jesus took the fourth degree - a very unique and powerful combination necessary for that auspicious moment in history.

In fact, Christ also took the seventh grade which is the level that the Buddha had achieved. Only a seventh grade initiate can understand the words of Christ on "Most abundant life." There is a group of these sixth and seventh grade initiates who operate as a group called the Nirmanakayas, mediating between the Masters of Wisdom and Shamballa - but that exploration is beyond this discussion!

The talk we hear about "ascension" in the new era circles (ascend now and avoid trouble!) Is touching these compressions with the tips of your fingers and generally concerns applicants who are working to move towards the first or second grades. Although these individuals have perceived a great truth, there is also a lot of mirage on this subject, especially those who are categorical in that this is their "last incarnation", "I am not going back, " "I am going to Arcturus" (LOL! ), "I have reached liberation." Hit me Scotty!

The final (sometimes humiliating) understanding of this non-insignificant group of individuals is that they will have many lives of trial and error before the time is really "right"; they must have earned their "wages" or "wages" to use hidden language.

However, we are all connected in all initiations, so when an individual in their group or community reaches the relatively rare and infrequent state of initiation, the awareness achieved by the candidate matures throughout the entire group, benefiting everyone from that way.

In the same way when a human has crossed the entire Earth experience and is transiting out of that whole sphere - like someone like Jesus when he took the fourth grade, the whole planet benefits: “I, if I am elevated to heaven, will take all men towards me. "

Note in the previous passage, "after His reappearance" that points to an important factor developing within the planet very soon:

"... in the immediate present, humanity has in its hands the destiny of the world and if it can be expressed like this, with all reverence? the immediate activity of the Christ. The agony of war and the anguish of everything, the human race led the Christ, in 1945, to make a great decision, manifested in two important statements. He announced to the spiritual Hierarchy and all its servants and disciples who live on earth, that he had decided to emerge again and establish physical contact with humanity if they carried out the initial stages for the establishment of correct human relations ... ”

This is a profound statement and implores the question: has humanity produced enough this "initial stage of correct human relations" in the last seventy years? There is no doubt that great advances have been made, more loving relationships, but has it been enough? Between now and 2025 - humanity will discover that the Christ may well reappear - "will come from the clouds" (by plane) and "all eyes will see" (on television) using a language that everyone will understand ...

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