7 magic squares

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 The square of Saturn 2 The square of Venus 3 The square of Jupiter 4 The square of Mercury 5 The square of Mars 6 The square of the Moon 7 The square of the Sun

Creativity encompasses the ardent potential and is impregnated with the sacred fire of the heart. By radiating the light of bliss we are at the same time doctors, creators and protectors.

The ancient Wizards of Persia, who were also doctors, intended to cure diseases by applying a magic square to the sick part, following the well-known principle of medicine: "primun non nocere", that is, first principle, not to harm.

A magic square is the result of dividing a certain number of squares, also square, and within each of them a number without repetition, so that the same sum is always obtained in each row, in each column and also in each diagonal .

The Tables of Destiny are constituted by the 7 magic squares of the stars and together they form a divinatory game. Its origin is unknown, but not its operation, which is based on both geomancy, astrology, science and the symbology of the numbers of the cabal and of daily divination. Its chronology is based on the celestial hierarchy of the stars: Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Moon and Sun; which are in turn the origin of the days of the week in reverse.

As for the number of boxes the order would be. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon.

Saturn's Square

It is divided into 9 squares (3 × 3). The sums of the numbers of the vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines are always equal to 15. The total of all the numbers inscribed in the squares of this square is 45. The numbers attributed to Saturn are 9, 15 and 45. This first square leads us to the concept of a Latin square, in which the first row and column have been standardized by following the natural order of the numbers.

This square brings to our imagination the importance of the number three in creation, as we can see in the soma cube. It consists of a set of seven modules to design in three dimensions. The soma cube pattern is a unit cube, mounted on a 3x3x3 cube for a total of 27 small cubes.

Venus square

It is divided into 49 boxes (7 7). The sums of the numbers of the vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines are always equal to 175. The total of all the numbers inscribed in the squares of this square is 1225. The assigned numbers to Saturn are 49, 175 and 1225.

This square brings to our imagination the importance of number seven in creativity, as we can see in the Chinese tangram. It consists of forming silhouettes of figures with seven geometric pieces without overlapping them. The tangram pattern is a small triangle, so the square would be made up of 16 such triangles (4 4).

For the Celts, the Druid is not only the priest who venerates water, earth, air and fire, but is also a doctor, healer, philosopher, astrologer, magician, fortune teller, poet, musician

The Lady of the Lake is responsible for the disappearance of Merl n, by locking him for all eternity in a cave, taking advantage of the influence he has on the wizard in love. According to Lanzarote in prose, Merlà © n taught his magical secrets to Niniane, for the promise he made to her that, in payment, she would give him her love . However, Niniane takes advantage of the knowledge of these secrets to lock up Merl n. The wizard had already seen his own destiny, but was not able to avoid it, which means that Niniane possessed an extraordinarily strong power to manipulate and enchant, even a great sorcerer.

J piter's square

It is divided into 16 boxes (4 4). The sums of the numbers of the vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines are always equal to 34. The total of all the numbers inscribed in the boxes of this square is 136. The numbers attributed to Jupiter are 16, 34 and 136.

The most used enchantment in fairy tales, and that the fairy or witch pronounces to produce or undo an enchantment is “abracadabra”. This enchantment is related to the letters number of the cabal and means "the four part". The four that were invoked in this case were the four letters of the name of Yahweh (YHWH) and what started were the four elements: Earth, Air, Fire; Water. The Kabbalists of the Middle Ages said that it also meant father, spirit and word, that is, "the word of the father's spirit" invokes the natural forces symbolized by the number four, and in this case by God Jupiter.

Mercury Square

It is divided into 64 squares (8 × 8). The sums of the numbers of the vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines are always equal to 260. The total of all the numbers inscribed in the squares of this square is 2080. The numbers attributed to Saturn are 64, 260 and 2080.

We can see in this square a direct relationship with I Ching, the intelligence of mutations, the signs of change. The eight basic trigrams would be the seven magic squares plus the square of the Earth (10 × 10?) One of the two primordial principles, the yin principle, which is realized in the forces of the Earth. The Earth, as cultivated field welcomes in itself the seed of Heaven or form. Heaven (Mercury) is the realization of the yang principle that fertilizes the receptive. Thunder (Jupiter) is the life that bursts from the depths of the Earth; It is the beginning of all movement. The mountain (Saturn) is the image of meditation that, by keeping the external still produces the vitality of internalization, is the place where death and life touch. The Wind (Mars) characterizes the flow of the forces of reality within the form of the idea, penetrates all spaces, crosses everything and creates "realization." The Lake (Venus) is towards the Yin side. Water (Moon) is the contrast of Fire (Sun) Represents the religion of eros while the sun represents logos. The wedding of the moon and the sun are the secret of the magical process that engenders the Child, the new man.

Mars square

It is divided into 25 boxes (5 × 5). The sums of the numbers of the vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines is always equal to 65. The total of all the numbers inscribed in the boxes of this square is 325. The numbers attributed to Saturn are 25, 65 and 325.

It was number five that gave rise to the word pentacle, a five-pointed star that represented the five elements that constitute the harmony of the world. Most of the pentacles used in ritual and practical magic were also based on the symbology of the cabal and that of the stars. The pentacles were minted in the form of a metal medal, in gold for the sun, copper for venus and silver for the moon.

The square of the moon

It is divided into 81 boxes (9 × 9). The sums of the numbers of the vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines are always equal to 369. The total of all the numbers inscribed in the boxes of this square is 3321. The numbers attributed to Saturn are 81, 369 and 3321.

This square leads us to relate it to Sudoku. The objective of the sudoku is to fill in a grid of 9 × 9 cells (81 squares) divided into subframes of 3 × 3 (also called “boxes” or “regions”) with the figures from 1 to 9 starting from some numbers already arranged in some of the cells. Although colors, letters, figures could be used, it is agreed to use numbers for clarity, what matters is that they are nine differentiated elements, which should not be repeated in the same row, column or sub-grid. The solution of a sudoku is always a Latin square, although the reciprocal action in general is not true since the sudoku establishes the added restriction that the same number cannot be repeated in a sub-grid.

The square of Sun

It is divided into 36 boxes (6 × 6). The sums of the numbers of the vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines are always equal to 111. The total of all the numbers inscribed in the boxes of this square is 666. The numbers attributed to Saturn are 36, 111 and 666.

The magic squares are used to establish a correct call to a spiritual entity, marking the strokes that said entity has established for itself. Once the entity appears, it can be claimed to express its name and even teach it other attributes that the magician does not know about that entity.

The science of invocation and evocation constitutes the approach in the new era of a mentally polarized humanity. When man knows that he is divine, he has to replace the worship, attitude of the mystic, by the Invocation, attitude of the mentalist.

Evoke: Is to request the presence of an entity, to appear before the magician. Where the magician is, an entity manifests its presence through sounds, lights and shadows or more or less corporeal forms as well as odors and sounds quite indescribable some.

Call: It is to request that a request be fulfilled. The entity does not appear, although the magician can receive internal impressions of his manifestation.

These manifestations, on the other hand, do not have to be received by other assistants, if any.

They are also used without requiring the presence of the referenced entities, by written requests, if the effect of the signs is already known, in this case, it is enough to trace the sign and make use of the relevant sentences. Also, when you do not want to use signs or are not known more generally, you can completely draw the square that corresponds to the entity you want to invoke, along with some of their names this is the case of the so-called amulets and talismans.


This article was taken from The Man Who Calculated by Malba Tahan and The Encyclopedia of Divination Arts by Didier Colin.

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