Spiritual nourishment, 17 ways to nourish the soul

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 17 ways to nourish the soul 2 How can I start to improve my spiritual nourishment? 3 What is the ideal time to start with my spiritual nourishment? 4 If you feed and take care of your body, feed and also take care of your spirit.

Much has been said that as you feel inside is reflected on your outside, it is even common to say or hear the phrase " healthy mind, in a healthy body ." Who have improved our eating habits, with balanced meals, preferring the healthy over the harmful; those who choose a life where exercise is a fundamental part of their day to day; They know that the popular saying is true.

When you take care of your physical body, with your diet and exercise, you are somehow occupying your mind in healthy things, in addition to the fact that food and physical activity produce endorphins, and therefore, we are emotionally well. But within these eating habits and our physical activity routine, many times we do not give ourselves the time and space for our spiritual feeding . Maintaining physical and mental health is important, but developing, nurturing, nourishing our spirituality should also be part of our daily care routine.

Many pre-Hispanic cultures understood the importance of spiritual nourishment, so they decided to implement it in their way of life and we can realize it by the cults that, according to anthropological studies, are known to perform, from rites to human sacrifices. They revered their Gods, recognized in them a supreme energy, offered to them precious things for themselves; they respected the elements of nature, even their Gods represented those elements, such as the moon, the rain and the most important for them: The Sun.

17 ways to nourish the soul

  • Pray
  • Go to a temple
  • Read the Bible (or the sacred book of religion you practice)
  • Fast with a purpose
  • Practice your religious teachings
  • Help no matter what you do or by whom
  • Meditating 5 minutes a day is enough
  • Maintain communication and contact with the Supreme Being in which you believe, with your angels, archangels and ascended masters
  • Align your chakras
  • Forgive your heart, hold grudges and hatreds hurt the physical body and the spiritual part of the person, do not allow this in your soul and heart
  • Give love to oneself and others
  • Let yourself be carried away by the flow of life and the universe, accept what is presented to you and release everything that is taken away from you, living life without ties
  • Honor the elements of nature, they are present on our planet long before our arrival
  • Recognize a creative source, called God, Allah or whatever you call it, when you recognize it you can respect it and therefore respect and accept what emanates from it
  • See in one a perfect being, accept, love, respect, know, and thank
  • Practice yoga, remembering that in addition to being an excellent physical activity, it is a lifestyle
  • Taking sun baths, recognizing in the sun a source of energy so powerful that even baths with this element is a nutrient for the spirit

How can I start to improve my spiritual diet?

Decide what foods from the previous list you are going to take, it is always advisable to increase the dose, just as you did with the exercise, then do it continuously at established times, until you create a habit, as you did with your diet .

What is the ideal time to start with my spiritual nourishment?

Now, no matter the age, occupation, sex or socio-economic level you have, the main thing is that you have the intention and take the first step to do it, and then continue moving forward Step. It is not necessary to run, each person goes at their own pace, the main thing is to take the first step, the rest is taken alone.

Dear reader, yt, how do you feed yourself spiritually? Is spiritual feeding part of your life? Did you know the importance of nurturing your spirit?

Akashic records are the memories of each of the souls that have inhabited the Earth since the beginning of time.

Forget material things, focus on yourself, your soul and spirit. If you take care of your eating habits and physical activity, how do you feed your spirit ? Remember to also integrate into your life some of the nutrients for your spiritual nourishment, if with a balanced meal and exercise you feel great, imagine when you nourish your soul !

If you feed and take care of your body, feed and also take care of your spirit.

AUTHOR: Daniela Navarro, editor of the great family of hermandadblanca.org


  • https://hermandadblanca.org/?s=alimentacion

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