Archangel Raphael “The future of healing”, May 20, 2016

  • 2016

Each of the people on Earth has the ability to receive and accept healing vibrations, either from another Human Being, from a Being of the Inner Planes, or from the Creator's Universe. Receiving healing is a Divine Right of all the Souls of the Earth or of the Inner Planes. It is also important that you realize that each person has the Divine Right and the natural ability to express healing energies from their Being, for themselves or for others. This means that each person can be healed and can be the healer. When you prove your Divine Right and your natural ability, you empower yourself. The Creator Universe is always delivering healing frequencies to you and through you; It is your choice if you only want to receive them to help you, or if you want to share them with others who need them.

Many people believe that to be healers they have to be guided or instructed on how to express healing energies. On Earth and in the Internal Planes there are many organizations that will support you in this matter; They offer deep understanding while encouraging you to take responsibility for your healing ability. They can focus your awareness on certain healing energies of the Creator Universe, which you can call to work with you. For some time, this has been the accepted route to become a Healer, however at this time of the Ascension many people, in their time and space, are becoming aware of their healing ability and the healing energies that their Soul wants enter. This is similar to the emergence of a memory or an activation of your Divine Law. The vibration of the Earth and of Humanity is accelerating significantly, causing many to remember its truth, its abilities and natural healing alignments.

If your natural healing ability is activating, you may experience heat or tingling in the hands, feet; even in the chest, in the forehead or in the crown. This can happen continuously or at certain times of the day. Remember that all parts of your body have the ability to express healing energy. You can feel that energy flows through your body like an electric current. Be certain that as you awaken your healing ability, your whole Being and your entire physical body open and expand. This can cause deep cleansing on many levels, increase sensitivity and intuitive sensations. Your natural healing capacity is not waking up from a past life or from a simultaneous life, it is waking up from your original energies, from the Truth and Essence of your Being: Your Soul, which is an expression of the Creator. Many people can remember the healing techniques they have used in other lives and may feel guided to share these gifts again. However, at this time of Ascension it is the healing ability of your Soul that is being activated and waking up; this could be expressed as a healing that you have used in many lives; It is the purest expression you have through your Soul. There can also be many healing vibrations that your Soul channels through you; each one will have a specific purpose and meaning for you; and also allows you to serve others.

Activation of the Healing Skill of your Soul

Whether you already recognize yourself as a healer or not, take time to sit peacefully in meditation, or surrounded by the beauty of nature.


"I AM a healer, I incorporate and express the healing abilities of my Soul."

Focus on your Soul Star Chakra above your head, inhaling and exhaling from this area. Allow the energy of your Soul and its healing abilities to become a Source of Light in these areas.

Then focus on your Earth Star Chakra under your feet; and breathe into this area until you feel the energy of your Soul accumulate.

Bring the attention of your mind to your Heart Chakra or to your Upper Heart Chakra ; and recognize the energy of your soul. Radiate this energy in all directions and allow yourself to be divinely inspired by your soul's guidance, regarding your healing ability.

Perhaps your Soul aligns you instantly with the healing frequency that it wants you to express, which may be an aspect of your Soul or a frequency of the Creator's Universe. Perhaps your Soul informs you how to express the healing energy, or perhaps simply pour the energy through your Being and invite you to observe. It is important that you realize that the more you practice this exercise, the more experience and understanding you will have. Then you can use the expression of energy to support your own healing process, while gaining access to a greater understanding of its influence on your Being, consequently assuming responsibility for the energy you express. The belief that you have the ability to heal easily and perfectly any situation in your reality will manifest.

Each person is a natural healer; and heals in a manner perfectly aligned with the Creator.

With the awakening of your soul's healing abilities, it may make you aware of certain energy frequencies that you want you to express; This is related to the energy change that is happening now on Earth. In numerous civilizations and areas of the Earth, people have been practicing and expressing various healing techniques. Frequencies and information concerning healing methods still remain in the territory where they were practiced. Now Mother Earth is sending her healing energies throughout her body, with the purpose of activating all the appropriate frequencies and healing methods that are anchored in the territories. Perhaps some of the healing frequencies have been lost or long forgotten. This is the opportunity for ancient and much-needed healing frequencies and understandings to return to the conscious knowledge of Humanity. Consequently, the knowledge of healing of Humanity, especially of healing of the physical body, will progress and develop immensely. This could cause a new understanding of the aid to the physical body with healing, to become a worldwide accepted current.

Mother Earth invites you to express the energy of your Soul to surround the Earth, with the intention of activating the frequencies of the appropriate healing methods, whose memory is required and that are an integral part of the Ascension process of all.

In meditation, you can be energetically drawn to a place on Earth to receive and accept the frequencies and healing methods you once used there. You can even be inspired to physically visit certain areas of the Earth, discover that you are becoming aware of a healing frequency in a place on Earth that you did not expect. It is important that you allow yourself to be open and receptive, knowing that you cannot press or stimulate the process; This will manifest with Divine opportunity and perfection.

Simply invoke my energies, those of the Angel Rafael, to surround you. Whether you visit a place energetically energetically, be certain that my Green Light will support you and guide you. While you are inside my Green Light bubble, simply allow yourself to be guided by your intuition, which will inform you of everything necessary and required.

The awakening of frequencies and ancient healing methods, which have been guarded inside Mother Earth, along with the disposition of your Soul to guide you in the realization of your natural healing abilities, mean an important change in the Consciousness of Humanity. Collectively, many are taking responsibility, remembering the truth, realizing the deceptive habits of Humanity; and wanting to return to a more pure alignment with the Truth of the Creator. If Humanity realized that it can receive healing and express healing from the Creator's Universe, this would promote a powerful change of perspective, for many would no longer seek outside themselves. to restore your physical, emotional and mental balance; and your health This will change daily experiences around the World. Empowerment, freedom and choice would be the key experiences that would greatly accelerate Ascension. Time is required for this to manifest, however it is a future towards which Humanity is advancing. A step is advanced whenever a person really allows himself to believe in his abilities to receive and express healing; and tune in with them. It is time you played your part in the development, belief and confidence in the magic of energy healing.

My healing energy is always with you, supporting you and loving you.

Alexander Raphael.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodr guez R. Energy and Spiritual Consultant

AUTHOR: Natalie Glasson


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