Opening of the Heart by Melkisedec

  • 2010

I am Melkisedek, and this is my message:

To make things easier for you, today is a turning point, as you know on the past day 12, a new symmetry related to the opening of consciousness was opened of the heart; and in this very deep case, that is why some of you in the background felt an unusual joy or feeling of freedom, despite the large number of changes that happen around you.

This new portal or symmetry on 12221, is the opening of the consciousness of joy. Without joy, it is not possible to complete the proper functioning of the chakras and their balanced hormonal function, that is why you are all a bit like children without knowing very well why. In the next few days, you will understand, as long as the energies are being renewed, it is not an act of selfishness, to separate more and more from those who are victims, and dependent, it is not very different from moving away from the one who suffers, since the one who suffers if he wants a solution, those who live under the awareness of victimhood, only want to stop time and be seen, and as we all know the Time has its own life and flows as long as we want or decree, but it never stops.

This new exercise, is very simple to do and will allow you to open the awareness of joy, from the root farm, so that it wakes up the other farms by pollution: We will visualize the core of Gaia, like a large crystal that emanates light, a beautiful Green crystal, between turquoise and emerald, to help us heal the judgments issued and received in our day to day.

We will breathe several times from 3 to 6, to be correct, depending on what each one needs, and we will feel how this bluish green light rises through the earth's crust to our legs and fills each and every one of our cells, then it will reach our root chakra, there it will begin to turn, on itself creating a spiral inward, from the width to an assumed center, when said spiral has several turns we will see how it unfolds, as if from each curve of light two will separate they go the same route; with a point in common, which is the center of the spiral, it is there that the second path, of the spiral as if it were a double helix; begins to release, everything that prevents us from being free, can be from black smoke to scenes of the past chains etc, everything that blocks our roots in full confidence with Gaia.

It may take a few days this afternoon, until it comes out in full bluish green light, clear as the incoming one, when this happens the same spiral will continue in ascending upwards, and thus one by one in the 7 physical chakras. When all have been completed, with the necessary time for each one, then they will receive the sensation that this spiral expands throughout their body and their electromagnetic field called aura, will it be then, when they can call their inner child, what?

In a very simple way, they take a deep breath and decree, that they want to talk with their inner child, with their first and last names, and there the real work begins, since they have to talk with him / her, to help them balance their life so that you will be happier every time, think that it is you who are responsible for maintaining the joy of living, and it is not external, it will depend on your capacity for acceptance of the other and your capacity for creativity.

Which resides in your inner child, she will be in charge of taking command in everyday life, if he / she is cheerful or happy, there will be no lack of income, love, synchronies, etc., only when they forget it does the blockage arise external, your solar angel or your higher self possesses the necessary information to understand and lead your life, but who will help you to materialize it, will be your inner child, she is vitality and matter and is in constant communion with Gaia, the I am superior, it is the universe and its traveling companion, both are its roots and its conscience, trust your words, since there is no mind that can manipulate them, it is time to forget past grudges and tiredness, the time to be reborn, Thank you all for your help, we trust you to call us if you need us,

And remember that the ascension of Gaia, continues its path, but personal ascension, is unique and non-transferable, there will not be two equal processes, and they are not spectacular, they are a personal awareness, of decisions, of their beauty as souls, of their abilities, to live in contrast to survival, and to lead an ordinary life full and full of harmony, and there are no more Messiahs, there is only the voice of the heart, thanks again brothers.


Channeled by Elsa Farrus Rusiñol

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