8-8-8 and 11-8-8 The Unsustainable Light: The Great Gift to Humanity

Dear brothers in the Light:

Today is August 12. The great moment in the path of Humanity towards the Planetary Ascension has already happened. And now we are More Light, after the Opening of the Orion Portal and the celebration of Glory Day.

Thousands of people have mobilized following this call. Mainly in Iberia, Latin America and the USA. And the gods have not been more generous, not only with those who have participated in this opening call but with all those who, in some way and another, have recognized the importance of the date and have joined the multiple calls issued by other channelers and light workers.

To all of them, without exception, the immense gratitude of the Masters and their infinite blessings. His knock at the gates of Heaven has been heard. In response They have left us, on August 8, the beautiful agglomerate that comes next. (Top image)

8-8-8: Opening of the Orion Portal:

According to ancient Greek myth, Prometheus stole fire from the gods to deliver to men, and when those discovered the theft, Prometheus was severely punished for all eternity. They were other gods and they were other men. Unlike in the times of myth, the Gods of today, those stellar brothers of light, those Ascended Masters aligned with the Source God in the highest vibration of Love, have made an offering these days to Humanity for a precious gift of their fire, in the way they work and handle it, which is what we will call from now on The Unsustainable Light.

In its physical form, the Light or Unsuspecting Flame is a technology available in Atlántida, whereby a light could be generated that did not need food or fuel some to look eternally. That light did not need “sustenance”, that is why it is called Unsustainable Light. It was generated from the ambient energy itself, when it was very pure and high vibration, and when they had the right knowledge to turn it on and maintain it. The energy pollution ended with that Light. Therefore, this light was maintained only by people who had reached and remained in that high vibratory band, which meant maintaining a high level of physical, emotional purity, of intention and heart.

This knowledge was inherited by the Neolithic cultures, led by wizards and druids, who collected part of the technological heritage of Atlantis and dedicated generations of pure priestesses to the maintenance of this light. But, in the end, this knowledge and this technology of light was lost.

Trying to understand a posteriori the nature of this gift of the Gods, the Unsuspecting Flame acquires all the meaning if we are aware that the evolutionary goal of Humanity planned for 2012 is aimed at placing a “critical mass” of human beings at the same energetic, vibratory and technological level that existed at the time of the sinking of Atlántida. Therefore, said "critical mass" needs to anchor the unsustainable light inside.

In its energetic form, the Unsuspected Light is a very advanced form of vibration that brings us very close to the pure angelic diamond vibration of Unconditional Love. The Unsuspecting Light is like a whitish fire, temperate (does not burn), ethereal, and very bright, like the initial glow of a match when it is lit, or of a white firework when it is lit. This Unsustainable Light is the gift that has brought us to Humanity and the Planet the Galactic Confederation at the time of the opening of the Portal de Ori n. In an environment of Unsustainable Light, the Duality is undone, dissolved, then recovering the full Unity. Darkness cannot exist in this environment and merges with light, imploding and taking the path back to the Source, to the point of Unity. Infinite Light and Energy that is God. The effects of the Unsustainable flame inside the human being

After the opening of the Portal de Ori n, Mother Earth and its planetary envelopes have become an environment of Unsustainable Light, and the outer darkness has completely vanished. The darkness that remains on the planet is limited to the resonances anchored in the minds and energy fields of human beings, as a result of their fears, limitations and all kinds of negative emotions and limiting thoughts. Give in and pass over time. The outer darkness has begun its "road to exile, to dissolution." In other words, the Unsustainable Light delivered by the Brothers of the Confederation has laid the pillars of Paradise on Earth, minimum energy condition in which They can coexist energy Ethically and vibrationally with human beings. Thus, this planet has become a space of coexistence of Human Beings and Gods. Human Gods and Star Gods shaking hands.

This Unsustainable Flame has been given by the Gods to Human Beings because they have asked for it, because they have asked for it massively and adequately. Massively for his broad and generous conscious response to the multiple call issued, and properly because they have requested it from the two necessary conditions established: straight and pure intention, and open and loving heart. It was all that was needed. In addition to the internal desire of a New World of Light and Love, expressed through the issuance of the New World Symphony in hundreds of places simultaneously, as a vehicle to pray to the heights that same New World. The Unsustainable Light will generate the necessary and conducive environment for the establishment of that New World. A New World of Unity, where the original AM / OM dual energies of creation-expansion-implosion, are fully balanced and integrated into the Divine Unity that emanates from the Source God.

So far, the Gods have approached men following their conscious call. Apart from the vibrational elevation of the planetary environment generated by the presence of the Unsuspecting Flame, each one of those attending the ceremonies, whether public, private or individual, are opening the Orion Portal or any other call for light emitted by 888, to any conscious being who has given himself to the call of the heavens, a personal unsustainable flame has been incorporated in the center of his heart, in the core of his soul, thus significantly increasing his vibrational potential, unless it is conscious and take care of that flame.

That unsustainable Light anchored in our center, dissolves personal duality and unifies all our bodies around our Higher Self, plucks the roots of duality patterns, repetitive and karmic, rooted in our unconscious, and weakens the strength of thought forms. dense, not unitary, to place ourselves fully in the realm of our personal divinity. As humanity and as individual human beings, we have potentially crossed the threshold of humanity and entered fully to meet our latent divinity. The Unsuspected Light anchored in each of us is a powerful germinator and activator of our divine Christ seed. The decision to take the step towards, and consciously assume, our own Divinity, runs from our own. It is our entire decision to make the important biblical quotation of "In the image and likeness of God" come true. To the fertilization, germination and growth of our divine seed, the environment of planetary Unsustainable Light will definitely help.

As I mentioned in the third communiqué about the Orion Portal (see blog www.888portaldeorion.blogspot.com), the opening of a Portal expands the energetic-vibratory walls in which human beings are confined, allowing first level individuals, the "spearhead", and those of the next level of the "critical mass", expand its vibrational range in the spiral of planetary ascension and take some decisive steps towards the angelic, Christic, or galactic level, or as it is called .

The opening of this Orion Portal and the entrance of the Unsustainable flame on the planet, generous gift from the Masters, will allow vibratory ranges in advanced humans that will manifest in the "spearhead" and in the "critical mass" as: much ease of insustentation, that is, to live without food (live by light, never better) in a simpler and more sustained way; address processes of extreme longevity and even think of immortality (energies of light, flames of light, which "sustain" life), processes of continuous creation, integral self-healing and material manifestation, among other phenomena of a superior nature hitherto hardly imaginable for Most human beings. In addition, the unsustained flame fed is a heartfelt expression of our Love for God, and as a result, all human beings, all creatures and Mother Earth, and strongly strengthens our connection to divinity.

Summing up: the opening of this "Gate of Heaven", on August 8, and its anchor on August 9 and 10, has brought us a great gift from the Star Brothers, the Light or Unsuspected Flame, and a clear approach and permanent of the Masters to the human beings. The vibratory, individual and planetary conditions have been created for humanity to make an important quantum leap towards the angelic or Christic state, starting with the anchoring of the unsustainable flame in the soul of those who responded to the call.

11-8-8: The Entry into Glory:

The anchoring of the Unsuspecting Flame and the massive entrance of the vibration of the Galactic Confederation on this planet, opened to Humanity the doors to the Worlds of the GL-ORIA, of the Great Light of Orion. Now that Great Light already has a name. The keys were jealously guarded since 1188 (11-8-8) on the stones of the Portico de la Gloria of Maestro Mateo in the Santiago Cathedral of the Stellae Campus (Compostela), Iberia. About 200 people from all corners of Iberia and some Latin American countries, were physically summoned by the Masters to, in the name of Humanity, make that conscious physical step to the worlds of Glory representing all their brothers of Light. So it was.

The physical Porch was under construction, as already noted, full of technological scaffolding, ready to be restored conscientiously and to serve as the Portico of New Glories of Humanity for the next hundreds of years. The energy portico was splendid, open, ready, powerful, with a strong light energy difficult to bear from the previous day, like the entire Cathedral, ready to receive that fractal of conscious and loving Humanity that was excited to take possession and share that Orion Light. The presence of many Portuguese brothers who came from all parts of the sister country was very exciting.

The Cathedral was literally crowded with pilgrims, tourists, faithful, curious, and us. There was light energy there for everyone. The Masters were happy. Following a careful plan, very difficult to execute due to the physical impossibility of walking on foot through the Cathedral, because it was full of people, the Lightworkers managed to meet in a prayer chapel, the flame chapel where We hardly fit, under the watchful and suspicious look of the safety of the Cathedral and some priests who suspected the intentions of such a large concentration in a place where the entry of tourists is prohibited.

There we performed a silent meditation for almost an hour, of such a level of concentration and vibrational elevation that most of the attendees ended up crying, with an open heart, full of love, feeling the power, energy and heat of that Unsuspected flame, under the Attentive Christ energy presence. It should be added that in that chapel, which I have always called the Chapel of the Flame, it was in which my team of spiritual activations performed its special Opening Ceremony of the Portal on August 8, during three intense and strong hours of 10, 00 to 13.00 hours. For this ceremony we had been preparing, individually and collectively, during the previous thirteen days, traveling the entire Camino de Santiago (by car, of course), or what the Masters defined as “preparing the landing strip”.

This chapel, circular and octagonal at the same time, fully reproduces in its design the geometry of Orion, 8 spokes and three circles. It is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus that is represented without the human figure of Jesus Christ, but only with a huge heart on the main altar on which a great fire burns, the mystical fire of Love for God. In addition, it has distributed, as an object of adornment, several large glasses from which large flames sculpted in stone come out, and it has on a small altar a female figure with a chalice. This magical place, of invocation to the flame, to the light, to the goddess, to the chalice and to the heart, is the reservoir, the warehouse, the main and permanent physical support of the Unsuspected Flame on Earth. Take note.

We finished so marked day celebrating the Glory in the back Square of the Cathedral, with a silent and subtle dance, the Lotus Dance, that we learned months ago at the openings of the 11:11 Portals of Solara, all twinned, hugged, feeling One in the One, under the wonderful energy of the Flame, full of our newly released Divinity.

May God bless you and the New Humanity, inhabitant of the worlds of Glory, and hold the Unsuspected Flame on Planet Earth Paradise forever.

In service and with love.

Domingo Díaz Asensio

888 - Orion Portal

General Coordination Node

- (+34) 649102212

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