About the reality of suffering , by the Arc ngel Miguel

  • 2011

Message of 5.7.2011.

Channel: María Belén Cerfoglio

Beyond the Light there is more Light. There is nothing in you that is not a divine planning, as well as all those who go that way, that of the Light, which at the moment are the majority, although some do not believe it.

Nothing is better than anything else, nothing is worse ... Everything is perfect because it comes from God / The Source. Those who surrender to God's plan will not have much conflict, but those who resist will suffer greatly, in fact that is the only cause of suffering today. They have to understand that, that if they suffer, it is because they do not partially or totally accept the new changes. The changes do not have to distress them too much, that distressing is not a fact that is taken for granted. The fact is that if they accept the changes with joy, even if they don't understand them partially or totally, they will be fully happy. They are meant to be happy; if they are not it is because they resist ...

Try to be aware of what you are feeling with the new changes, look, perceive those feelings as from outside of yourself, and take them only as what they are, do not give them more or less importance. This will help you not to resist and accept yourself. Accepting yourself is crucial, the crucial step that allows you to be happy, enjoy what happens to you, trust yourself and thus flow into the changes. It's like allowing yourself to swim in favor of the current; you can direct the path you are going to travel (if you are going to go linearly or rather zigzagging) in this way you put your stamp on your path and on the other hand you can flow with the changes, and do it without suffering.

This is the secret, simpler than you might have thought. Listen to what we tell you. We are communicating every time with more people, with those who are open to listen to us. Please open, we need you.

Thank you in advance for everything you do, all your work is infinitely revered and glorified.

Today and always.

Council of the 12 directed by the Arc Miguel Angel.

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