New Earth Lightning Activation

  • 2010

There are many Rays destined to descend on the New Earth,

all with golden halos around.

The Emerald-Gold ray is vibrating,

but today is the moment when the Magenta-Gold ray begins to vibrate,

This ray brings the action to the New Earth.


Not only realizing that we are creating but activating the creation in you.

Realizing that this Creation is latent in each of Us.

This Ray brings with it distancing from structures that do not correspond to the New Earth,

and when this is activated, the Gold-Gold Yellow will enter

that will act discriminating only the work in wisdom of Love.

They bring with them the Joy that the human feels the Creation in Each One,

feel the Creator-God in each One.

These are the moments when you have to be present in Equality

As an expanded human.

These are the moments when you, human, wake up your Divinity

Yes, you are in a human body transiting duality,

but ... you decide ... and if you want to ... you'll wake up at last.

And if you do, not in human stages but in Divine stages,

the great veil will begin to dissolve ...,

You will begin to live in the fullness of the Expanded Being within the human body.

Don't resist these changes,

just want them to happen in you,

and you will feel Peace, the Regosijo.

Incarnation after incarnation you have been prepared for this moment of Unity,

You decide ... the changes are already

and if you want to ...

you will live your human stage only with Love, Joy and Bliss,

knowing that there is not only meat in you,

but Divine Spirit of Unity,

because you have the Essence of God in you.

Display your sleeping wings,

this is the moment

and feel

“That you are a cluster of Praise and Glory, because God is within You”

Mary Magdalene and the Christ Hierarchy

Original message channeled by Cristina Di Martino

Message received on July 11, 2010

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