Beloved Kuthumi Annual Channeling of the Autumnal Equinox Master Initiation to the Sacred Council of Truth March 21, 2007

I am Kuthumi and I present myself in the rays of love and wisdom to greet each one of you at this time and to bring to you the blessings of tranquility, peace, healing and harmony. Greetings, beloved. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we meet with each of you on this day, by holding you firmly within the heart of Christ and safely in the hands of God.

Beloved, today's meeting brings us the beginning of greater certainty regarding the role that you as souls play within human existence. All of you, and those you know, have been facing challenges that force the truth to emerge. For many years you have been guided and coerced to go in specific directions, to address specific issues. However, due to the fear of the ego, which is a natural state within the current state and the most recent past, the Age of Pisces, especially as a result of the ego's inability to rely on the fact that it will be sustained and guided towards light of the divinity of its most powerful aspect, the authentic self. Therefore, you and those around you, your family, your children, your friends, your partner, your friends, your relationships, your clients and even those you know only in passing, have created experiences in the last 24 months that, in a sense, touched them in the depths of their being. Each situation has developed in a variety of ways, each of these situations being a way to open the door lock that leads you to that very powerful part of you. Some of you have experienced this in the form of relationships that end or through immense challenges.

Some of you are and have been in situations with your professional careers that have extracted all your life force, and in which you feel that every ounce of passion and inspiration has died within you. Others have experienced the process of physical death in their environment, loss and / or lack. The change has been presented under all possible costumes. Now it is up to you to recognize, which means to consciously accept that you are "consciously aware" (nt in original English: consciously aware, what in Spanish is redundant) of the situations that unfold in the here and now to face them .

A few months ago I talked about the energy of denial and how none of you can play the game of denial anymore. There is no place to hide and there is nothing that can remain hidden for a long time. That, dear ones, is not a simple statement, it is in fact a fact. Every illusion, every lie, every disappointment and every deception will be revealed, regardless of the consequences this brings as a result. And we say this because each soul has been given the opportunity to move towards recognition, to look at what the game of life has presented to it and to admit if one is in fact playing the game in terms of to embrace all that life offers the messages, the signals, the directives that are so clear, so obvious and sometimes have them face to face, as many of you say, and yet still They choose to remain deaf and blind.

Beloved, this is what this equinox time is all about. The energy of Mars advances without mercy as it honors all calls to freedom. She hears the prayers that are released from the restrictions of everything that constitutes a heavy burden on you and she tears the veils of illusion, and her gale of energy sometimes leaves you staggering to your He passed. However, the revelations that are presented well deserve trauma, pain, physically, emotionally and of all kinds because lightness, the sense of freedom and peace experienced later, is your gift. The autumn equinox brings with it many other energies. The energies of the eclipse, as it has been called, penetrate deep inside. We call this time the Eclipse of the Soul. It is the dark night time of the soul. The time in which the soul hides within the shadow of its fears, its guilt, its anger, its resentments and its projections, its jealousy, its envy and its self-deception. And what it does is force you into the depths of that morass of astral confusion that forces you to look and accept what you have created. It shows them that part of their role on this planet is to grow through situations and allow change.

One of the things that has been one of the most sad for us is to observe how those who are really the earth's catalytic angels, who have taken the lead and served as catalysts in situations are being and have been and probably will continue to be persecuted, tried, defamed, rejected and sometimes totally vilified due to their role as catalysts. Anyone who has turned their lives upside down and left them feeling shaky, deceived or vulnerable, has been an Angel Catalyst who gives them the grace of their presence. Have you recognized the role they play as well as the part of responsibility that you play in attracting those people to your life? Or are you upset and remain resentful or worse, do they talk pejoratively about them, giving others a flawed view of them?

All of you, and those who then hear these words and read these words in the future should now understand that the point at which they are on their path, is so to speak, merciless when it comes to choosing to apply the old paradigmatic systems of behavior, reactions and any other level of ego-based behavior. We are not talking about genuine fears about things that one has to overcome, challenges one has to face in terms of the many obstacles that will bring down the membrane that has prevented you from seeing your light, your strength and your purpose. We refer to each person who consciously and voluntarily engages in drama games, any kind of motivation or judgment about others or their path, based on the ego, the choice of others regarding religion, to faith, to the choice of who they are, who they want to be with or what they choose to do with their life. None of you - and when I say none of you I mean all those who are not the Givers and Maintainers of the Law - have the right or the power to judge, to point the finger, to speak negatively or gossip about another person, because you haven't been "in your shoes" for a single moment.

Many, many months ago I spoke of gossip as the blackest of all the magic in existence. You know that gossip is not limited to talking about drama or events in the lives of others, but that it is also about how you gossip about yourself and what we mean by this is how you speak negatively about yourself . How you look down on others. That is a form of gossip, especially when you are constantly talking to more than 3 people about those issues that you have difficulties with, difficulties with yourself. You are cheating your inner child, your teenage self and all the hurt aspects of yourself. You are gossiping about them (nt you understand the inner child, the teenager and the injured aspects), you are accentuating their weaknesses, their fears, the choices they made based on the point they were at a specific time in time and loved ones, please bear in mind that what I say now applies absolutely to every situation related to gossip and negative conversation about a person or people. You were not in the situation of the person or group of people at the time the decision was taken, when the action was taken, when the words were spoken. Unless you had been there, it is not your business frankly. Unless you witnessed the choice of the words of the person or group of people, what motivated your decision, what motivated the action, you have no right to prosecute or even look at the alleged transgressor, - or whatever title you wish to put - with the intention of judgment in your eyes or in your heart, because you were not present. And you, the adult self was not in a full state of consciousness when your inner child or adolescent self did whatever he did.

So now, We the Masters of Light, we tell you that in order to be a part of the Sacred Council of Truth, you have to stop, NOW and NEVER more, NEVER speak negatively about yourself or others. NEVER MORE point a finger in judgment of any aspect of yourself or others because the dynamics that you create are DESTRUCTIVE! You DO NOT agree with the laws of the right action, therefore you are VIOLATING THE LAW and you WILL be assuming that responsibility. We said in many of the teachings that there is no harm in speaking to someone we trust or to a counselor, or to a therapist about the aspects that weigh heavily on our heart or what causes us pain and suffering…. at which moment a candle is lit and the light of the teachers and others with whom you work is invoked, to transmute that energy and bring healing to you and the situation. However, when you pound on the negativity of a situation and you point your finger at others and yourself, you are NOT healing, but DAMAGING! They are destroying everything they are convinced they are trying to create! And I can add, in what I have observed among individuals is that those individuals still convince themselves that they are not doing anything wrong by talking about their own problems to others or by talking about the problems of others, because inside They feel that they are justified because perhaps they do not like the person very much, or there is jealousy or envy or fear, or simply because they are convinced that they have the right to do so because they are a friend or a healer…. the laws of the right action!

When you constantly insist on a situation, when you point to the same people with the edge of the blade, your inner child and your teenage self and all other injured aspects of you feel exposed and humiliated and that is why we say STOP! . We also tell you today and this you can tell ALL the people with whom you work, talk, socialize and interact, that there are powerful energies at play on your planet at this time. There are VERY strict laws that govern the correct action of your planet, and light workers are given less and less space to play the role of victim and be in a constant state of self-deprecation. So let's say that you have managed to get out of your small comfort zone of manipulation, of the state of victim awareness, of poverty, of conditional love and of all other negative attitudes and the states of consciousness that accompany you. You have resisted reaching a level of ascension, a word that many love to use but in fact very few, have a true understanding of its meaning. And I, Kuthumi, stand before you today and together with me are the 244 Masters of the Great Truth Council of the Great Brotherhood of Light and we look at every lightworker on the planet and we tell you now, that if it is really His intention is to work with the laws of ascension, the laws of right action and to become a free soul, to love unconditionally, to live peacefully and harmoniously, then GET OFF YOUR CURSE HORSE and BEGIN to live that way!

I, Kuthumi, in charge of the Ascension program that Lord Maitreya implemented some cycles ago, I have reached a crossroads with many light workers and I bring the full essence of the golden ray today. And this energy, this message that I present to you is not limited only to those who are listening to you, you are here physically to hear these words but this applies to EVERY person on the planet who has chosen to wake up…. And I can use the word "damn" as much as I want because much of what transpires doesn't have God's blessing! If you take your path seriously, if you take seriously the journey of experience that you have chosen to travel ... ... If you are sincere in your commitment to yourself, with your soul, WITH YOUR SPIRIT and therefore with God the Father / Mother, THEN LEAVE ALL THE TONTERY ON THE SIDE, STOP SO MUCH WASTE! with the ascension .. If THIS is really what they ask, then STAND UP before your power, NOW! And they assume responsibility for what they have asked for! And my severity COMES WITH AN ENERGY THAT I DO NOT BRING FREQUENTLY !!! BUT I BRING THIS TO ALL THE PLANET on this day! To hear that the Spirit also has a limit! AND THIS LIMIT IS NOW ON YOUR SITE AND WILL BE KEPT IN YOUR SITE! And any soul, light worker or not, who chooses to cross this limit and CONTINUE playing the game of the dark brotherhood, it is better to choose who is serving! THERE ARE NO MORE HALF DYE WORKERS OF LIGHT! YOU CAN NO LONGER FEEL NEAR THE NEAR! There is no longer "today I will listen to God and I will love and tomorrow ... .." the opposite! That polarity no longer exists! IF YOU CHOOSE IT THEN PLEASE MAKE US ALL FAVOR AND RETURN TO THE LOWER DIMENSION AND ENJOY YOUR GAMES THERE! DO NOT interfere with the servants of the light in your morbid games, in the affairs of your ego, in your gossip, in your struggles with the ego, in your murmuring and defamation! THIS IS THE END OF THAT GAME! And we have lit a big screen in your universe today: THE GAME IS OVER! So today marks the end date of EVERYTHING.

The 244 members of the Great Truth Council of the Great Brotherhood of Light requested this meeting today. THIS SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN LIGHT. Most of the time we come with words of lightness, words of love, that wrap you in exhilarating energies, motivating words and teachings, however you depart from the teachings and your judgment begins, gossip begins, murmuring, defamation, the self-criticism, the self-rejection and the self-hatred starts all over again The scales are still OUT of balance. It is not that there is MORE love and nutrition of the self than that of criticism and occasional judgment! It remains the opposite! AND I SPEAK TODAY IN QUALITY of the MASTER who has assumed the role of Master Maitreya, because I AM RESPONSIBLE for what MY initiates, MY adepts, MY ascension students believe. THE TIME IS OVER AND those who are here today, physically hearing these words, it is with a goal because it is you now, that you can begin to spread this message as quickly as you expand the word and yes, you tell them that KUTHUMI IS DISTURBED, because I am!

Lightworkers across the globe raise their arms saying “why me, why does this happen to me am ? What have I done? LOOK IN THAT THEY CONCENTRATE YOUR ATTENTION! At this time, especially, now in the autumn in the southern hemisphere going towards your winter, this is very important in terms of seeing what is inside of you. The demons that still lurk deep within you that have been fueling anger, jealousy, envy or whatever in you. GO UP TO THE ROOT OF THIS! Stop talking to all of these and DO something about it! ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY and don't tell me: oh, Kuthumi but I take responsibility, what else do you want from me? . THE MOST I WANT OF YOU IS JUST THE MORE THAN THE SOUL OF YOU WANTS FROM YOU! And what your soul wants is for you to STOP and move away from everything that is outside of you. That you free yourself from all the people to whom you are addicted, to the relationships of co-dependence, to the small dramas that you have created in such a precious way in which you meet and criticize and LanAlan with the finger and prosecute and talk about this person and this group and this event and oh, did they find out.? Nothing of that does them any good. Every time they do, they are playing the 3D world game. You are IN an astral reality, simple as that. And this is why I say to you, you DO NOT HAVE an apex of a clue of what ascension means or what it means to be an ascended master, or what it means to walk the path of ascension. What it means to be dedicated to healing and become one with God! YOU DON'T KNOW IT BECAUSE IF YOU KNEW IT, YOU WON'T WORK THAT DUMP YOU DO! You will not play the games you play! They would not judge their friends! They would not judge people who are less than you! They would not get involved in the drama of others and judge people for that! And most importantly, you WILL STOP the judgment of yourself, because that is the greatest damage you can do!

We are always present as we have always been, and it is that by law we respond to every call made because that is the commitment we have made with ourselves and with God. So when you call we come, we bring assistance, we bring messages, we bring people, we bring situations, regardless of how disastrous they can be at times. But you still don't realize! So we ask YOU: WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US? What human beings want from angels, ascended masters and each God / Goddess and being that exist anywhere. What do they want from us? Because as far as we know, we did everything you asked for. But it is never enough for you, because you are always too BUSY, lamenting your negativity! They are too BUSY focusing on what is EVIL and on every little injustice that happens to them! They are too BUSY focusing on the injustice that someone made against you or the mistake you made or the resentments you have, what someone made you yesterday, a year ago or 50 years ago back and they can't SEE what they have! As long as there is resentment in your heart towards your life or towards another person YOU WILL NEVER reach the ascent. As long as there is envy and jealousy in your heart, YOU WILL NEVER reach the ascent. As long as you choose to stay within the motivations of the ego based on 3D, then, I suggest that you accommodate yourself because the news is that: you will return for much longer.

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Recommend Message 2 of 2 in Discussion
From: MiAng Sent: 6/18/2007 5:01 PM
This is the time to examine their relationships, their friendships, their career and everything they choose to do. They need to examine their motivation because I tell them, some of their interactions with people are motivated by a hidden agenda. You are manipulators. You get some kind of satisfaction with the dramas and this takes you further and further away from the goal of ascension, I want to add. You will see, your higher self, your soul, the teachers, the angels, whoever they are, see the intention of your heart. We are not blind to that, and we are certainly not forgetful to that, however all we do is honor your choices. And when you ask for a change, we bring it to you. Sometimes, as I said at the beginning of today's message, we have to do it HIGH AND CLEAR before you hear, or see ... ... and that's where the Catalyst Angels come in. And if you are Catalyst Angels and have been at the receiving end of the judgments, the projections and everything that comes from them …… DO NOT GIVE UP. Remember the words of the Master Jesus: "Forgive them Father, because they do not know what they are doing." That is the affirmation of the Catalytic Angel, because the Catalytic Angel is perhaps one of the bravest and riskiest. Yes, sometimes the dumbest ... and sometimes the wisest of all angels. So do not point it with your finger, do not prosecute or reject it simply because you were called to service, to do what had to be done in your life or in the life of someone you know.

Now the Great Council of Truth is appealing to lightworkers because new councils are being created. These councils are formed in the internal planes linked to the physical members, incarnated with the light groups, and that is why you received such an energetic and overwhelming transmission this morning. No one can be held responsible if they wish to sit on the fence. You cannot trust that a light worker will remain erect in his authentic self if the light worker continues to play the games of the old paradigm. So, do you understand why it was necessary to say so?


There is no pretty way to deliver the message because with a small child sometimes, one needs to be somewhat firm and strict to the point, in order to make the message reach its destination so to speak. This selection process will take place over the next 18 months by establishing all the truth tips on your site. I Kuthumi, I am responsible for this joint project with Lord Maitreya and all the other 244 members of the Great Council of the Truth of the Great Brotherhood of Light that guide me in My respect to what is required to establish the councils. Each of the 244 members is placed 22, 444 light workers. Now, in order to carry out this within 18 months we have our work ready as you have it. However, we have another plan as support if all physical members cannot be assigned in time, as a result of the ego being their main motivation. This will be put into action if necessary. This also implies that all of you here today and all who hear these words or read them, need to clarify their performance, decide and as I said, STOP nonsense. If you are not the ones involved in nonsense, then beloved ones, you are the Catalyst Angels or Messenger Angels that will let those who are know. So yes, the work in which they are now involved is very important and now they are shown firsthand what the true meaning of the word ascension is.

This is the beginning of the next step. I recently spoke of what can be expected regarding the second wave of ascension that comes in December 2008 and this is part of it, in fact, it is the core stabilizer of this whole process. And it is the core stabilization mechanism of the entire golden era. Remember that your belief systems determine your attitudes and perceptions, all these systems crumble as you move into a state of "clari-perception", the only state to be. "Clari-perception" is the self that knows everything, fully active. It's about living, governed solely by that aspect of the self. Therefore nothing challenges you, or takes you away from your truth in that sense because you KNOW the truth and that is the basis, the same bases that make up the Sacred Councils of Truth. In order for them to serve as the physical manifestation and anchor of the collective body of the Sacred Council of Truth, its bases, its foundations, its base chakra - its root system must be freed from all belief systems that motivate them through fear, that feed your envy, your suspicion, your resentments, your hatred and everything that lurks within you, which causes you a negative feeling and behavior.

There is nothing wrong with having a bad day. I have always said that even a few days is acceptable, but when you fall into a cycle of negativity, then you destroy the light you have tried to create. You bring that negativity not only to your being, but to your home and everything you do, and do you think you can carry out light work when there is so much negativity around you? If you are full of negativity, how are you going to present and develop a pure work of "light"?

So purify your performance, purify your environment, your home, your social circle, any aspect of life, intimately, your career and all those habits and prepare for your true role in ascension, because if you want to know what ascension really is, which is what it means to live in the light, then prepare for a surprise. Living in the light, following the path of ascension, has nothing to do, I repeat, NOTHING to do with denying people who have true love in their hearts, denying your attention or time regardless of what they do, whether they drink, smoke, use drugs, be promiscuous, never bathe ... because that is judgment ... Walking the path of light and truly serving God means that you have the ability to see Christ in all of them and honor that. However, if the person chooses not to honor within themselves and chooses to focus on negativity ... and this diminishes them, they catch you and you become part of that negative cycle of judgment, criticism, gossip, hurting yourself and others., then it is better that they leave as fast as they can. Do whatever it takes but don't harm anyone ... physically, verbally, psychically, mentally or spiritually or in any other way. Why? Because you have no right to do so.

The Ten Commandments hold power, they are LAWS, however they have been distorted, misunderstood and rarely applied. Because of their misunderstanding, people feel that laws do not exist. Very few people in fact know what the truth lies in these and what is the meaning of these laws, and that is why I, Kuthumi, as Moses brought them to the planet. However, I in fact brought 99 commandments not only 10 and this was the body of teachings that was given to this channel about 9 years ago, however, humanity has not been ready to receive it. When there are enough light workers who have truly committed themselves to the path of ascension, we will begin releasing the information again. Even though the ten commandments are distorted and not understood, there are still other laws that apply ... AND IF THERE IS ONLY ONE THAT YOU REMEMBER, THEN YOU REMEMBER THIS - The Law of Right Action and of course that what you do to others is done to yourselves. The way you treat yourself is the way you will treat others. What you believe in your heart is what you will create in your reality, so if you believe that you are not good enough or deserving of ... and you know the list, then as sure as tomorrow will dawn, that will come to affirm your belief.

So now please close your eyes for a moment. Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth allowing your body to relax ... All the words that have been expressed today, every part of your being has heard and honored because the light within you, the part Authentic of you has asked for this and has been ready to hear this and I knew that aspects of your ego NEEDED to hear this. Knowing that even the Spirit has limits, that the world of light will allow only up to one point and no more, and that when individuals who claim to live on the path of light behave negatively, it is blasphemy.

Now take another deep breath and on exhaling, let the negativity in your body be consumed by the light that is spilled inside your crown chakra now ... and take just a moment to think about any negativity in which you have been involved in the Last days, weeks, months or maybe even a negative cycle that has lasted for years ... ... and let the light spill over those memories and penetrate deeply to the root of the negativity and transmute it ... ... See just all that has heavy on you as it becomes something as light as a feather ... and all those negative feelings, associations and projections as they become white and soft feathers and white satin petals of roses, flowing all around you purifying the energy field of you and softening all the energy around you ...

Now think of any judgment you have made on others ... think about the person or people ... and see how the light floods them ... Look at the heaviness of the judgments that have been projected and that perhaps has caused them annoyance ... Look at them ... Have enough courage to recognize what that kind of energy does, energy that in this case you may have projected. Si no han hecho tal cosa entonces sean conscientes de las personas que ustedes están viendo y como lucen como resultado de los juicios que se han proyectado respecto a ellas, las palabras negativas, el chisme y el rechazo. Vean lo que hace esa energía…..

Ahora comiencen a incrementar su capacidad de atraer magnéticamente la luz de la Fuente Infinita para reemplazar cada energía negativa que ustedes han proyectado sobre esa persona o personas con la luz que ustedes traen de la Fuente Infinita y comiencen a elevar esa energía…elévenla, disu lvanla, desmant lenla y suav cenla hasta que vean las plumas y los p talos de rosa satinados Y ahora env en una bendici n sincera a la persona o grupo de personas si no viene con sinceridad entonces qu dense quietos, no digan nada y env en luz a la persona o personas .Inhalen profundamente, exhalen plenamente a medida que esta energ a suave, gentil, enaltecedora comienza a girar y el Todo nico que los conecta a todos ustedes juntos llena los teres ..

Y la luz de aceptaci n mutua brilla en todos sus corazones .Permitan que la luz del reconocimiento llene el cuerpo de ustedes, su coraz n, su mente y su alma y les recuerde que donde est n hoy, es al final y al comienzo y que ustedes tienen elecciones muy importantes que hacer, con las que ustedes necesitan comprometerse Y a medida que las plumas y los p talos de rosa flotan alrededor de ustedes, ustedes saben que son capaces de mantenerse fieles a su compromiso Y reconozcan esto dentro de ustedes El reconocimiento es el proceso de apropiarse y de aceptar lo que es y entonces hacer lo que sea necesario hacer para llevar a cabo los cambios que sean necesarios desde el punto de la quietud interior.

Todo comienza y termina con ustedes. El conflicto comienza con ustedes y termina con ustedes. El juicio comienza con ustedes y termina con ustedes. El chisme, el rechazo, el temor, la ira, todo comienza con ustedes .Y todo termina CON USTEDES. Inhalen esto dentro de ustedes, sabiendo nuevamente, que esto es verdadero; todo comienza y termina con ustedes. En otra palabras, su elecci n .Y el como ustedes utilizan su poder SU poder para responder, en otras palabras su capacidad para responderle a la vida, que es la raz n por la cual ustedes son SU propia responsabilidad y todo lo que sucede a su alrededor es SU responsabilidad el cambiarlo desde dentro SI no est n contentos con lo que est sucediendo .En este punto amados uno abre su campo de energ a para darle la bienvenida a los 244 Grandes Maestros de la Verdad y al Gran Consejo que son ambos parte del Gran Sistema de Luz A medida que son presentados con esta energ a, si y cuando sea el momento correcto, basado en lo que suceda de este d a en adelante, uno de ellos se conectar con ustedes para servir como un ancla a favor del Consejo Sagrado de la Verdad y quiz s lo que debamos a adir, es que no se trata solo del Consejo Sagrado de la Verdad, es tambi n el Consejo Sagrado de la Percepci n, que ser creado primeramente DENTRO DE USTEDES.. y ENTONCES ustedes ser n parte del consejo mayor. ESA es LA LEY de co-creaci n dentro de los reinos de la luz Sientan justo como su energ a se rinde y da la bienvenida a los seres, sus energ as y su presencia

Den la bienvenida a la energ a del cambio que ha venido a saludarles, que se ha estado filtrando a trav s de su cuerpo durante los ltimos 17 d as, que ya ha causado cambios masivos en la mayor a de ustedes. Algunos lo han experimentado m sf sicamente, otros m s emocionalmente, algunos mentalmente, y algunos han estado enfrentando crisis espirituales muy profundas y terribles. El cambio ha llegado a todos ustedes y el Eclipse del Alma les ha tra do el regalo de poder escudri ar los ojos de sus sombras m s oscuras, de poder abrazar esos aspectos, de reconocerlos y traerlos ahora a la luz Asimilen m s luz de la Fuente Infinita lo cual siempre son capaces de hacer magn ticamente y permitan que inunde su cuerpo, inunde su aura, su cuerpo emocional y su cuerpo mental Inunde su cuerpo espiritual, su cuerpo causal y hasta su propia m nada, as que ahora est n resplandeciendo en la luz

Yo Kuthumi, traigo la re-calibraci na su cuerpo, alineando sus chacras .Yo coloco alrededor de ustedes un huevo dorado y al erguirse ustedes dentro del huevo se preparan para los ciclos de muerte y renacimiento que vienen con el tiempo de muerte y resurrección, relacionados con el período de la Pascua… y si ustedes elijen trabajar con esta energía en cualquier otro momento después del período de la Pascua, experimentarán todavía el proceso de muerte y resurrección. Es más intenso ahora debido a las energías de la Pascua….Y den gracias por todo esto….Esta luz se mantendrá dentro de todos ustedes y alrededor de ustedes porque ustedes ESTÁN conectados permanentemente a la Fuente Infinita.

Regresen su conciencia a su cuerpo físico…dando siempre la bienvenida a la luz dentro de su ser, dando la bienvenida a la luz en su hogar, en su corazón, en su mente y en cada aspecto de su entorno y sean agradecidos por todo lo que tienen.

Amados, antes de terminar esta transmisión, Yo les pido que utilicen su poder de elección con sabiduría. Elijan enfocarse en lo que sea de la luz; elijan dedicar la mayor parte de su tiempo a estar en el lugar y con personas que eleven el espíritu de ustedes, que honren las leyes de la luz, que honren las leyes del servicio a Dios….Y mantengan su ego a raya. USTEDES son el amo no su ego.

Y así es que les presentamos las bendiciones de los 244 Maestros del Gran Consejo de la Verdad y de la Gran Hermandad de la Luz…La energía que ellos le envían a ustedes ahora también es sostenida por la luz de las 244 Maestras del Gran Consejo de Percepción de la Gran Hermandad Femenina de Luz…Que todos puedan tener dentro de sí el sentido de reconocimiento de la verdad, el auto respeto y el auto amor de elegir la verdad, de retirarse de todo lo que sea negativo y que les arrastra hacia la negatividad a largo plazo, y que puedan sentir dentro de ustedes el reconocimiento de la fuerza del poder que existe dentro de ustedes. Las fuerzas del poder que les inspirarán y motivarán a ir hacia delante y retirarse del drama del mundo de los demás y acordarse de no inmiscuirse en la vida de los demás. Su vida es asunto de ustedes, el asunto de vivir, cuídenlo, cuídenlo con luz y prosperará, crecerá y dará frutos muy deliciosos, dulces y abundantes. Recuerden, todo comienza y termina con ustedes.

Yo Soy Kuthumi, Chohán del Rayo Dorado de Amor y Sabiduría, Responsable de la Ascensión, que camino con el Señor Maitreya y les saludo y bendigo a ustedes en amor. Adonai

Michelle Eloff.


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