Food and Spirituality by Christian Franchini

  • 2016

Those of us who are traveling along a Spiritual Path know that it is necessary to have fine and subtle energy that favors us in the development of the new consciousness. `` Live '' foods allow us to have this energy that makes us subtle and helps us remember this being a threat to the dominant elites.

I understand that for many people food and spirituality are issues that go by independent lanes, they taught us that worse, even worse than part of the strategy of domestication implemented by the elites that manage power have been in that line for decades, on the one hand they implement their social mandates from the `` entertainment industry '' thus divert attention of the masses of the truly important

On the other hand, the "food industries" have been manipulating millions of people, deliberately causing imbalances in metabolism, preventing them from accessing a more "fine" energy level. These types of industrialized foods are literally designed to generate low vibrations and also promote the pharmaceutical industry ... that only covers the symptoms generating more imbalance in the chemistry of our physical body. A vicious circle that anchors us in the most dense. Surely many of you already know this ...

It is not my intention to fall into a "conspiracy" speech or message, I am only interested in proposing a context of the situation beyond the makeup statistics that are usually disseminated. The problem is more serious than we can imagine, since we are at a crucial moment where we need to subtle ourselves (further refine our vibration) and tune in to what is happening now ... the codes of light that are entering give us the opportunity to remember our true nature, thus accessing our purpose, that is to remember. But for this it is key to leave this manipulation network ... not only discovering and spreading how this type of manipulation works, but disarticulating its strategy from the individual and the collective.

And what does feeding have to do with this issue?

Food is the cornerstone of our evolution in this physical plane, not only to have a healthy life but to achieve a metabolic and energetic balance without patches… but if we let them alter “that cornerstone” we allow them to crack our temple, that is our physical body being the vehicle that allows us to experience conscious evolution on this planet. To achieve this it is necessary to achieve as a first step (all initiatory cultures knew it) what is called the electromagnetic balance, which without proper nutrition is not possible to sustain it ... that simple. That is the strategy of this elite of power, to leave us anchored in the lowest vibrations, as you can see ... we are talking about other types of chains, the food fallacies that have been stating “serious” entities for decades with the sole purpose of tame us as meek sheep ... does this metaphor sound to you? Yeah right.

Spirituality is not about sheep or meekness ... all the great masters knew it, that's why they revealed themselves.

Why is it so important to take care of our food?

There is published and disseminated study on the incidence of natural food in our body and in our consciousness, the frequency codes or biophotons that store organic vegetables and fruits, not the transgenic ones that were designed to prevent this process of awakening.

The "live" foods contain key information that help us to subtle ourselves, to refine our mind with our heart, achieved this we will begin to recognize the subjective information that comes from the Cosmos through our Sun, since these frequencies or codes of light they help us to sublimate the lower bodies and expand our perception, thus allowing us to begin to resonate in another higher frequency range, at that moment we realize that we get out of the trap and access an expanded consciousness.

Existing individual and collective strategies.

Like any transformation process, it must begin with us. Inform us, understand what are these food fallacies that range from the supposed need to consume animal protein, which generates a requirement of energy expenditure in digesting it and provides a lot of toxins difficult to eliminate, there are other ways to incorporate into our diet the 8 essential amino acids necessary that provide us with proteins. On the other hand, dairy products and their derivatives are the big lie that cannot be sustained for much longer ... in short, you will need to investigate (it is not about these 2 foods mentioned only) you can gradually incorporate new habits, thus begin to nourish of organic foods in your diet so experience these changes.

To do this, define a strategy since we come with years of programming of all kinds ... that condition us in our decisions. It is necessary to deprogram those "tastes" and create new eating habits that lead us to conscious nutrition. There are different ways to do it, you will have to discover, learn and heart each stage and create the new neural circuits.

There are also those who have already begun to grow different vegetables in their own homes experimentally as a way to approach this change, you will see that there are many more options than you can imagine now ... this is part of the learning that is necessary to recover.

Collectively, important strategies are already being implemented in many regions of the world, where contact networks interact in a very dynamic way, more and more organic production points are seen in cities, which are gradually achieving a better distribution being a bit more expensive for its low-scale production but if we evaluate it in what we "avoid", in a simple cost-benefit ratio there is not much to think about ... Research your city, you will find several options.

We are facing another type of revolution. Corporations know, today amaranth bombs are more effective than Molotov. Is it more than a metaphor .. ????

Author : Christian Franchini
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