Twin Souls: An Essay on Love

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 Dedicated to the soulmates who are about to meet 2 we belong to that sea of ​​love .. 3 a divine spark . 4 with the harmony of nature .

Dedicated to soulmates who are about to meet

Beloved brothers,

After a long time I return to share an essay that I wrote on May 7, 2004, in the endearing Twin Souls Forum of the Dimensional Portal, a website that for years was dedicated to being a meeting place for spiritual beings. I moderated that forum and the Dream Workshop for a long time; I met wonderful people and established friendship and brotherhood thanks to that beloved topic, that of the Twin Souls . That is why, in honor of them and at the moment so vital that we are living, I want to rescue from the past a message that I feel is necessary for what many of you are living, the time to meet with your Other Half or OM, as so playfully We called the longed for Another Half . I hope you enjoy this love trip and if you feel your call, follow it so that you can also meet with your long-awaited Soulmate .

The Divine Creation is an act of LOVE, of the purest love for every created being. This is how our Father-Mother Creator has given us life to fill us with his love and has left us free to show us that, no matter what we do, he will always love us and will never abandon us. Thus, we, those beings that sometimes feel so helpless and suffering, we reach that moment of epiphany on our inner path, where we discover that we are beings made of love, rather than flesh and blood, rather than cells and fluids, we are pure energy in movement and that energy has LOVE as language and motor . As this love is infinite, energy is also infinite and, therefore, the children of Father-Mother Love are also.

Every time I want to understand, with my human mind, what God Universe is like, that Primal Source, I think of the Sea, that it is infinite in its condition of sea, and that it is sea thanks to the sum of its innumerable water particles.

Then I understand that those particles of water are we, the Children of the Primordial Artist ; that we carry in our apparent smallness that deep and eternal sea, which together with each one of those other individual and group seas we are part of that Great Sea, fertile, full of life, infinite and, mainly, loving.

we belong to that sea of ​​love ...

If this Sea is only Love, each of its water particles is also a part of that love. We belong to God Love, we belong to that Sea of ​​Love. Fascinating and wonderful, we belong to that divine force and yet each particle of water is unique and each one fulfills a certain function in that love, which no other particle can fulfill. Each one has its mission, and just as it has its mission, it also has its free will; each one taking responsibility for how that marine immensity forms.

Now, what happens when one of those particles - for simple curiosity or for my love - decides to multiply in two, being its feminine and masculine part (its ying and yang ) the same unit, but in appearance of the two arise two?

When that particle of the immense Sea-Love decides, in harmony with the Infinite, to begin a new life experience, splitting into two water molecules, which in themselves form a single, each party assumes a special responsibility. Again, free will, which operates even in the smallest lives, becomes a possibility to discover and be enchanted with Love. Until the time comes that, having fulfilled the mission n that were proposed at the time of the apparent separation, return to form that initial particle so loving that it has never ceased to be part of that endless life called Mar Amor.

In this way, we understand that each “particle”, that is, each Realization of Love, which we are ourselves, maximizes all the expressions of that Love and without ceasing to fulfill its free will and mission (although sometimes we it seems that we are far from our path), it is still true that everything we choose in this life, and in the many others, has had a strong purpose, be it good or bad in “appearance”, everything has contributed to achieve the maximum splendor in that infinite sea. Today we are and we feel living in a splendor, in spite of what happens outside, in the street, in the city, in the country ... in our interior we are a living splendor of Love .

Now, when we reflect on Divine Goodness, we know that our heart comes from it and that is why we love, it is what we do most easily, even if we are not aware of it. Loving is more natural than breathing.

a divine spark…

Each of us is a Divine Spark, which has come out of that eternal flame of Love. Each spark is a soul and each soul is a perennial equilibrium, it is a ying-yang, it is a positive and a negative, it is a feminine manifestation and male at the same time. Each spark has its free will and may well decide at any given time, when it knows that it is ready to live in the 3rd dimension, to manifest its internal elements (feminine and masculine) separately in the future of their lives, in this charming dimension, thus it is nourished by the experiences and the learning of its fundamental elements until a moment arrives when both elements fulfill or finish that cycle: it is the moment to return to unite, in the plane of the 3rd dimension, to show themselves They are ready to start a new cycle, in the next dimension or where necessary. It is what Plato understood by Twin Souls, San Francisco (master Khutumi) and Santa Clara, Isis and Osiris, Vesperina and Numú, Radha and Krishan the same ... and many of those who are here, already gathered to our loving twin and many more who are ready to meet the soul that belongs to them.

There are also other brother spirits, who are in this dimension, and who never separated their primordial elements and are in an eternal joy, because they know that they are complete and that their ying and yang is in balance. If this is the case of the brothers who feel that the Twin Souls are all of us, it is because for them it is so, they identify with everyone, because none of their parts has left that initial cell and they live in the most complete happiness ( if this is the case of all those who believe that the Twin Souls are group, then my most loving parabien for the happiness in which they live, because for them the pain has been overcome).

But for those who do feel that there is something missing, half of their heart, it is because it is so. No one can tell you otherwise, because each experience is unique and sacred and only you know when you will be ready to join your OM .

To believe or not to believe, to deny or not to deny, united or separated are polarities belonging to God, opposite binomials, faces of the same coin and everything is real. God Love shows us with these metaphors that his ways are infinite, incredibly surprising and wonderfully loving. He is an Aporia, "it is the harmony of opposites, " which proves to us that God is Everything, as the Kybalion says and Everything is LOVE ... and all of us are a manifestation and a channel of that Love.

with the harmony of nature…

From the bottom of my heart, I hope that this message addressed to the magical Twin Souls lodges with greater love and faith that certainty of the reunion so that each particle of that sea can live happily in the difficult but charming 3 dimension. That is what our mission on this wonderful planet Earth is about, to live according to the harmony of nature and chords with all our brothers, even when the chords seem dissonant.

Blessings of love and much happiness for those who never separated their ying and yang and even more loving blessings for those who, understanding the difficulties of the 3rd dimension, have separated their feminine and masculine elements to Give more love. My vows of happiness for those who are already about to gather their endearing halves .

Written by Tornasol

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