Let's learn to connect to the beautiful GAIA: The Noosphere

Looking at the Regeneration of Planet Earth

It is not scientific to accept the concept of the biosphere, and reject that of the noosphere. The noosphere is as much part of the Earth, as any other sphere, such as the hydrosphere. In fact, by virtue of being the cause of most ecological afflictions, and the seat of any ecological action, the noosphere should be, from the point of view of the environmentalist, the most crucial layer. His health and his protection from the perversity of man would be one of his concerns. Because, obviously, noospheric pollution is the source of all pollution. PR Masani, The Ecology of the Noosphere (1995)

When it is said that "noospheric pollution is the source of all pollution, " we are talking about the role of the human thought layer, in the whole system scheme of planetary design. This design constitutes an evolutionary dynamic. By bringing the noosphere to the discussion of the biospheric crisis, we are recognizing that, unless we put our minds to think about the meaning and nature of the noosphere, we will not solve the biospheric crisis. First of all, this means recognizing the impact of the human thought layer on all biogeochemical cycles - evolutionary and dynamic - of the Earth system.

“CONCERN. CONCERN A LOT. ”The cover story of Time magazine on April 3, 2006, with a special report on global warming, cries out for your attention:“ Climate change is not a vague future problem; It is already damaging the planet, at an alarming rate. Here is how it affects you, your children, and your children too. ”

By the way, in which Time launches this article, you might think that climate change was the villain, thereby diverting attention from the idea, that global warming could be a function of noospheric pollution. The damage, which emanates from the human depletion of resources, and the consequent emission of greenhouse gases, had not occurred, if the human thought layer - like the noosphere - had not first developed the concepts of machine technology and consumption of fossil fuel or atomic energy, required to operate this vast complex, the technosphere. We must understand that the distinguishing feature of the human element, in the biosphere, is the ability to simultaneously evolve, and then participate in the planet's thought layer, the noosphere.

Without understanding the meaning and evolutionary purpose of the noosphere, such as the self-reflective mind or the mental layer of the planet, we will not truly understand the types of solutions necessary to re-establish a viable future for the planet. As PR Masani indicates, so far, “the ecological movement has fallen short, being the stumbling block, the disdain towards the noosphere.” This is very relevant. Just as most humans are barely aware, of being a functional - or dysfunctional - member of the biosphere, very few are aware of being participating in a collective mental field, called the noosphere.

The noosphere is the mental field, which we take for granted, as the common psychological environment for all. This mental environment, unconsciously inclusive, is loaded with assumptions, and, depending on what part of the world you might find yourself in, it can be full of blatant contradictions. The mental assumptions of a farmer from Iowa can be very different, from those of a farmer from the interior provinces of China, and much more, from one from Iran. However, no matter where we are, we generally assume that what we suppose, anyone else does too, and that if someone assumes, differently, it is he who is wrong, and not us. This is the unconsciousness of the noosphere.

When considering the Earth, as a whole system, we must assume, now, the responsibility for the thoughts, that we create and that load the mental field or thinking layer of the Earth, with the real causes of everything that afflicts us and the planet. Not only must we take responsibility, for our own thoughts, but we must realize the relativity of our thinking and our assumptions, in relation to the thinking and assumptions of all others - and perhaps, rethink our entire program. If we could see the thinking layer of our entire species, as a sphere covering the entire planet, we would see it, as a defective patchwork fabric, divided politically, religiously and ideologically, morally obtuse, saturated by the effects of profit-generating greed- and everything, less unified. It is the game of wildly inconsistent and incoherent forces, within this thinking layer, the noosphere, which perpetuates and drives political, religious, nationalist and corporate decision making, which make up the everyday world. Until we become truly aware of it, it will remain out of control and continue to ravage the biosphere.

It is not simply the disdain of ecologists for the noosphere, the stumbling block, for the solution of the world problem, but the reluctance of scientists, in general, to admit that human thought and its subsequent activities, in the biosphere, could have a effect - such as global warming. This is due to the fact that most scientists are reluctant to really investigate and appropriate what is in their own minds. If the human industry - the disruptive and destructive needs of the technosphere - is the root of the environmental problem, then the root of the human industry is in the human mind. The dolphins did not invent the clock; The man did it. And the clock came from the human mind. When man invented the clock, and made it an inextricable part of the noosphere, he opened Pandora's box of mechanization and monetary policy, which quickly transformed him, his mind and his world, making him the dominant predator of the planet, ruthlessly plundering the Earth, for what their machines demand.

The irradiation of man is the hominization of the Earth. When radiating technologically, all over the planet, homo sapiens has inadvertently brought the noosphere to its manifestation, but rather, it has extended it as an unconscious and twilight mental zone that covers the entire world. The human noosphere has had, on the planet, an impact, which is geological, by nature, causing widespread extinctions of species and an unprecedented climate change, not to mention the depletion of vital resources, such as rainforest, oil, plankton, and coral reefs.

It is the impact, worldwide, of human thought, and its transformation into machine technology, that has made the noosphere a planetary phenomenon, although unconscious. Now, this noosphere is in the process of becoming conscious. As, more slowly, more humans become convinced of the fact that our thinking is what is at the root of the destruction of the world, the noosphere becomes much more It's close, to become aware. But, first, it must go through an intermediate phase: the cybersphere. Like the exteriorization of the noosphere in an electronic network, the cybersphere is the virtual nervous system of the planet.

The exteriorization of the noosphere the planetary layer of thought began first, with the print media. Then, through the telegraph, the telephone, the radio, the television, the computer, the fax, the PC, the cellular telephone and the Internet, the homo sapiens exterioriz the layer of thought in the cybersphere, turning it into the virtual noosphere. But, the artificial extension of the layer of thought, still allows man to avoid realizing, that he is dealing only with his own mental manipulations, ingenious projections, which simulate, to a hypervelocity of gigabytes, mechanisms and processes. not yet recognized, from his own mind. And what, if man turned his attention to the mind itself, as a self-reflective collective medium, the noosphere, and taking off the glamor of its ingenious inventions, turned inward, to see the ra De z of his inventiveness, in himself? And what, if in dealing with the biospheric crisis, the human recognized that, in fact, he is dealing with a noospheric emergency an emergency, not only in the sense of something, which needs immediate attention, but also, in the sense of something, imminently emerging the noosphere, becoming self-aware?

It is not so much that the biosphere is in crisis, as it is the noosphere, which has a nervous breakdown - a good sign that it is about to grow.

Excerpt from the Paper at the Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights Presented by the Galactic Research Institute - Foundation for the Law of Time

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