Induced learning by creating alpha waves in the shumman frequency range between 7.5 and 13 Hertz, by Isaac Rodriguez Mesa for StarViewerTeam

  • 2011

Researchers at the University of Michigan conducted various studies to prove the beneficial effects of interacting with nature (Berman, Jonides & Kaplan, 2008; PDF) - and the results showed that people improved a lot on memory tests, almost 20 percent. One hundred, after taking a walk through a natural environment, while people who walked through streets and buildings, did not improve anything ... also found that looking at images of natural landscapes also improved our memory, although to a lesser extent than taking a walk through the nature ...

The contact with nature leads us to calm, to harmony, it is also related to well-being, because natural spaces increase our potential for health and good character as well as our learning capacity increases considerably improving cognitive functioning, in addition to further enhance self-discipline and impulse control. On the contrary, those people who do not live with nature tend to suffer attention deficit and symptoms of hyperactivity, anxiety disorders and depression.

But in today's world we are in a continuous state of vigilance, if we walk down the street we have to constantly watch for any car to run over us, avoiding thousands of dangers, if we are conducting a business we have to be vigilant, the situation is such that finally when we get home, we see on TV an action, violence, tension movie which adds to the already accumulated tension.
The end result is an explosion, stress and accumulated anxiety, which not even sleep can appease because even for many every night it becomes a terrifying nightmare because they can't sleep well.

It is not surprising that Grandmasters from Plato to Aristotle took advantage of the benefits of contact with nature to teach their students and induce them in contact with nature and the Schumman frequency of this that relates to the frequency of the Alpha waves of the mind human in the range of 7.5 to 13 herz.

In this frequency the human being is in a state of relaxation and tranquility and his aptitude towards learning and his ability to assimilate concepts increases greatly and that is that the brain is the most powerful of computers and can be stimulated by different means, and carried on alpha, beta, theta, and delta waves.





10-50 micro volts
0.2 to 3.5 HzHypnotic state, right cerebral hemisphere in full activity, deep sleep, meditation
50-100 micro volts
3.5 to 7.5 HzVigil state, balance between the left and right hemispheres, fullness, harmony,
100-150 micro volts
7.5 to 13 HzRelaxation, tranquility, creativity beginning of full activity of the left hemisphere and disconnection of the right hemisphere.
150-200 micro volts
13 to 28 HzState of maximum alertness, vigilance, fear, is the normal situation when we are awake, driving, or working where we are alert, anxious.
+200 micro volts
+ 28 Hzstate of stress and confusion.


BETHA WAVES: Originate an electromagnetic field with a frequency between 13 and 30 Hz (vibrations per second). They are registered when the person is awake and in full mental activity. The senses are turned outward, so that irritation, restlessness and sudden fears can accompany this state.

ALPHA WAVES: They have a frequency of 8 –12 Hz and are associated with states of relaxation. They are registered especially moments before falling asleep. Its characteristic effects are: pleasant relaxation, calm and carefree thoughts, optimism and a feeling of integration of body and mind.

THETA WAVES: With a frequency of 4-7 hz., They occur during sleep (or in deep meditation, autogenous training, yoga ...), while the subconscious formations act. The characteristics of this state are: plastic memory, greater capacity for learning, fantasy, imagination and creative inspiration.

DELTA WAVES: With a frequency of 1-3 Hz, they arise mainly in deep sleep and very rarely can be experienced while awake. Their corresponding psychic states are sleepless sleep, trance and deep hypnosis. Delta waves are of great importance in healing processes and in strengthening the immune system.

Modification of Betha waves in Alpha waves.

The activity of the sensory organs, translates into an electrical stimulus that reaches the brain to specific areas of its cortex. There, each neuron responds with voltage between 1 and 5 micro volts to the stimuli that arrive. The global set of neurons produces an electrical noise with a potential of up to 500 micro volts.

Nowadays, taking our students to learn nature to take them to a mental state of relaxation to induce them to an alpha state of frequencies between 7.5 and 13 Hz becomes especially difficult in large cities.

But we can create the effects that nature produces in the individual artificially inducing it to a state of alpha wave production.

When we take the individual to a state of vibrational frequency between 7.5 and 13 hz this is in a position of assimilation of maximum learning.

If we add to this induced state the external isolation and the reproduction of data and information in a visual and auditory way we could take advantage of the maximum learning potential of an individual.

Today we already have this technology, the elements to put these foundations into practice are simple and simple to manufacture and produce.

Recent research shows:

-The brain grows because of the stimulus, either natural or artificial
-The stimulus translates into an electric vibration of characteristic frequency
-It is possible to artificially stimulate the brain using machines
-The brain is left dragged along the stimulus, resonating with frequency equal to that of this
-The states of the mind have characteristic electric vibration frequencies
-It is possible to reproduce the mental states, directly or indirectly stimulating the brain, with the wave frequency associated with that state.
-The above led to a revolution in the field of applications of this technique, since it can interact directly with the inner part of the individual, without invasion of their body chemistry, producing dramatic effects at the level of:

1.Increments of the Intellectual Quotient
2. Anxiety suppression, depression and phobias
3. Termination of addictions
4. Learning and Super Learning.

5. Higher peak performance in mental, physical and highly competitive activities
6.Stimulation of creativity.

Isaac Rodriguez Mesa for (StarViewerTeam International 2011). 13-hertz /

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