Archangel Gabriel: Honesty channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff

  • 2013


I would like to make an exhibition about the quality of Love called Honesty. This quality is of paramount importance in the relations between Humanity, because honesty in all things keeps the energy field and one's consciousness clean and clear; and also fosters other qualities of Love between individuals such as trust, loyalty, reverence and respect. When honesty is expressed among individuals, there is a knowledge that each person can be trusted to honor their agreements so that peace and harmony prevail. Sometimes, the expression of the truth of one person can bring to the other an awakening that there is more in that person's Being than he previously discerned and recognized; and this can lead to many discernments and the growth of consciousness in the other.

The quality of honesty is an energy that is felt by others in the heart. If there is dishonesty from one individual to another, he feels it easily and instinctively in his heart. The heart is the area that is now the most prominent focus for all Humanity. As Humanity advances towards the reality of the New Earth, this quality is absolutely essential so that as individuals you can move on to a higher dimensional state of being. It will become increasingly difficult to perpetuate dishonesty in any situation; and even the so-called `` white lies '' will be taken for the scrutiny of each individual, because in the higher dimensions everything appears easily and nothing remains hidden.

In the family environment, honesty fosters cooperation and goodwill between each and every family member to work together for the common good of all. This essential quality is the Essence that maintains good feelings, peace, harmony, joy, contentment, satisfaction and acceptance in the family unit. All individuals in this family unit are aware of everything that is happening; and each one shares their unique ability to bring their own flavor to the flow of loving energy in the family's home environment. Through honesty, there is a balanced and harmonious flow of giving and receiving in the family dynamics of mutual interrelations. Consequently, the energy of the home environment is maintained at a high level; and this in turn nourishes and sustains everyone in it.

In a personal relationship, this quality is crucial to the success and longevity of the union of hearts and Souls. Without this quality of honesty, there can be no strong basis on which the relationship can thrive. Each individual should have as a top priority the importance of the health of the relationship; and honesty will ensure that this society survives all the challenges that may arise in it or from the outside world. When each individual knows that the other person respects their commitment to the relationship; and he values ​​and sustains his integrity, and that he would never do anything that could bring fear and doubt to the relationship, then happiness prevails in the Home. The most important thing in the heart of each individual is the desire to give and receive Love without restrictions.

In all community businesses and endeavors, this quality brings a vibrant energy of strength and reliability to all projects undertaken. Much can be achieved when the flow of energy between all parties lacks further motives or egoic interest. As we continue to enter the reality of the New Earth, this will create many interesting and innovative ways for everyone to be served and for everyone to be equal in the Light. The Love inherent in this quality will produce more esteem in all individuals who practice the manifestation of honesty; and everyone will know that they are valued and appreciated.

Reflect on these words with open honesty of thought.

I AM Archangel Gabriel.

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff Honesty March 14, 2013

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

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