WINGS- August 7, 2009 ~ An injection of angel dust and the advance ~ by Karen Bishop


Much has been recently in "re-construction" in regard to ascension hierarchies, or what I often refer to as rungs, but now much has been achieved, and now progress is at our fingertips. The new plan or new set of hierarchies has been established on "the other side", so to speak, as well as on all dimensional levels, and it has been interesting to see things unfold in different and surprising ways.

As of yesterday, and even a few days before, things have finally started. The manifestations of this new anchorage within the new rungs could feel like, again, pain in the feet (rooting again), deep sadness (for all the losses and the things that are left behind), to cry of gratitude (for our new connections), deep sleep (after many weeks of sleepless nights), great tiredness, drowsiness or fatigue (drowsiness occurs when we cross the dimensional boundaries), and emotional states of high grace and great love for all mankind. Or maybe, just feel weird.

There will now be several vibratory steps of residence for those who have recently crossed, as there were so many on so many different levels, although many were really ready and waiting for a very new beginning. This is not new for ascension, and vibrations always fall where they should, in terms of where each soul belongs at a given time.

The energies so far have been very dead, strange, noticeably absent, and simply were not . For those of us who have a strong connection with the Source, we could have felt as if we were non-existent, sharply empty, and absolutely connected to nothing. When there are challenges in our lives, having that familiar and comforting connection always served a lot to keep us sane and afloat, remember who we were, where we were, and at best, that we weren't hanging around in the air. But with the Source's energy seemingly absent completely, it has been a very strange time, extremely uncomfortable, and in the best case, a time of just being in the moment. . A stillness and emptiness that I had not experienced through the ascension process. But we had to be removed from everything for a while, since the restructuring process had to be completed, and we couldn't be in the middle of a road when the road was being repaired. Things have felt just weird.

The solstice of June 21 created the most massive explosion of energy that I have ever seen. For my part, I have been very aware of my next steps and new phase for a while, but the solstice created such a commotion, that I lost the entire month of July due to the acute stress Yes, since many members of my family underwent rapid upheavals, sudden changes, profound losses, and the like, and for that whole month, I could barely walk, talk, or be aware of almost any. The explosive energies of the solstice itself were also very difficult to accommodate for me, as I am sure for many of you too, especially if you are unusually sensitive. I have never had a more stressful month in my whole life, than I had in July. A visit to my dear intuitive doctor, who prescribed me some 5-HTP, has recovered me again, and I am so grateful!

We are in a very new space now, and this new space has some very new guidelines.

I have been writing for some time now that we will be the ones who will hold the light more than ever before. In this way, we are going to connect less and less with external or external energy outside the planet. So in this sense, now everything depends on us . The old pattern of waiting for the attendance of a celestial event, of solar eruptions, or even of our angels, will be quite obsolete. Now we are the angels . An analogy could be to expect a government to take care of us, thus giving our power to something else, when in reality it is we who have to take charge, leaving aside what the government is called, and becoming the new “body of government ”ourselves. Now we are able to do this ... now we are at this stage ... now we are holding more light than ever before.

Now we are truly the angels of the earth .

So then, this changes things greatly. This means that we will feel those higher energies when we connect with each other . We will realize that when we “see” each other, we support each other, we connect with each other, and we create together, the energies come at great speed, we feel very good, things manifest quickly, and we feel normal again. When we separate, we go on our own, and spend time alone, the energies fall immediately, since now they cannot sustain themselves, without the new grid of souls that connect.

When we don't connect with each other now, a depression appears. We can feel depressed, depressed, very sad, as if everything had simply fallen. Feeling that absolute ardor of having to do everything ourselves, of receiving little or no help, of feeling that we have been holding the planet by ourselves with just one little finger, is now over. Connecting with each other elevates things to the new and higher level, just as it creates that new and higher level in itself. In large part it is up to us to create this new level, and we will create it through the connection of one another, for we are the ones who are holding the light, as well as those "whom we have been waiting for." Now we are holding enough light within ourselves to achieve this, and this is what we have been waiting for.

As we begin to connect with each other, and help and support each other, we will realize that not everyone is at our particular level. Some souls will be at higher levels and some at lower levels. But this does not mean that we cannot connect with all the souls that have "crossed", or are basically anywhere, for that matter.

Now there is a huge chasm in relation to the old reality and those who have crossed. They will know this because they will feel it intensely when they clash with the old reality. The energies there will feel like a knife stabbing them in the heart. They will feel ignored, very disrespectful, belittled, invisible, ignored, unrecognized, maybe they will suffer teasing, and even be treated condescendingly. Most likely, anger will not even occur for you, for you will be so surprised that you are more likely to feel shock and bewilderment than anything else.

When something "good" happens, or even when they treat us well, we can be filled with tears, since we are surprised by everything. This experience is very common when we spend significant amounts of time in the old reality.

As we begin to vibrate higher and higher, a mutual respect, as well as really seeing who and what surrounds us, and recognizing their presence in gratitude, always becomes present, and anything else can shock us tremendously. But all this is related to connecting with our brothers and sisters now, since this is what will happen quickly in the times to come.

Those who are creating the physical spaces on the other side, or in the new reality, will experience a lot in the form of miracles and support ... and it can be anyone's support, no matter where they are residing. The solstice marked "the end." It was the last point of reference for all the waiting and to do everything we could do to raise this planet in vibration. We remove all stops. We went for years beyond our original intention, holding the planet with our light, and healing, serving and transmuting the energies of less vibration through ourselves. We even add a massive influx of new energies through the arrival of new souls through multiple births. We couldn't do anything else. And now we have to move on, because that last point of reference on June 21, 2009, has finally been reached. It is really over.

So even though we had to restructure the vibratory hierarchies in order to move forward, we now have to move forward.

The re-creation of the new planet Earth is now at hand. And it is indeed in our hands. So in this way, we will be creating very new spaces, and these new physical spaces are what I mean in the sense of angels that arrive in human form in order to help us with these creations. These creations can be stores, retirement centers, new communities, or similar things. And what they will have in common is the simple fact that when you are there, you will feel all the goodness, all the superior energy, all the feeling of home, and what we have always known and dreamed of.

These will be physical places on the planet, that is, these energies will no longer be experienced in meditation, through readings, or in any other virtual reality. And this is the beginning of the new world, and also a vital necessity. Otherwise, we would have absolutely nowhere to go, since there is no place in the old reality!

If you are afraid to go "out there" again, in order to create your new physical space, or even your shop window ... you don't feel very sure about interacting with the energies of inferior, ungrateful, or disrespectful vibration, know that you are Well trust again. They will not have to interact with them this time. There are methods to eliminate and become invisible to the energies of less vibration. Many of these methods are described in The Gate of Heaven, but also know that, in fact, you will discover them on your own when the time comes.

Part of my new venture involves connecting together physically. So although I am not quite ready, in effect, I will be offering this service in times to come, and I imagine, due to the new energies we are experiencing now, that others will be doing what same.

While a massive dusting of angelic energy hit the planet in the last few days, and intensified through mutual connections, I was leading to an appointment with a lawyer who is establishing For me, the Angel Rest Foundation. A beautiful song played on Michael Bubl ́ of the Official Video). And his lyrics said it all. When I returned to my daughter's house, we heard her in the living room, and all of us, and especially my two grandchildren who are just taking their first steps, we danced with the soul. The babies went crazy, waving their arms, rocanroleando, just like us.

And in this crazy life
And through these crazy times

You are t, you are t

You make me sing

You are each verse

You are every word

You are everything

You are every song

And I sing it

Because you are my everything ”

Yes, indeed, we are our all ...

With much love and gratitude,

New site of Karen Bishop "Emerging The New Angels of the Earth"
All your material can be downloaded in Word file from your site in Spanish

Thanks Margarita López !!!

Your Book Excerpt for Today

From The Ascension Companion :


Entering the higher realms can really produce states of confusion. Yes, we are starting a residence in the higher realms, but we have not yet completely left the old 3D world! Much of what we believed regarding the superior ways of being and living was sometimes wrong. That information came through a 3D mind, or rather through an disconnected mental state. Much of the spiritual information that they taught us, or that we believed, therefore came from a lower level of consciousness.

Since many of us are having some very strange and interesting experiences through the ascension process, we can get quite confused about what is really happening, and what it really was all about in the first place. Add to this the energy changes. When we experience a change of energy, it serves to raise our vibration. When this happens, almost everything is removed inside and out. And during this time of so much "vibrational elevation, " things are adjusting and aligning in relation to a critical mass, so that change can occur. This can cause a confusing waiting period. No wonder then, that we can become very confused sometimes without knowing what the hell is going on!

Confusion can occur when we thought things would develop in a certain way. If we believed, for example, that by raising our consciousness everything naturally becomes better and better, a great surprise would await us. The purge and liberation that result from the ascension process creates depression and challenging energies, to say the least. And then there are the long waiting periods, as mentioned above, in which we seem to be in a vacuum or in limbo while we wait for the others to catch up, while we are also “rebooting” or re-aligning For the next step. We could continually expect the next step to be much better, and then usually we feel disappointed and disappointed when it is not.

Dying while we are in a 3D body is a very long process. Yes, there are moments of really experiencing great sensations of a higher order, but the process is also very real, since it takes us through and very deep within ourselves. It also seems to stop and start again ... and this can also cause confusion.

"Have we even got anywhere?" You might ask sometimes. Or maybe you could have had feelings that all this ascension has created absolutely nothing New. The truth of the matter is that we have made incredible progress. Taking a whole planet of energy with less vibration and raising it is no small matter. Things started at higher levels and then had to seep into the physical. In addition, light workers began their ascension journey much earlier than everyone else, and therefore have been in it for a long time. This was his service for humanity, and it is a reason why it may seem that things are taking forever. But for others, they are still to begin. If you looked back at what your life was a year ago, or maybe even a few months ago, I suppose you would see that there have been great changes. You are probably not the same person you used to be and are probably also in a very different situation in many areas of your life.

Confusion can occur when we are seeing a process that does not resemble what we had imagined in our old 3D mind. But our old 3D mind didn't know much. For the most part, I was disconnected from the Source. And in addition to all of the above, those of us who are here living the process of ascension as a service to humanity, we are also in charge of the process. This means that things can change, literally, in an instant. At the higher levels of the soul, we get together, we have periodic meetings, and we come to a plan. And although it is undoubtedly a general plan, the logistics and the way to get there are subject to a `` margin of flexibility. '' So just when we think we know and understand what will happen next, it doesn't happen! (Unless, of course, you are very consciously connected with yourself on a soul level )

If you have chosen this page, you are being encouraged to know that everything is always in divine and perfect order. Staying in the moment can greatly alleviate any discomfort that confusion can bring. If you can get out of the way in terms of analyzing and need to know, you will connect much more to the Source in the long term. The higher we start to vibrate, the more clarity we receive, since we are starting to see things at a much higher level from the other side of the veil. And clarity is not always what we thought it would be! But as we progress more along our ascension paths, we begin to find much more peace, since we truly begin to find the clarity that was always there. but we just didn't vibrate loud enough to understand it yet.

~ An Angel Dust Injection And Advancement ~
August 7, 2009
by Karen Bishop

Translation: Margarita López

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