Archangel Ariel: Creating space for the New

  • 2014

December 9, 2014

Spend a lot of time with yourself this week. Allow this to be a time when you purify yourself with the healing practices you know, surrounded by them, clearing up excesses, creating a space for the new.
The full light of the full moon is shining in you; Whatever has been buried deep inside in dark corners, everything is coming to light now. As its light increases, the darkest is illuminated.
Sometimes what they have seen, what they have experienced in the dark, has made them tired, has frightened them; Deliver the fear. As long as they are in the Truth, there is only what it is, complete and complete!
You are never alone; create a silence to tune into the new, and thus your darkness will be illuminated one by one, your path will be visible, your natural talents will be noticed.
Everything they are looking for is inside; in its deepest parts as they reach their nature, as they allow to go that which keeps them away from their center, all their natural talents will be visible.
You continue to expand in the lap of abundance, in the infinity of your world; As they expand and progress, each being they touch will see their Light and begin the path to meet their own spirit.

As they let go of the old with gratitude, they understand their essence, notice their services, open their arms to the new energy that cleanses, envelops and transforms them, enjoy!
Love and light
Archangel Ariel

Message from Archangel Ariel for December 8 to 14, 2014

Channeler: Gulcin Onel (Mavinin Sesi) channeling / 208102 / archangel- ariel-message-8-14-december- 2014

translated by Gloria

Archangel Ariel: Creating space for the New

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