Clinging and storing emotions reduces human vibration, by the Major Galaxies

  • 2011

Brothers and sisters, we come to communicate to guide and support you in this moment of great change in all YOUR planet. Many of YOU are now beginning to go through the cleaning process that must occur before an increase in vibrations, both for the planet and for you. Mother Earth is undergoing major changes as is evident in weather patterns and other events that are occurring above and below the surface. We are here to guide you right now and help you move out of the fear that illusion teaches about these events and changes in your home planet.

Many of you are experiencing the extremes of emotion and often these are extreme negative emotions, the increase in anger across the planet is observed with humans who are becoming beings expressing the anger that is emerging. Anger is the seed with which illusion controls and contains human beings, when the state of anger takes hold of emotion, the vision that human beings experience is clouded and emotion drives it as far away from true. We are guided at this time to show you how to move through negative emotions to find the truth within you.

It is vital that in times of massive change and in the increase of vibrations, not only of the planet in which they live, but for the entire human race that they are aware of the triggers. Many have repressed negative emotions by the deep teachings of illusion, which has led him to believe that human beings are mere storage vessels and that they must keep the emotion contained as a way of life, so we guide them all to They give off this teaching. Human beings are embodied on Earth to experience emotion, not to cling to it and less to store them, since that was never part of the experience of human life. The illusion has distorted the experience of human life, and now many across the planet are trapped in the boat of emotions created by the teaching of illusion. This is the trap that reduces the vibration of the human race and cannot be allowed to continue.

World events are orchestrated to trigger these stored emotions, since illusion teaches that negative emotions can be saved and therefore all humanity proceeds to keep pain, anger and injustice deep within their BEING. It should be no surprise that in this period of cleaning, of re-calibrating the human body, these emotions rise to the surface. The illusion continues to teach through this process and keep in mind that many fall into the trap of allowing those emotions to surface to align with the emotion again. We guide you all to let go of this way of being. As long as you identify with emotions, you will continue to dance within the illusion. The challenge of humanity in this moment of evolution is to move through the veils of the illusion towards the truth. How can you move through this if your heart is closed? How can you go through this, if you are stopped far from the truth by the negative emotions that seek to pull you back into the illusion?

We observe how anger easily influences the human being at this time and guides everyone to be aware of it. Anger is sown by fear, all negative emotions are sown through fear and it is through the sweeping of the highest vibration throughout the planet called Earth, that this fear strikes as much as it can, resists as it can, and He wants to stay content in everything he can. This must be recognized if they want to get it out. Many beings do not see the way in which anger works within the experience of human life and the profound fall in the darkness that it causes, which is duality and separation.

Planet Earth is gaining in vibration, everything is rising, but that is not the end of the process because such is the depth of the confinement of the human race that deep cleansing of both the planet and the human race is necessary. The eons of repression have penetrated deeply into the human psyche and it needs to be cleansed. This body's energy compensation system is done not only on a personal level with each human being in question, but also within the structure of the Earth itself. Of the Earth that they walk on, since YOU ARE THE EARTH. The link between human beings and Mother Earth is strong, what you feel, she feels it, and vice versa. The planet has to be cleared of all the negativity stored inside. That is the pain and trauma for everything they have done on and within the planet. This is being cleaned up as the process of understanding that you are a human being living on the surface of the Earth and how they are interrelated progresses.

This process can sometimes be painful for Mother Earth, since she has witnessed many conflicts and ingested the blood of many human beings' lives. It is about cleaning and purifying and maintaining again the Love that is within and above it. The result of this is the climatic changes that plague the planet and we observe how this can generate fear for those who live on it. We ask you as a race to take a step back in that of thinking only in relation to the body you inhabit in human form and begin to absorb the truth of your mother planet. You are her and she is YOU. Do you understand the analogy? Do you understand how both are intertwined?

The planet is healing as you are recovering and any healing process begins with the recognition of the pain that has to be healed. We see how many human beings move through the ascension process, which has been called that, without realizing the pain they carry. Pain is ancestral to you and your ancestors. This has to be recognized and accepted for the pain to be healed. You carry the pain and trauma of all who came before you, made the decision at the soul level to be alive on this planet at this time to heal the pain and trauma, while your mother heals her pain and trauma.

Many are not in yet within themselves to recognize the immensity of what is happening through and within the planet at this time. We see how many who use the label of lightworkers allow emotions to still control the human life experience they are having. There are still many who repress themselves and live in illusion, this will change when the high new energies begin to take effect. Do not allow emotions to regulate the experience of human life, do not allow anger and anger - which are eons old and exist within many deep tissues of the body that inhabit them - prevent them from cleaning up the wounds they have been carrying for a long time weather. All wounds heal if love is deposited on them and within them. Never before in the history of the human race was there a cleaning of this magnitude. ALL OF YOU are standing on the edge of the UNIT, however the illusion tries to pull the carpet under your feet and teach them that there is only separation and duality.

We are going to the highest part of all who read these words at this time, because the deep part of you knows the reason why you are here. For all those who have agreed to take a step forward and maintain the space of other human beings, we ask you to walk forward, NOW is the time to clean, to move forward and to expand. The understanding of human beings with respect to what exists around them is about to expand. A greater understanding of the role of the human race in relation to the planet and the planet in relation to the solar system and the galaxy will be announced in due course, but the cleanliness of the Low vibrations must be carried out first. To reach the stars it is necessary to keep the vibration higher, while still anchored deep in the earth. Many human beings, many fear to anchor to the Earth. Because the connection with Mother Earth is the one that keeps in her DNA the memories of the pain and the trauma of the ancestors.

To cure the pain, then acknowledge it within yourself, recognize your ancestors and ask them for help, since your side is willing to help and support at this time. Why they are all one.

The level of human consciousness will increase considerably in the coming months, take the opportunity to clean and heal at all times and see the experience of human life be what it should always be. YOU were not destined to travel the planet Earth in repression, you were not destined to travel the planet Earth in fear or despair. Allow your emotions to be purified, allow them to arise and leave, do not identify as they are, that this is not your purpose OR YOURS.

We are from the GREAT GALAXIES and we will reveal ourselves as what we are at the right time. Know that the expansion of consciousness begins NOW, and at this moment, know that YOU are part of this. WE ARE ALL ONE.


September 27, 2011. Channeler: Karen Doonan. All rights reserved. The article may be reproduced in its entirety if the author and his website are kept in the credit.

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