Archangel Gabriel ~ Gratitude Awareness.

  • 2011

Dear ones:

Gratitude is an attitude that can profoundly change your consciousness. When you live your life in thanksgiving, this can affect your being at a biological level, training your mind and body to live in a higher state of health and well-being.

The creation of new attitudes of thanksgiving in your life attracts new streams of energy full of light to bless all that is honored in this way. When a thanksgiving is said at any time, she confers divine energy full of light on both the person who sends her and the situation being blessed. In difficult times it might be difficult to find something to be grateful for, but despite this difficulty one way to create a positive change in your life is to give thanks for what you have now. You can give thanks in advance for what you want to create. This allows them to make a change in their consciousness so that they begin to attract a new and beneficial energy in their life.

When they find nothing else, they can give thanks simply for being alive to evolve. It is a gift to be in a human body, and your body is a miraculous instrument. Consider the fact that you have a heart within you that does not need any conscious assistance from you to continue beating. Remember that you don't have to tell your digestive system to do its job.

All these parts of the body function according to a wonderful Divine plan of perfection. When they focus their attention on these systems within their body, when they begin to give thanks for the incredible process that continues 24 hours a day inside their body, they will function at a higher level. Your focus with gratitude and blessings will bring more light and strength to your vital organs. To obtain extra energy, consider filling these organs with a healing color such as pink or green, which makes them shine of Divine Light. For fun you can also imagine a smile on a part of the body, such as your liver or your heart. This will not only bless your organs, but also your mind.

His body and science

Dr. Emoto in Japan proved that beautiful crystalline structures were created when words of peace and love were written in a glass filled with water. Imagine the effect that kind thoughts and words can have on your body, which contains a high percentage of water. Science has also proven that body cells can become healthier when one has positive thoughts and beliefs. The subconscious mind listens to all the words you say to yourself and interprets them as the truth.

Athletes have used creative visualization as a powerful medium in their respective sports. Studies have shown that the mind differed very little between the act of physical practice and the mental visualization of an athlete with a high level of training. It is extremely valuable to remember this and apply it to your own body. The act of thanking you for your wonderful, healthy, strong and flexible body can lead you to respond in positive ways, helping you create new and healthy cells. Your body contains a Divine pattern of perfection, which can be invoked to your present daily experience. Start with thanksgiving for your body right now, just as it is, adding ideas of what you would like to create inside.

When you thank your mind for its clarity and serenity, for a brain that works with balance and precision, and especially when you thank the Divine Light that continually empowers your thought processes, there is a positive response within you. Your gratitude will bless your mind and allow it to function at a higher level of vibration. These simple acts can not only change your mind, but can inspire your emotions to respond with delight. Imagine the idea of ​​delighting, and this thought that is sometimes a less familiar thought could boost a new level of inspiration in your being. Your imagination is an influential facultative medium, and can be used for good or for evil in your life.

Gratitude is the attitude that will take them to your heart

Consider the idea that your thoughts are like prayers reaching the life flow of the universe. When you use your thoughts consciously, you become sentences that change your perspective so you can see an overview of what is happening in your life. Prayers of gratitude are very powerful and stimulate an increased flow of spiritual energy in each situation. This force can create miraculous changes for good in your life. It might take some effort to find something to be grateful for when they feel sad or depressed, but the prayers can help create a beautiful change in their mind when they say them.

It is vitally important for your future to show compassion for yourself for the mistakes you made in learning about life, and to forgive the person you were in the past. Show appreciation for everything you have learned and everything you are. This act is a good start for a happy future full of peace. You can open new doors of tomorrow with your grateful thoughts of today.

No matter how you feel, you are never alone. You are here on Earth to remember your connection with the Spiritual Presence in your life. His destiny is to live a happy and abundant life and full satisfaction. To achieve this, it is necessary to get out of the challenges that life presents and enter the flow of the Love of God, which will bring you more creative solutions. There is a place you can always go to feel the power of Divine Love, and that place is in your heart. It doesn't matter if you don't see anything in your life to be thankful for, simply the act of giving thanks opens the door in your heart to allow Divine Love to enter.

Sometimes it seems difficult to pray or there are negative associations with organized religion since childhood. Perhaps some suggestions for thanksgiving prayers may be helpful. Here are some prayer possibilities that could help you raise your thoughts and connect your heart with the One Heart within all beings:

Divine Presence:

Thank you for the abundant beauty of nature that inspires me and offers many blessings to all who will receive. Thank you for helping me honor your creation in any way I can.

Thank you for this day. Help me to see the blessings in my life, and to learn the lessons that are presented to me to learn. Show me what I need to learn in order to grow and become a kinder and caring human being, and assume my responsibilities with grace and ease. Help me share the gifts you have given me in a way that adds more value to the world.

Thank you for my mind that is clear and expansive. Thank you for helping me open up to new ideas that can bring my life well. Thank you for my amazing body that is strong and flexible, and for the organs inside that work perfectly. Bless every cell and fbra of my being, so that it may be filled with your Divine Light.

Thank you for the forgiveness growing in my heart and the compassion within me for the person I am right now. Help me also to have compassion and understanding for others as they walk their own path in life.

Thank you for helping me to live my life in peace and harmony, and to be the radiant light of Divine Love in the world.

For these and all my blessings, I say: "Thank God."

May this time of thanksgiving fill your hearts with a new awakening to the Loving Presence within all beings and bless all areas of your life with pure gratitude.

So is. So be it. Amen.


Audio: .

Shanta Gabriel

for the Archangel Gabriel November 21, 2011

Traction: Gloria Mühlebach


Thanks Teresita !!

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