AA METATRON: The Solitude and Sovereignty of the Divine Being

"Beloved Greetings: I AM METATRON, Lord of Light, and I welcome you to this Meeting!"

Now, the channel has asked me to talk about an aspect of human experience related to loneliness. The fact of being alone vs. engaged in a relationship and restlessness points to the fact about what should be the condition that allows a greater advance of the soul. A timely and pertinent topic for these times and, we will add, for the many mass seekers who are still in the duality of the earth plane, while the planet approaches its proclaimed Ascension. Many 'Lightworkers' are currently in a state of loneliness and feel confused, in some way, by such a situation. Understandably, the aspect of loneliness, of solitariness, can make them feel isolated from their comfort zone and far from the conditioned desire to be in a relationship.

The short answer is that both states - both being in a couple and being alone - have their divine purpose and we highlight the word BOTH. Much is gained by being engaged in a love relationship, and this is a natural occurrence in most stays on the earth plane. However, Masters, there is a great purpose for loneliness and many of you have planned to be alone in this period, despite the feeling that a partner must find ... the elusive soulmate. And we add that there is much confusion regarding the concept of the twin flame or soul mate as of the role and nature of an optimal company to achieve the Mastery of Being.

Now, there is a common saying in all your religious texts, in one way or another, which, paraphrased is the following:

“There is a time and a season for all purposes; time to be born, time to die, time to sow, time to reap, time to be in a couple and time to walk alone, time for each Divine purpose. ”

As you can see, within duality, each condition has its counterpart, its opposite. For many Lightworkers, this is a time of solitude, for others it is not, but for a huge majority of you, loneliness has been specifically chosen in this period as an option to move towards Ascension. In one aspect, Ascension is that time in which a greater dimensional range is allowed, allowed within the Earth's matrix.

This time of solitude, as an option chosen, is for some a timely juncture for self-examination. This is really a very important and timely issue, since, Masters, many of you, particularly those over 49, the seven times seven cycle, are in a state of loneliness, in many cases, after having a partner, having broken relationships or terminated marriage contracts.

Loneliness is a noble condition. Returning to your own words: "the soul reaches the earth alone and the spirit leaves only the Earth." For those who seek a sanctifying light, for those seekers, framed within an election called 'consecration to enlightenment', loneliness is specifically part of their life plan, choosing to be alone for a while, preferably after the 6th and 7th septenary of life. Teachers, for many of you who are in a state of loneliness at this time, in this life cycle of planetary ascension, are alone prior to an agreed plan or design. Now is the time you have chosen to be alone. This does not mean that you will always be alone, it simply means a time that you have chosen to 'work for yourself'. In many cases, to achieve self-esteem. Self-love is a condition that many, especially those deeply rooted in Christianity, have lost. Christianity, through its teachings on original sin, that you were imperfect, imperfect by nature, and many life lapses have come down on your knees and asking for forgiveness for who you are. You have lost your sense of divinity and have found it easier to give than to receive. The right to balance was lost. Then you can see that a very necessary aspect to activate the crystalline field is the restoration of self-love.

Loneliness, as you can see, has its own holiness and its own time. It is a state of sublime reverence of Being. Your life and your experience on this plane is your own creation, your own carpet of life, woven by your individual beliefs. Relationships are a method to reflect affection for your belief system and to feed back what is simply stated, and what is not. The detachment requires the individual to explore the being to reconnect with the internal horizon and this facilitates Sovereignty. Sovereignty is the arrogance of the Master.

A relationship between two sovereign beings has greater balance, greater creativity and greater duration than a pair of beings dependent on each other. Do you understand?

Definition of Being: Master Prerequisite

Dear ones Finally, every soul must define the being in order to achieve the Master. The Auto Master is incorporated in a period of detachment chosen. It is that period in which impeccability crystallizes. And we say to you, Dear Ones, crystallization, through impeccability is a necessary phase towards Self-Master.

Loneliness is a calibration situation in this room conducive to the Master, and many of you have chosen it in the present time frame, at the dawn of the Planetary Ascension. One enters the emptiness, the great mystery in search of strength and vision of sovereignty, alone, without a shoulder to lean on. Do not misunderstand our meaning. There is a great validity in the pairing, in the natural aspect of the twin flame or soul mate even, there is an innate need for a self-evaluation, a self-adjustment, a self- development and achievement of self-love between the pauses of emotional relationships. The time sequence of loneliness is determined individually.

One becomes enlightened when one learns to transcend the physical being. Each of you should strive until the final conquest is the achievement of impeccability. This implies freeing oneself from ignorance, letting go of victimization and releasing everything that does not serve them. Impeccability is the crystallization or uniform clarity of the soul and is a necessary piece of Master Ascension. We have told you that the language or fabric of the higher dimensions is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometrical clarity of the soul's mind. By defining oneself through impeccability, it becomes crystalline, being capable of a greater state of consciousness within the geometry of the higher planes. You define yourself deciding, intricately who you are, what you believe in, and then walk within your own divine construct. Whoever they have defined themselves, be the Master they are.

Ask Metatron: Do you say that emotional relationships such as marriage are not a primary union?

Metatron: We are saying that affective relationships are a sacred and joyful means to achieve Self Mastery, but that finally, on each soul journey, there is also a time to be alone. The Sovereign Being is a self-sufficient and authentic being that does not require reliance on another. This conceptual dependence can be a force or deterrent to the Master. As we have already expressed, the paradox is that a relationship between two sovereign beings has greater joy, greater balance and greater interconnection with the divine than a relationship based on dependence. They understand?

In reality, the soul is androgynous, self-contained and self-sufficient. It does not mean that love is not the frequency basis; in reality, it is the highest vibration, but it is a vibration generated by the Ascended Soul towards the Cosmos and a collective harmonic of crystalline love vibration, it is not performed with a specific partner, see? It is performed in a universal harmonica with All That Is. Do you understand? This is actually part of the activation of the Self towards the divine resonance of the Quantum Crystalline Field. It is who YOU ​​are. It is the I AM that I AM.

Question to Metatron: Many marriages seem to break in the present times after many years of living together and the long life commitment does not seem to last. Has this paradigm changed?

Metatron: Ah! Now we enter a more complex issue, which has been frequently misunderstood and has many nuances. The family of one is truly all souls, all humanity and in the terrestrial lesson of duality, there are many forms of 'contracts', isn't it?

Now, we will tell you that 'for life' marriage relationships do not really work in these times, nor do conventional and legal parameters within the new paradigm. Some persevere, most do not. We will tell you that it is better to end a relationship in which the creative flow of love is blocked than 'waiting' in a dysfunctional relationship where the only thing that reigns is disdain and routine. Many souls who end a dysfunctional relationship find that the relationship really improves once the 'marriage' dissolves. It's not like that?

We must tell you that the current index of marital relations that end in divorce is at its highest level in the entire earth plane. This situation is global, not only in America and Europe. Likewise, the dissolution of the relations of coexistence, where there is no consummated 'legal marriage', are also at their highest rate. You see that the paradigm is changing. Couples will continue to choose different partners and, in some cases, different genders and this is also part of the new paradigm.

The balance in relationships is essential and the association contracts are as varied as the flowers of the field. Varied in shape, diverse in color, in gender, in purpose, model and duration. All is being imposed now. Love has many faces. The AND is changing, the AND is a 12-strand helix and is really the divine interface of human biology. The total spectrum of DNA, in fact, is the catalyst for the prototype of changing relationships and they evolve as they should be. The type of relationship with a defined purpose is chosen and the archetype of the various criteria has changed and will continue to change in these accelerated times. Dear ones Change is the nature of reality. The greatest teachings of life are received when evaluating both the relationships that end and those that flourish.

Ask Metatron: What about raising children and the effect when they come from broken homes?

Metatron: This is also a question and an issue that focus on the complexity of change and the belief system.

There were time phases of human existence both in the continent of Mu (Lemuria), in Rama (now China and India) and in Atlantis, where child rearing was carried out within a community context. It was a culturally accepted methodology for child rearing and, in certain ways, it has been the highest and most refined ever since. The children really knew their biological parents, but parenting was offered to everyone equally and in a group, which allowed each of them an equal status of love, education, opportunities, health and emotional well-being through various devout beings. and professionally loving. Somehow, that sounds quite strange and cold to many of you within the current paradigm but the system offered many more advantages than the current ones. From a global base, there are literally millions of children now who are essentially abandoned and functionally left orphaned, having to fend for themselves, not only in what you call the Third World but also in America and Europe.

The point is that many of today's children, in the 'first world', are children the product of divorce and on their own terms, of 'broken marriages'. These children clearly understand that the current marriage system simply does not work. As these children become adults, a new relationship system is emerging. It will emerge within a new legal structure. A new system of definition of relationships, of legalization of marriages, will soon be protocolized. These relationships will be structured from legal agreements to a shorter term.

In some countries, the option of 'Three Year Marriage Contract' will be established and these will be adjusted to the reality of the current relationship paradigm. These marriages are, in essence, short-term legal agreements, with a clear contractual definition and will end according to the time limit or optionally, mutually renewable at the end of each phase, and with a space to reconsider the terms. The clauses will include conditions on the welfare of the children and clear definition of responsibilities. These contracts will grow in popularity and will be extended globally according to the laws. These will work. Of course, they will carry their own challenges and responsibilities. They will provide their own promises, the promises of a new paradigm but there will also be spaces and opportunities for adjustments, as well as the power to reassess the terms. This will allow a greater recognition of the BE. In addition, they will be designed to avoid energy blockages and reduce the rate of dysfunctional marriages, do you see? In this way, people will see themselves as a 'total' being and not as the property of the other or as 'the other rib' of someone else. Each one will contribute its integral, total BE, through a vigorous flow of energy within the relationship, in an infrequent manner at present. There will also be previously agreed escape points, which allow free will and freedom of change. People will share the best of themselves, without commitment to individuality. Each will recognize the divinity of the other, and preserve the dignity of their OWN BEING.


Religion will also be the subject of a great revolution as a result of Ascension. Naturally, the established religions, which exercise their control through fear, particularly Christianity, Islamism and Judaism, will resist. But in the end, their inability to maintain and attract followers will force them to change, dissolve and reemerge within less restrictive parameters. The religions that control through fear are already losing their grip and this will continue.

Currently, the collective of humanity does not truly recognize or understand the nature of the soul, of its divine BEING. Unfortunately, being is relegated to the realm of personality, to the ego of the masses. It is true that a high ratio of light is now being awakened on the planet much more than any other time; however, only 11% of the population, between six billion, is the one that has been activated on the likely path to awakening. That is a sufficient number to manifest Ascension. Enough has been achieved, Dear Masters.

The aspect of this stay of humanity and multidimensionality is not truly understood, even by those aware of that reality that you call 'reincarnation'. Western religion does not teach it and the eastern religions that do, are not completely accurate. Life lapses are not linear. All of them occur simultaneously within what may be called the quantum field potential. The aspect that you refer to as karma is also misunderstood. Souls are not punished. Everything you know as 'sin' is really, unused knowledge. Karma would then be an action of being. The higher being provides the soul with greater learning, with a greater development of the soul, with a greater awakening of the soul, to achieve BALANCE - achieve self-balance with the multidimensional being.

The inhumanity of man against man is a clear example. Less than two centuries ago, there was great brutality in the form of slavery. There was an enormous iniquity and savagery inflicted on the indigenous peoples of the Americas, and a barbaric ethnic genocide. We tell you that some of the black peoples who fought to establish their civil rights in the Americas during the turbulent decades of the 60s and 70s, are of In fact, reincarnated slave owners. Many of those, who are now trying to rescue the scattered culture and Native American lands, are the conquerors and reincarnated government officials, who created the same conditions in which they now live, and are thrown back to live the experience from the other side of the balance to balance what they themselves helped create. Do you see it? It is not a punishment, it is the desire of the being to find balance in the multidimensional aspect of the soul. This is enormously unknown and certainly not taught within any religion, but it is the pure truth, the pure reality. Truly reincarnated souls of all races, genders, sexual orientations, in the eternal NOW. Do you see the beauty of the balance requirement chosen by the BEING?

Religion in the New paradigm must focus on the individual, must truly recognize the nature of the BEING, the nature of the DIVINE SOUL. None of your world religions truly answers these current questions. None of their religions answers the questions of the true cosmic man, whose origin is multidimensional, extraterrestrial, and who must come to understand the new paradigm. None of the current trend religions can accurately and completely express the true history of man on Earth. There is no true religion as such on the planet today. Most religions are bought and sold from pre-established templates. No religion is still vindicated for knowing the Path that leads to God, for following the path back to God. Each has its own dogma, each has its own hierarchy and control, and each requires monetary donations and financial support from its followers. None of the current dogmas is completely correct. It could be said that the closest religion is the Tibetan Buddhist, but it also has its shortcomings. Some followers of the path of indigenous shamanism have found their way, but this requires perseverance and pure purpose.

Man seeks more fervently now than at any other time on the planet and looking for himself has the potential to manifest the light. Few religious instructors are true professors, professors, perhaps, but not true Masters, are you?

Even those within the New Era movement, those who channel, are subject to the fragility of the ego and the beliefs of personal systems. Discernment is the key. When integrity is not preserved, the connection with the true spirit is lost and everyone who is human is subject to falling into this, if they lose their integrity. Truly the path to Ascension is the ability of each soul to rise within its Higher Self. Look inward and find your own divinity within your heart. Not through blindly following a guru, a spiritual oliver channel but through the BEING.

Dear ones Accept as true only that which resonates within you individually and does not yield its power to others. Each of you can and should channel your own superior being. Study, observe, listen, discern, evaluate and accept only what resonates within you.

Teachers The path to divinity is made through self-definition and seeking that aspect of God within each of you, with the great desire that is incorporated into each of your souls. Study, search and work! Discover your way. Discover yourself. Love yourself, love the Divinity within you. Discover the multidimensional aspects of your true Soul. That is the nobility of loneliness.

You are Beloved ... and so it is.

I AM Metatron, Lord of Light


Translated by: Gloria Helena Restrepo C.

Bogota Colombia

Original text in English: www.Earth-Keeper.com

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