WINGS ~ Changes on Earth ~ February 12, 2010 ~ The Void and the Wave of Light ~ February 16, 2010 by Karen Bishop

  • 2010

~ Changes on Earth ~
February 12, 2010
by Karen Bishop

Welcome !

Although a message from ALAS was recently published, there are events worth mentioning in the near horizon, and knowing in advance the top-level reasons behind them, I hope it serves to alleviate any tension and confusion that may result.

The earthquake in Haiti started the emergence of the new reality by opening our hearts and bringing people together once more. He literally made the new earth open, and prepared it for its very new beginning.

In times to come very close, we will experience more natural disasters, and these will not occur in third world countries. Although the areas where these disasters are going to occur are probably already known to many, I personally do not see the need to report on this aspect. We are always right where we have to be, at any given moment. At levels of our souls, we are always, but always, driven to our perfect places and spaces. In this way, some of us will remain in these areas when these disasters occur, since our role as an angel of the Earth will be very necessary. Others may serve better by being removed from these areas, all in agreement with who we are and what we have all come to do.

Also, I rarely report these things well in advance, since I feel there is always room for a different scenario. We never really know how and if all things, indeed, will actually occur. Reporting these events usually creates fear, and how things are, we already have enough insecurity. Furthermore, it could only create an unnecessary situation, simply because we are focusing on it, and it may not have been necessary at all. If we can take this ascension process step by step, and focus on each step we are experiencing at the moment, then we are always right where we need to be.

Currently, we are right on the cusp of the next impending land change. Why are we having changes on earth and can they be avoided? Although they are certainly unpleasant and very dramatic, they are nevertheless necessary at this time.

The earth is preparing for a very new beginning. Therefore, certain geographical areas are being swept and cleaned, so that the palette for the new land is ready. Since we are now diversifying, and since the light is beginning to "take over, " a new base is being prepared. There is no trial here. You are not targeting specific areas because they vibrate so low that they need rapid transformation. What is happening here is that there will be specific areas on the planet that are going to be the centers of light, and these areas are preparing for their new roles.

When dramatic cleaning and movement with energies takes place, the cleaned area always vibrates much higher after cleaning and change occurs. Haiti, for example, will soon be a recognized sacred space. And some geographical areas can also be re-organized in quite dramatic ways.

All this is part of the process of creating the new world. We are starting over from scratch, and therefore, the new world must have a new base to settle.

For some, we have recently been moved to a new energy space in order to be energetically removed from these imminent changes that will occur at the physical level of our new reality. Feelings of being "kidnapped" for a while, of being removed, suddenly feeling that one is now in a new relaxed and very quiet space, or even that we have finally landed somewhere that feels good, protected and real, are some Symptoms of having this experience. Several months ago, many of us were "kidnapped" while establishing a new hierarchy. This happened around the time of separation from the worlds. We had to be away while something new was being prepared, before we could get into it.

This new "kidnapping" is very similar, but for different reasons this time. We are being removed while the new geographical land is being prepared. These feelings of being removed are more prevalent for those who live in the areas that will be affected, since they are closer to them, and therefore, they will feel their impact much more. We are being withdrawn at this time so that we do not experience any trauma or reverberations due to these dramatic changes.

Yes, these times are dramatic and really stressful. But if we can remember that we have planned this for a long time, and we know that things are being orchestrated and launched in a perfect and divine way, perhaps we can remain in spaces of peace, love and calm while all these changes occur .

With much love and gratitude,

New site of Karen Bishop "Emerging The New Angels of the Earth"
All your material can be downloaded in Word file from your site in Spanish

~ The Emptiness And The Wave Of Light ~
February 16, 2010
by Karen Bishop

Translation: Margarita López

Welcome !

Did you miss ALAS messages for February 10 and 12? You can read them in the archives .

Not only have we been removed from much lately, but rather have been kidnapped, but there is also a void present. Feeling blank, hollow, singular, or even experiencing a loss of identity, are common sensations of this new emptiness.

We are preparing to receive a huge wave of light. This light will flood the planet and create many changes, all in relation to creating a planet that is more in alignment with the light, or a higher level of living and living. be. Feeling empty, then, is part of the preparation a precursor to be filled with the beginnings of a new reality.

We can get home and suddenly feel that our house is too empty. Suddenly we may not like to be alone. We can find ourselves eating without any particular reason, as an attempt to "fill up." We may feel unusually nervous, maybe tense, or at least restless. We may find it difficult to start a new project or finish an old one. We might even feel that we are waiting for a bomb to fall, and we are not sure why. We could also find ourselves sleeping more, with a new fatigue, as we prepare to receive this light in every way.

This new wave of light that is ready to fall upon us will bring much more of the new plan. It will flood the planet, moving things around here and there, while clearing the old so that the new can now be installed here. This new wave of light will change things forever.

This means that we are on the cusp of living in a new reality that we can only have dreamed of. We may be feeling that we have somehow determined with something, but without knowing consciously what it is. What has determined, then, is the reality of the old world. Now we have left it behind, and therefore, we might feel that we have suddenly gone to another place. Well, many of us don't need to have those old experiences anymore.

This new wave of light will bring a change to the way we live on Earth Two. You will create a way of life that derives from the heart. We are going to realize what is really and truly important, set aside old feelings of separation and judgment, and even previous passions for a cause, and now we will know that we are all truly brothers and sisters of a higher order.

This new wave of light will bring together those who better match each other in many different fields, as old relationships that are not of a greater vibration and purpose begin to fall. The light will shine and reveal how all relationships are really and truly. Thus, the new wave of light will also bring a new unity, a unity that exists in all true and legitimate forms.

We are going to gather through the energy of the heart, so sometimes the new unions may not make sense, however, they will be correct. This wave of light will bring us our pure and authentic destiny ... that is, "our destiny is before us." Our divinity will be restored. We will be connected to our true and legitimate positions as the legitimate administrators of planet earth, and therefore, we will be lovingly placed within these legitimate spaces. There will be a "new order on earth." There will be an "abundant harvest." This wave of light will introduce the new world and the new reality. In the times to come, it will be difficult to remember the old reality, since it will feel like something of a time and place that perhaps we had only dreamed of. Because soon we will be living in the real dream, since what we had only dreamed of now will be alive in our waking states and physical reality.

Feeling empty, hollow, strange, restless, alone, or disconnected, are sensations that accompany someone who is at the door to the new. Yes, waiting for that door to open, standing before it wondering in advance what will be behind it, or even waiting breathlessly in a strange and isolated position, while a massive wave of light prepares to flood us, is a space that is temporary In the best case, however it is here.

These are strange times though exciting, unusual but unprecedented, and really awaited.

With much love and gratitude,

New site of Karen Bishop "Emerging The New Angels of the Earth"
All your material can be downloaded in Word file from your site in Spanish

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