Master and servant, by Master Beinsá Dunó

  • 2014

Lesson given by Master Beinsá Dunó to the Common Occult Class,

on July 10, 1929, in Musala.


This is what I am going to talk about in Musala, nowhere else can you say. So, for each thing a special environment, special conditions are required. For example, in a non-plowed field wheat cannot be sown. In an empty pot a flower cannot be sown. A violin without strings cannot be played. You can't drink from an empty bottle. A poet without a pen cannot write. Without eyes man cannot see; without ears he cannot hear; without tongue he cannot speak; without hands he cannot work; Without legs you can't walk.

Now, when you observe the drops of water in the air, you see that although heavier than this, they remain in the air, without falling down. - Who holds them in the air? - A specific force. This shows that the impossible for air is possible for this force. By itself the air cannot hold the raindrops at this height. Therefore, the impossible for man is possible for God. Although man is heavier than the environment in which he lives, the Divine can lift him into the air, in the world of elevated thinking. Hold in your mind the thought that this force that supports the world is omnifuerte. She is omnifuerte because she is omnirazonable. She is omnirazonable because she is omniamorosa, she manifests herself for the sole cause that she is omniverdadera. For this force there is nothing impossible. She can recreate and reorganize the world as she wishes. Man, however, can only imitate this force, but in no way carries this great initiative and power in himself. This does not mean that man does not have to manifest. He has to manifest, but without fear. He who fears, he soon becomes impoverished. He who fears, for him life loses its beauty and meaning. Man must free himself from the animal fear within himself, and remain alone with the sacred fear of which it is said that the beginning of wisdom in man is dependent on his fear for the Lord.

Now, hold in your mind the thought that everything that happens in the world, in whatever form, and however contradictory it may be, is allowed for Nature to manifest itself with all its reasonable forces and laws. That if man understands everything, this is another matter. For Nature this is necessary. As you know this, be careful not to enter into contradiction with Nature and its reasonable laws. She is man's only friend and teacher. She is his mother, his father. Should you then confront her? If you confront Nature, you confront your best friend. - But why do we suffer? - If your sufferings are given to you by Nature, they represent for you a great blessing. If you produce them alone, the question is another. These are unnecessary sufferings, and all unnecessary sufferings should be avoided. Therefore, each backpack that the man only puts on his back, you can remove it whenever you want. Of this backpack he is master. However, a backpack placed by Nature is sacred. It cannot be removed and put on man's desire. In this regard, the man is a servant. If they put it on her back once, he will carry it until they remove it from him. As much as you sweat and groan under the weight of this backpack, you will shut up, you will wait for the moment when Nature comes to you. She will untie the straps alone, remove your backpack, put it on the ground and tell you to go to the bathroom, to dress in new clothes and to appear in front of her, to say what you have learned. Do not ask why Nature has put a backpack on your back, but say: This is a work of God. - Because I am sick? - This is a work of God. - Because I'm poor? - This is a work of God. - Why am I rich? - This is a work of God. - Why am I ignorant? - And this is a work of God. If everything is from God, this is in place. If it's from people, it's not in place. There is knowledge and ignorance that are caused by man. This knowledge and ignorance can create great misfortunes to man. If you come to the knowledge that comes from God, keep it sacredly within. If you become ignorant, save it. - But I'm empty, I don't have anything in my head. - It is preferable that your pitcher is temporarily empty, but pure, that it is full of impure, cloudy water. A day will come when your empty pitcher will be filled with Divine content. If it is filled with an impure liquid, Divine knowledge will come to you, but when it finds no place to infuse it, it will pass and leave without giving you something.

What is the difference between the human and the Divine? The human is always before impossibilities. When man becomes seriously ill, his temperature gradually increases by 37 degrees and reaches up to 41 degrees. All doctors say that the situation is serious, and the patient can not stand. At the moment when they wait for the end of the patient, their temperature decreases and gradually falls to normal. Here the Divine acts. Where the human ends, there the Divine begins to manifest. Where the Divine ends, there the human manifests. If he stops trusting God, man finds himself under the influence of the human. Where the human works, there is always a bad ending. In the human, the beginning is good, the end is bad. In the Divine it is exactly the opposite: the beginning is bad, the end is good. The Divine puts a heavy backpack on the man's back, he suffers, he groans, he thinks that his burden is not by his forces. He does not suspect that his backpack is filled with snow. At the moment when he is discouraged, the Sun begins to shine brightly and the snow in his backpack melts. What has happened so that his blow load is lightened, and he doesn't know. The one who discourages man, he encourages him. When man falls into his heaviest state, the Divine in him reassures him, encourages him, tells him that his work will be arranged. Where and how the work is going to be fixed, the man does not know. He is alone in the forest, he has confused his path, he sees no way out. But what happens? Suddenly help comes. Until he waits for people, man always ends with disappointment. If he confesses to God, he will receive help and even in the heaviest situations with no way out. If you want your works to go well, put the Divine as the basis of your life, and the human as the complement. If you do the opposite, putting the human as a basis and the Divine as a complement, your works not only that they are not going to be fixed, but that they will be confused even more.

What does it mean that man gave the first place to the Divine within himself? This means that you stop your attention and on the smallest measures in which God lives. You see how the scientist spends decades of years to explore the life of microbes. However, if any pastor asks this scientist to stop him to speak to him, the scientist will deny on the pretext that a serious job awaits him, what will he give? a conference on some important scientific issue. This scientist does not suspect that if he stops to talk a little with the pastor, his conference will be better than if he refuses. Simple is the pastor, but his desire to speak with a scientific man is Divine. This pastor has a long life experience. He is similar to a source that constantly sprouts. The water in him does not dry out, but constantly springs and waters what he finds in his way. All pastors are not sources, but you must know the good shepherd who carries the Divine within himself. One is this pastor, but you must know him among the many and respond to his desire to speak with you. As you know this, always be ready to stop before the Divine. When I invite you to talk with him, do not ignore Him. In any external form that represents you, in the form of a scientist or a simple, of a child of an adult, pay some attention.

As disciples you must be careful towards the Divine in each man, and respect him as you respect yourselves. If you do not pay the necessary attention, you will find yourself in the position of that young princess, who because of her bad behavior with her servants, was wet every night with a bucket of water cold for a person unknown to her. The young princess was also married to a prince, a good, reasonable man, who behaved with her carefully, kindly. The princess was hardworking, neat, but very nervous. For the smallest non-fulfillment of something by her servants, she went to the south. It was not a day that he would not hit his servants. When the prince returned from work, his wife received him with complaints that his servants did not listen to her, that they did not do their job well. The prince listened without saying a word about his complaints. On the other hand, he frequently observed his behavior towards servants, but never said anything. The princess had a habit of going out at night to walk in the garden, to rest from work and daytime worries. Her husband knew this and decided to educate her. He dressed, camouflaged himself and went to the garden where his wife went to pour water. He carried a bucket of cold water with him and at the moment when his wife passed by him, he quickly poured cold water and hid somewhere in the trees. Dissatisfied and offended by the act of the stranger, she immediately returned home and told the prince of the event. He listened carefully, took part in his offense, but did nothing to defend her from the unknown man. This happened several nights in a row. The princess was returning from her walk increasingly angry and unhappy. When she complained to her husband, he said: "Think a little, it will not be that any of the servants have bribed the stranger to take revenge instead of them." She began to think about this and decided within herself to change her behavior towards servants. When he stopped hitting them, the stranger disappeared from the garden. From here we can draw the following conclusion: when man straightens his mistakes towards the First Cause of things, towards the Divine within himself, along with this they improve and their external conditions. Then, between the external and the internal life of man there is a certain dependence.

Often people suffer from many desires. Since they cannot realize them, they look for the cause outside somewhere, as a result of which they become nervous, irritable. The many desires of man represent wheat that he wants to knead, make a bread from it and cook it. He has wheat, but water is not available. What it has to do? If you take the wheat out, the wind will take it away. Until you find water that solders the wheat particles, all your wishes remain unrealized. Then, for the realization of each desire or of each thought two elements are necessary. When man reflects on a given issue, again two elements are necessary. If you want to knead bread, you will know what neither wheat without water can, nor water without wheat. Christ says: "I am the living bread that has come down from Heaven" (John 6:51 - ndt) . This means: every feeling, every thought and every act can be realized, transformed into bread, if there are at least two elements. When talking about bread many take into account the physical bread and consider that this is a baker's job. - No, every man must know how to knead bread. If he can only make himself bread, he has solved an important issue in life. May the idea of ​​living bread remain in your mind, which if you eat, you will live forever. To get to the idea of ​​living bread, man must start with physical bread. This bread requires pure water, pure, fresh wheat, received from wheat that has grown and matured under the rays of Love.

Today all religious and spiritual people recommend faith. There is no reason to speak to people of faith. In reality, there is no man in the world who does not believe, as there is no man who cannot knead bread. Faith is a food for the soul, like bread - for the body. - Who can knead a prettier bread: the mistress or the servant? - The servant. The mistress supplies the material for the preparation of the bread, and the servant kneads this material and makes it bread. The mistress represents the idealistic life of man, from where ideas descend. The servant, then, represents the man who can realize the ideas. He only kneads them and makes these bread. The discontent of the mistress is caused by the servant. - Why? - Since she thinks she is a lover, she requires that she be given the honor and the necessary respect. When she doesn't receive this, she starts to get angry, she becomes dissatisfied with her position. Why should the servant take the position of the mistress? Better servant and servant than man himself does not exist. The present world is full of masters, but not and servants. In the past the masters were all servants and servants. The only master in the world is God. Therefore, man is in deception while thinking that he is master in the world. This master wants to order people, and with this he thinks he has fulfilled his predestination on Earth. He wants to order his fellowmen, so also masters like him. However, it is impossible for one master to order another master. If he can't order the man feels unhappy and says: Why does nobody listen to me? - Because you are not a master by calling, but you have only proclaimed yourself as such, like Don Quixote who constantly wars in the name of his Dulcinea, and the Sancho Panza who wants to take a high position.

And so, as he has come to Earth, man must serve, become a servant, know himself. And Christ came to serve. He says: "I did not come to be served but to serve" (Mark 10:45 - ndt) . He understood his predestination. When they wanted to make him king, He refused. Christ knew that His Kingdom is not of this world. Contemporary men still do not raise awareness of their predestination, and when they face some suffering, they murmur, they do not want to suffer. With whoever you meet you will hear him say: “Is it that they should always give me these sufferings? Do I always have to suffer? ”- Who else will suffer if not the servant? Suffering is for the servant, and joy and joy - for the master. It is a law: if the master is happy, and the servant will be happy. If the servant makes his master unhappy, along with him and he will be unhappy. There is no better position for the man than this, when deep in his soul he becomes aware that he is a servant who has come to Earth to do something and for the rest, and not only for himself. Many men are unhappy, since they cannot serve and even their master. As he has come to Earth, man must recognize his master within himself, to serve Him with love. Anything that orders him, that fulfills it and that says: "Let Your will be done!" If your master tells you that today you should eat only bread, fulfill his order, without asking why. When the master sees that the servant is ready to do everything for him, and he will respond with the same.

Why don't people achieve success in their life? - Because servants torture masters. The inferior tortures the superior in man. Ordinary ideas are imposed on the magnifices, in consequence of which man goes through great sufferings. What does the Divine do then? He throws a bucket of cold water on the man. The sufferings that man lives on Earth are nothing else, except spilling cold water. What does man have to do to free himself from suffering? He must fulfill his great predestination - serving God. Magna is this predestination, because when he serves he will know himself and his neighbors, serve and help them with love. People fear the word "servant, " since they take into account servants who work for money and without love, without awareness of their office. We speak of service for love, as the prophets and apostles have served. The word "service" is a sacred vocation. After you have served God well, only then can you call yourself a Son of God. As long as you have not been a servant, you cannot be a son. Only the son knows how to serve his father. The best servant of a father, this is his son. If the son cannot serve his father, he cannot be his son. And the angels are servants of God. You will say that on Earth the vocation of “servant” is despised. On Earth it is like that, but not and in Heaven. The despised things on Earth are honored in Heaven. Men have distorted the "servant" concept, and still want to be happy. To be happy, before all man must have been servant. Only in service does man know himself. True life is expressed in service.

The first position that man must take is to become a servant and raise awareness of his work, to fulfill it with love. - Why does life have no meaning? - Because you have not yet become a servant. - I suffer a lot! - Servant you have not become. - You are still master. Become a servant, fulfill your obligations consciously and your sufferings will disappear. - I can not study. - Servant you have not become. If you are aware that you can and should serve, all your work will be arranged. In whatever position you put the servant, he is able to solve all difficulties. - When is that so? - When the servant has the disposition of his master. To such a servant, and the stones, and the water, and the wind, and the plants, and the animals are in his favor. This servant lives in the Divine consciousness. For people who do not live in Divine consciousness, stones remain stones. For the conscious people these stones are great sleeping spirits. Christ says: "If people shut up in preaching the Word of God, these stones will be quickened and begin to speak." Under the word "stones" Christ over-understood the inner consciousness in man which still sleeps. If the man stops talking on the outside, inside he will start talking. That you are a servant in the right sense of the word, this means that you know God as goodness, that you know Him as omnifuerte, omnisabio, long patient. And then, with whatever master you fall, you will not fear, but you will say within yourself: " The Lord is good ." If you get sick, say, " Good is the Lord ." If you lose your strength, say: " God is omnifuerte, and I want to be strong ." If you lose your knowledge, your reasonableness, say: " God is omnisabious, I want to be wise ." God applies goodness, and man - mercy. God is omnifuerte, omnisabio, long patient, and man must be strong, wise, patient.

As disciples, you must have a clear picture about God, that you know Him. You will know him only when you serve Him. In this position, your conscience will wake up every day. If you do not serve for love, you will cry, suffer, murmur against your destiny, as all unconscious servants do. What do the masters do with such servants? They hit them. There is no man in the world who has not been struck. In order not to get hit, he must love his master and serve him with love. Not only have servants been beaten, but many women have been beaten by their husbands, and many husbands by their wives. A woman who loves her husband cannot be stuck. A man who loves his wife cannot be stuck. Where love is, there zurra can not be.

A pastor married a young, beautiful and reasonable pastor. Since he loved her, he made deal with ten maidservants to serve her and for her to only order them. When the pastor went to work, his beloved stayed at home to order his chores. She called her maidservants and told them: When you see that the master returns from work, you first will receive him, you will kiss his hand, you will say a few good words and you will wash your feet. She only told them with what words they would receive their master. Every day she said different words. She last hugged him, kissed him and said a few kind words.

For many this example is strange, irrelevant in life. Each woman would say: How is it possible that she leaves the servant who first receives her master? I do not allow this! Thus, every woman who does not understand the deep meaning of the word servant or servant . The servant is the son in the home, and the servant the daughter. Therefore, the daughter should receive her father, kiss her hand, introduce him inside and offer to wash her feet. Then he will appear, he loves her, his beloved. The inferior will kiss the hand of the superior, wash their feet and introduce it into the home, where everyone awaits. The superior will extend his hands and bless the inferior. The upper legs, this is bread, the good in life. If you understand relationships with each other, as right relationships between masters and servants, you will make sense of your life.

As disciples you have come to Earth to study and serve. Two instruments are given to man to perform his service well. These are the mind and the heart. These are the best instruments with which man can fulfill his predestination on Earth. Therefore, on Earth man will be a servant, and in Heaven Son of God. That you are a Son of God, this means that you are created in the image and likeness of God, that is, that you be similar to God by force, by reasonableness, by love and by truth. God is omnifuerte, omnirazonable, omniamoroso, omniverdadero. Omniforce rests on reasonableness; omnirazonability over love; the omniamor - about the truth. Said in a scientific language: force is directed by reasonableness; reasonableness - for love; and love - for the truth. In other words: force aide is reasonableness; Helper of reasonableness is love; Love helper is the truth. Therefore, strong is only the reasonable man; wise is he who carries love within himself; Loving is he who carries the truth within himself. It is said in Scripture: "You love the truth in man." And man can love only the one who carries the truth within himself. On the day he understands that this man does not carry the truth, he closes for him. Love visits only the man of truth. If it is convinced that the truth is absent from it, he abandons it.

Love does not pay attention to the external appearance of man. He looks at what man hides inside himself. He is interested in the inner garment of man, and not in the outer garment. It is impossible for a man to love you on the outside, if before this he has not loved you inside. Man can be loved until then, until some luminous being lives in him. When the luminous being leaves him, simultaneously with this all those who have loved him leave him. While some luminous being lives in you, all people love you and say that you are an ideal man. If this being abandons you, people say that you are a simple man, an empty head, etc.

Great thing is for the man who is visited by some angel! And the angel is glad when they send him to Earth to visit some man. This day for man is called "love day". During this day all the windows of his soul are open, everywhere it is bright. Idea has this man. He knows why he lives. His life is full of joy and joy. Whatever work he starts, wherever he goes, he is happy with everything. For this day exactly David says: "Lord, do not take Your Holy Spirit from me!" (Psalm 51:11 - ndt). On the same day the Apostle Paul expresses himself in the following sense: “I consider everything as garbage, only to know You the Only True God” (Philippians 3: 8 - ndt) .

And so, if you want to acquire love, live on the "day of love", become servants of God or servants of God. Little thing is required of man to be a servant of God: pure look, beautiful gesture, kind word. It is not necessary to speak much to man to satisfy him. Sometimes a hundred sweet words are not worth as much as a sweet word, a pure look or a noble feeling. An angelic feeling is worth much more than thousands of human feelings. Nowadays all people aspire to this exactly, that some angel visits them, that they leave something luminous and elevated of themselves. How will you receive this angel? First of all, you must understand his language, that you understand what he is going to speak to you. If you do not understand him, you will face some contradiction.

A Turkish agá went to a Bulgarian village and said to the peasants: "You will be careful, that you do not speak in front of me Bulgarian, because I understand your language well." They set out with him at a table, ate, drank, until they got drunk well. In a moment, the turban of the agá lit up. One of the peasants noticed this and shouted in Bulgarian: “Agá efendi, your turban is flaming! - I know this. ”Then he said again:“ Crouch efendi, your turban is flaming! - And I know this. ”Since he did not understand the Bulgarian language in any way, the Agá was still smoking calmly, but the turban calmly flamed. When they saw that the agá did not understand Bulgarian, one of them shouted loudly, but already in Turkish: “Agá efendi, your turban is flaming! - So say, for the man to understand you. ”

Some of the contemporary people fall into the same position. While they are spoken in a language unknown to them, they say they know, they don't want to show their ignorance. When you reach a difficult situation in life, you are already forced to speak to them in their language, to tell them that their turban is flaming. Then they will understand you and take measures to avoid the misfortune that awaits them.

As disciples, you must be natural, that you do not fall into the position of that Turk, that you do not represent yourself before the people who are more than this what you really are. It is good that the man is original, but to his place. From you it is required to open your souls for those goods that nature sends to Earth every day. The task of the flower is to open for moisture, for heat and sunlight. How are you going to fertilize, how are you going to mature, this is not your job. And to you I say: Open your souls to the Divine goods that descend from above. How are you going to make them, this is not your job. This is a work of the One who sends them.

Master and servant

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