Circuit Activation 13:20:33 and connection with Metatronic Light

  • 2012

The following is an activation that I received to activate Circuit 13-20-33 and connect with the Galactic Time Frequency, as well as activate the connection with the Metatrict Full Light unique.

To do it, I recommend starting with some relaxation exercise, being able to use a suitable music as well as sahumerios, essential oils, etc., according to the taste and preferences of each one. The important thing is to enter a state of deep relaxation, and prepare to perform the activations.

It is advisable to activate daily, as daily life in 3D tends to disconnect us.

The activation is divided into three parts. The first is the activation of Circuit 13-20-33. The second is the connection with Adam Kadmon, and the third with the Full Metatronic Light.

The basis of all this work is the geometry of the Flower of Life and the Metatron's Cube, which are the matrix of the entire Universe.

To do this, the following is repeated, taking time to integrate each activation, inhaling and exhaling:

1) Circuit Activation 13-20-33

12 chakras plus unified chakra (13) ASSETS

12 Layers of DNA plus active crystal segments

• Layer 13 ACTIVE DNA

• Connection of 13 DNA layers through the ACTIVE Metatron Cube

• 12 auric layers in etheric matter plus unified field (13) ASSETS

• Connection of the Chakras with the DNA and the auric layers ACTIVA

• 20 auric layers in ACTIVE antimatter

• 33 chakras connected to the 33 ACTIVE layers

• Circuit 13-20-33 ACTIVE and connected with Gaia and the Galactic Center

I'm on the frequency of the Galactic Time

2) Connection with Adam Kadmon

• Hologram of Love (Flower of Life) ACTIVE

• Tree of Life with 13 ACTIVE sefirot

(At this point, imagine on Keter another sphere corresponding to the Transcendence, and below Malkut another representing the Synthesis, as it appears in the following scheme of the Tree of Life within the Flower of life. These additional spheres correspond to the Star chakras of the Soul and Star of the Earth, respectively)

11 Spheres

13 Spheres (two additional, one above and one below)

I am the Adam Kadmon - I am the Cosmic Human - I am the Christ on Earth

3) Connection with Full Metatronic Light

• Hologram of Love (Flower of Life) ACTIVE

• Fruit of Life - 13 ACTIVE information systems

• Metatron cube with all its multidimensional geometries ACTIVE, connecting:

my 13 chakras, 13 chakras of the Earth, 13 galactic chakras, 13 universal libraries, 13 universal chakras, 13 universes


• I bring this Complete Light to all areas of my life in this incarnation, to my whole Being, to my entire Multidimensionality.

• All my co-creations are in the Full Metatronic Light, zero point, not polarity.

Chrishia Nadys

Circuit Activation 13:20:33 and connection with Metatronic Light

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