33 miraculous plants

  • 2016

What is a miracle? What is your relationship with healing? Why do cultures deny themselves access to healing and vision? How to explain the origin of addictions? Why are power devices being abused? Some would say that it is a sign of how sick we are, of how degraded, corrupt, contaminated and even unnatural we have become. Some would say all this and leave it there, grumbling about the terrible state in which the world is, so impious, so devoid of sacredness. But the truth is otherwise.

Not being able to modify the mentality, customs, and mainly the entire universe of ancestors, which today we call folkloric and superstitious, religious power, for totalitarian purposes, agreed that it was preferable to integrate the wonderfulness of the pagan world into its own idea of ​​what real. Thus was born the miracle. Wonder and miracle derive both from mirus, which means "surprising", to see or look with surprise; Everything suggests that the wonderful precedes the miracle.

Surprise and the ability to marvel are feelings to which we are very sensitive, and about which we currently think they are defects. When we suffer from migraine, we take an aspirin. There is nothing surprising or wonderful in this gesture, nor in the fact that a little later, our headache vanishes. For our ancestor that maybe one day he breathed or chewed some leaves or petals of queen of the meadows, it was certainly surprising and wonderful to note that this flower, which was normally around it, could have effects, which today we call febrifugal, sleeping pills, diuretics, for internal use, and healing, for external use. Thus, since when does man know that the queen of the meadows contains salicylic acid, at the same time as calcium and sulfur, without ever having called them that?


The ancestors recognized fire as a transmutator and liberator of the power of certain substances. Fire makes things more yang, that is, more active than passive and releases the essence of the substance. That's why ancestors burned or smoked a variety of things.

Ginger takes its name from a Tamil etymological root that means corno . In the Middle Ages, ginger biscuits and biscuits were made that, in addition to their delicate flavor, were reputed to have laxative virtues, to purify the blood and prevent against numerous diseases. Also very tasty liqueurs and elixirs were prepared, with digestive properties, using the root of this large tropical plant, with narrow leaves, white striated purple flowers and scents. It was macerated in wine or beer. It was also used as a poultice to stimulate blood circulation. His aphrodisiac powers due to his revulsive action (which causes an influx of blood into the peripheral organs) is celebrated throughout the world.

Ginseng is a plant of Chinese origin that receives such an appeal plant man because the shape of its root evokes that of the human body. It has been considered a panacea, a word that honors the mythical goddess, which symbolizes the universal healing through plants: dodo remedio . Its stimulating virtues of the nervous and immune systems, of the stomach and the cerebral, revitalizing and tonic faculties for the lungs and the heart, feverish leaks, that is, that they fight fever and, for Of course, aphrodisiacs are known and used normally.

The rosemary is a small shrub, provided with long and straight stems that can reach 1 meter in height and give pretty violet or light blue flowers. It is a plant with toning, stomach, antiseptic and anthetic virtues. Rosemary infusions work wonders and have sedative and healing effects in case of stomach aches, indigestion, liver and migraine disorders, for example. On the other hand, taking a base bath of rosemary cooking, preferably wild, since its principles are much more active, it is recommended to people suffering from anemia, who feel tired, exhausted, or that they look physically or intellectually weakened.

Calendula is the name of a flower that has also been known as "wonder." In turn, the word comes from mirabilia that happened to mean "strange thing", "remarkable fact", a name that comes very purposefully for its qualities. Calendula is a plant very rich in medicinal virtues, it is normally used in homeopathy in the form of tincture and whose antiseptic principles are very effective and well recognized. Its link with the unexpected and the abnormal puts it in direct relation with the restlessness, whatever its origin or cause, and when it is very exacerbated it makes it the flower of uneasiness. Traditionally, a plaster of stems and leaves is recommended for irritations, eczema, small wounds and scarring. The marigold had the function of talisman.


Alcohol is one of the most common and used chemical compounds, it has been obtained since ancient times by fermentation: enzymes from yeast cells cause the breakdown of starches or sugars in alcohol and carbon dioxide. This process continues to be the basis of the wine and beer producing industry and the fermentation with distillation that gives rise to spirits such as whiskey.

There are people who do a fetish to get the right harvest of wine that will go better with their first course.

The vine is a genus with about 60 accepted species, of the almost 800 described. Its economic importance is due to the fruit, the grape, used both for direct consumption and fermented to produce wine. The wine was considered the drink of the gods and the vine is a sacred tree, Jesus uses the wine symbol when saying "this is my blood". The infusion of vine leaves was an excellent regulator of blood circulation, which fights all disorders of veins and varicose veins. The grape has detoxifying properties of the organism, stimulates liver functions and possesses strong and recognized energy virtues.

Sugarcane took its name from the Arabic Sukkar and the Greek Sakkharon. Sucrose has thus become the chemical name of sugar extracted from cane . Common sugar is a carbohydrate manufactured and stored by plants, from which it is extracted for human consumption. In temperate regions it is obtained from sugar beets and in tropical regions of sugarcane.

Most of the sugar comes from the cane plant, the stem of a perennial herb native to Asia. About a third of the sugar we consume comes from sweet beets or solids or corn syrups. All of them are extracted from plants through a chemical process to give us refined sugar. Honey and maple syrup are less refined and have more micronutrients than refined sugar, which help the body absorb and metabolize them better. Molasses, a byproduct of refined sugar, also contains many of these nutrients.

It is especially the roots of sugarcane that were used in the form of a potion due to its healthy effects on rheumatic inflammations caused by gout or strong fever accesses, it also has diuretic properties, since they favor the elimination of acid uric.

The opium poppy is a double nature plant, its juice is called opium, a complex mixture of substances that contains the narcotic and analgesic drug called morphine and other alkaloids, with which heroin and codeine are manufactured. The men knew very soon their soporific, soothing, analgesic, sedative and hypnotic virtues, although they still did not give them these qualifications, and without knowing that the poppy grains contained such chemical substances, so known today. In any case, if used correctly, this beautiful and ephemeral flower is very useful in case of insomnia, anxiety, in infectious states and in acute diseases. It has the power to dispel pain. Papaver is the name that receives the poppy flower in Latin.

Barley is a cereal of great importance for both animals and humans and is the fifth most cultivated cereal in the world. It is still used as food for human consumption, through a roasting and grinding process whose final product is the machica. However, it is much more used in malting and obtaining musts for brewing and distilling in the manufacture of Scotch whiskey and Dutch gin. There is a part of the bread that is made with cereal. In addition to being nutritious, other of its virtues are: antispasmodic, somewhat astringent, digestive, antifebrile.

It is used to treat irritative cough, heavy digestion, deficiencies in the secretion of digestive juices, digestive irritations, febrile diseases. Combat constipation in general for its fiber content, especially if whole grain is used.


Cereals have provided food to man for thousands of years. Derived from their origin of wild grasses, they have been subjected to a select crop such that some species show very little relationship with their wild ancestors. Rice, wheat and corn occupy more than half of the world's farmland.

From rice we know that there are more than 3000 varieties, which was and continues to be the staple food of billions of human beings. So more than 500 million tons of rice are produced each year in the world. According to a mythical Chinese legend, he arrived sent by the gods, who sent five characters on the back of goats, each carrying a spike of the following cereals: oats, wheat, millet, barley and rice. Such characters went to visit the city of Canton and handed the plants to the man. This cereal is very rich in vitamins A, B1, B2 and B6, as well as calcium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, iodine, zinc, fluorine, and even arsenic among others. But besides being nutritious and energetic, rice has other virtues. Rice water, for example, is an excellent remedy against diarrhea and hypertension.

The corn we use today, both to make paper pulp from its stems and for vegetable oil and flours from its grains, as for glue, artificial silk, antibiotics and livestock feed, was already known for a long time in all parts of the world. What does not exclude that it had an important symbolic role in Mayan mythology. Approximately 130 million hectares of land are dedicated to the cultivation of corn in the world every year, a little less than rice, with wheat being the largest cereal crop on the planet. It is true that this plant is nutritious, energetic, restorative and still today the corn germ oil obtained with the first cold pressure, taking reason No one tablespoon of soup every day when you get up and go to bed, it helps eliminate excess cholesterol in the blood.

Wheat along with bread has a symbolic load related to metamorphosis, alchemy of body and soul, terrestrial and material foods that can be transformed into celestial or spiritual foods. Without knowing that the wheat grain was rich in phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, our ancestors knew its benefits, even before making bread, whose name related to the Latin pascere, pacer thus enters into relation to the pasto . Wheat, rye or yeast bread, promotes the growth of children, combats demineralization, stimulates vital tone and brain faculties. Like the egg, wheat contains all the elements that an organism needs.

Tarragon, a small dragon grass or dragon herb, is an aromatic herb native to Russia and Siberia, has appetitive virtues, that is, appetite stimulants and toning agents Wizard, that is, that favor the tone and energy of the organs. Thus, it was used to combat flatulence, restore appetite to anorexics, promote menstruation to women, even to be more resistant to what was not yet called virus, but that already wreaked havoc among our ancestors. It was very effective against poisons.


Substances used to suppress unpleasant emotions such as anxiety, sadness or anger, can generate addiction. Emotions have their origin in pain, which is why morphine was one of the first substances used to calm it, named in honor of Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams. An addict is someone who is enslaved by substance.

The pepper has its origin in the Latin pigmentum, which meant dye for paint, but at the same time it was used with the sense of drug, . It comes from the fruits of the pepper tree, a tropical bush of 5 or 6 meters approximately, which in the wild, can sometimes reach 15 meters. It has active ingredients that make it a valuable remedy and even a potent aphrodisiac, which Orientals often used, although very cautiously. Pepper, queen of aromatic plants, has appetizing properties and digestive and stomach functions.

Hemp is an annual herb native to Asia that is now grown across the planet due to its multiple uses. Hemp fiber is used to make ropes, paper and clothing. Seeds are used as bird food and seed oil to manufacture paints, varnishes and soaps. Marijuana has long been considered a medicinal herb and is currently used to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and in the treatment of glaucoma. Hashish, another product of hemp, is made from the dry resin found on the surface of the buds of the female plant and is more potent than marijuana but is used less frequently in the West.

Peyote is a cactus that grows in the southeastern United States and Northeast of Mexico. It is a drug that produces visions and changes in perception. Shamans have used peyote for thousands of years to enter trance and today it is used as a sacramental substance in the Native American Church that mixes Christianity with the beliefs of Native Americans, especially the Navajo. The active substance of peyote is mezcalin.

Outside its initiatory context, peyote has perverse effects, closer to psychiatric madness than to spiritual revelation. Many varieties of fungi produce substances that are also in this category. They have been used throughout the planet by human beings eager to induce altered states of consciousness. They are rarely addictive, but they serve the same functions of altering consciousness as the other substances in this category.

Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that is frequently found in the elm, pine, poplar and above all the apple tree, as well as in the willow and lime tree, it grows exceptionally in the oak reason why the druids, Celts and Gauls gave it that symbolic, magical and sacred value so great. It was the symbol of the regeneration and immortality of the vegetable kingdom par excellence, of eternal vitality and vigor. The mistletoe was the cortisone of Antiquity. So it was used to combat dizziness, discomfort, ringing in the ear, palpitations, symptoms that we recognize today as those of hypertension, as well as all spasms, seizures, nervous breakdowns and epilepsies. Mistletoe was very beneficial in case of asthma and whooping cough, to stop cough and relieve migraine.


The active ingredient is known as the bioactive molecule which, by virtue of its structure and chemical configuration, can interact with protein macromolecules, generally called receptors. Hence, that substance of clinical interest is called a drug, that is, those used for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, mitigation and cure of diseases, the name of toxic is preferred for those substances not intended for clinical use but which may be absorbed accidentally or intentionally; and drug for those substances of social use that are used to modify moods.

Thyme has its Greek etymological origin in a word that means "burnt offering, perfume, aroma". So the Greeks burned dried thyme leaves, whose smoke gave off a sweet perfume, as an offering to their gods and as a token of thanks. Let us point out that the thymus, the gland located at the base of the neck, has an essential role in the immune system and thus symbolizes the vitality of a being. The ancients already knew the stimulating, tonic and balsamic principles, and especially antiseptics, of thyme. So they knew that thyme infusions were miraculous to cure colds, combat anguish and anxiety, eliminate bad ideas, stimulate digestive functions, cure asthma, and were also aware that the decoction of the leaves of this plant, or its essence mixed with water in a bath, revives the body and relieves rheumatic and arthritic diseases.

The quina takes its name from the Indian kina kina "the bark of the barks." This bark has alkaloids, among which the strongest and best known is quinine, which made that quina bark powder play a true role of magical dust in seventeenth-century Europe, which was very sick. In large part, inspired by quinine, the authors and actors of that century invented the term "perlimpimp powder", also called "mother Celestina powder". But we must recognize that it is true that it was an absolutely miraculous remedy. It was not synthesized until 1945 and was used as a febrifuge and antiseptic. It worked wonders in malaria cases. The Incas knew their tonic and digestive virtues which, of course, are very useful medicinal properties for man.

The nails are obviously the dried buds of the yellow and red flowers in corollas of a tropical plant that sometimes turns into a tree from a height of 9 to 15 meters. During the first millennium after Christ, its analgesic properties, especially for headaches and toothaches, were already known, as well as their aphrodisiac virtues and their antiseptic powers that have been confirmed by chemists, as they have managed to isolate a chemical component contained in this nail, eugenol, popular precisely because of its potent antiseptic action.

The little heart has since time immemorial the reputation of driving away evil and demons. It is distinguished because its leaves that surround its flowers with five golden yellow petals, seem full of thousands of small black dots, which are, in fact, innumerable secretory glands. They contain an antiseptic essence that works wonders in the treatment of wounds, ecchymoses, ulcers, burns and all skin conditions and rheumatic neuralgia. It also has stimulating and digestive properties, astringent, that is, that favor the contraction of tissues and mucous membranes, and snacks, that is, that return the appetite and strengthen stomach functions, as well as being febrifuge, vermifuge and diuretic. Which means that the little heart in infusion, cures bronchitis and asthma, fights fever, decongests the liver and stomach. It is a miraculous plant that gives us the garden of nature.


Alkaloids are a group of cyclic nitrogen compounds that exert physiological effects. In most cases they act as bases in their chemical reactions.

Coffee is prepared with roasted beans from the perennial coffee plant. The caffeine found in coffee is a stimulant when used sparingly. It can cause irritability, depression, insomnia, indigestion and, if used in excess, it can eventually lead to heart irregularities and delusions. Caffeine is contained in coffee berries, as well as in tea leaves, cola nuts and cocoa. There are sophisticated people who make a fetish of the act of choosing the best grains and mixing them precisely.

Tea made with the leaves of the perennial tea plant native to India and perhaps China and Japan, a relative of camellia that has been used for thousands of years. Tea has been produced on a commercial scale in China since the 8th century due to Dutch merchants. The caffeine content of tea is lower than that of coffee. Black teas are fermented before being launched, red teas are partially fermented and green tea is not. Each of these processes slightly affects the power of the properties of this beverage prepared with dried leaves.

Tea is more benign than coffee, but its effects on the body are similar if consumed in large quantities. On the energy level tea affects the conscious mind in a slightly different way. While coffee supports us in the world of work and gives us energy to integrate the vision into the world of work, tea has the opposite effect.

Mate, the yerba mate ot from Paraguay, is prepared with the leaves and stems of a perennial tree from the sacred family that grows in South America. Although it is rarely used in North America and in Europe, it is the most popular drink in much of South America and contains more coffee than the tea bush contains. . Its effects on the body are similar to those of coffee. Its effects on consciousness are somewhat intermediate between tea and coffee, so that it separates us a little from the way of work, but not as much as tea does.

Cocoa has its generic name in the theobroma food of the gods, from its seed theobromine is extracted, a natural chemical known for its diuretic action. For the Aztecs, the fruit of cacahuat l was a food worthy of the gods, from which the drink is made from chocolatl from cocoa butter, the fat that is extracted from the fruit, to which honey is added, Vanilla and chillies. This mixture has toning and aphrodisiac virtues.

Cinnamon has the same etymological origin of sugarcane because of its bark, which when dried, often occurs in the form of small tubes. Cinnamomun is a totally aromatic plant. It is its bark, which is highly appreciated due to its virtues, its benefits and its pleasant taste. Its effects are astringent, that is, they favor the contraction of mucous membranes, antiseptic and stimulants. Cinnamon mulled wine is still known to fight flu infections. It also has popular aphrodisiac virtues.


There was a time when it was believed that the compounds existing in living organisms could not be made in the laboratory. The scientists themselves believed that they could only be obtained from living matter or that they had been alive. More than 150 years ago it was proved that this idea was wrong, however the branch of chemistry that deals with carbon compounds is still called organic chemistry. Unique.

Human blood contains hemoglobin, a complex compound, whose molecules are made up of proteins coordinated with a central iron atom. Other similar complexes are essential for many biological systems.

Tobacco is a plant of the Solanaceae family that includes white potatoes, red peppers, tomatoes, petunias, mandrigra and belladonna. The tobacco of the North American natives and of the tropical America is a perennial plant of big leaves usually cultivated in annual cycles. It requires a warm climate with rich and well drained soil. After being harvested, the leaves are cured, fermented and aged to be used in cigarettes, cigarettes, rapids, pipes and chewing tobacco.

Tobacco nicotine is responsible for its effects and has been found to be carcinogenic, as are tars and carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke. Nicotine stimulates all body systems.

The incense, from Latin encensum, which means what is burned, designates an oriental aromatic resinous shrubby plant that the Greeks called Lebanon. It was transported in caravans with myrrh, cinnamon and saffron. Gradually the incense replaced the animal fats that were used in the sacrifices. The toning and hypnotic effects of incense did not go unnoticed for health.

The verbena that we find in our gardens is also called citronella because it exhales a sweet acidified perfume reminiscent of the lemon that is a citrus. The verbena had the power to eliminate evil spirits and the sorcerers used it to prepare ointments and magic concoctions. Currently its digestive, tonic, antispasmodic, sedative and anti-neuralgic principles are known. The infusion of verbena became called "Arab tea", since in North Africa it was customary to drink it after meals, to drive away digestion and spend a quiet night.

The digital was for many years the main source of the drug called digitoxin, used in heart disease of the cardiac arrest type. Currently, this medicine is generally replaced by digoxin, obtained from another species of digital, Digitalis lanat. Many other medications and chemical compounds of great utility continue to be obtained from plants or animals, usually because those substances cannot be synthesized in a cost-effective way and sometimes because the chemicals have not yet been able to synthesize them.


Until recent times all addictive substances were made of natural substances or refined from them. Only from the past two hundred years the so-called active ingredients of plants and minerals were isolated and then chemically reproduced in laboratories.

The belladonna, took its Latin name Atropa belladonna, from Atropos, one of the reapers responsible for cutting the thread of fate with gold scissors. It is not the least of the paradoxes that this beautiful plant of violet flowers and with black berries, bears the name of “beautiful lady” when on the other hand, all the parts that compose it contain a strong toxic alkaloid, hyosciamine, which can easily transform into atropine, an extremely virulent poison, which earned it the nickname of poisoned grass. The power of belladonna is such that, if one of its red fruits is absorbed, “it increases the ocular tension, causes a mydriasis (dilation of the pupil), causes the paralysis of the accommodation, the cardiac acceleration, increases the blood pressure, it implies a congestion of the nerve centers ”. Only angelica, called the herb of angels, can be used as an antidote against the fearsome effects of belladonna. However, evil can also do good, deadly poison can also serve as a miraculous remedy: it has antispasmodic and sedative effects, and in homeopathy it is a good remedy against insomnia and blood pressure.

The mandrake contains the deadly poison, atropine, so it has similarities with belladonna, but it is distinguished by its aphrodisiac properties that earned it the name of a fertilizing plant. It was also used for its sleeping, hallucinogenic and anesthetic virtues. In the Middle Ages it became a highly sought after talisman, which was used to attract love and protect itself from the curses.

Amanita muscaria is a magical mushroom whose tonic, hypnotic and narcotic properties and, consequently, its powers, have been known since time immemorial by the shamans, doctors and sorcerers of Europe. They used it frequently to put themselves in a state of trance and "disincorporation" that is, to be able to leave their spirit free and leave their body and thus penetrate that of the sick man or woman, in order to cure them. The results obtained by the shamans who have acquired the power to fly thanks to the hallucinogenic properties of the Amanita muscaria are surprising.

Pumpkin is a symbol of fertility for two reasons: first because its seeds have the property of making women fertile; second, because its bulky shape reminds us of the woman's round belly on tape. Its medicinal and phytotherapeutic properties are numerous, in effect, it acts against heart conditions, insomnia, diabetes, constipation, urinary inflammations, kidney failure, etc. But the most famous of them is without a doubt its laxative power.

The sage "helps to be in good health." The etymological origin of his name also resulted in saving. Sage was considered a sacred plant of medicinal and saving virtues. We currently know that sage contains an essential oil, rich in components, principles and substances of great therapeutic efficacy. Tiene muchas propiedades como la de ser antiséptica, cicatrizante, calmar los trastornos nerviosos, los espasmos y combatir los estados depresivos, le fiebre, etc. Hay quien asegura que fumar hojas secas de salvia en una pipa tiene efectos prodigiosos para las crisis de asma o las bronquitis crónicas.

El sueño alquímico se ha hecho cotidiana realidad. Hoy la química usando los más avanzados sistemas ha llegado a la transmutación de la materia, no ya, mediante enormes manipulaciones que duraban años sino a través de la ingeniería molecular que permite en instantes fabricar nuevos materiales, nuevas sustancias, nuevos componentes de los alimentos y nuevos fármacos.

El azúcar, la heroína y el alcohol se preparaban a partir de las plantas y de productos derivados de las plantas, mientras que las píldoras para adelgazar, los tranquilizantes y otras drogas similares son manufacturadas.

Cada día se crean en nuestros laboratorios nuevas drogas. La mayoría de ellas tienen funciones medicinales, pero alguna de ellas no. Muchas de ellas pueden ser muy adictivas, aunque los alucinógenos o psicodélicos usualmente no lo son. En general, pueden ser divididos entre los que deprimen el sistema nervioso central, depresores (descargar), y los que lo estimulan, estimulantes [subir). Las drogas manufacturadas como la cocaína y la heroína tienen un profundo efecto sobre los chakras y los cuerpos energéticos. Estos efectos se deducen muy claramente de los nombres que hemos escogido para ellas.

He presentado las 32 plantas milagrosas (8×4) que ahora sintetizaré en este cuadro resumen en relación con los ocho centros de energía del cuerpo humano. Terminando con la salvia, para hacer referencia a la salvación, a la savia que recorre las plantas, pues la clorofila es muy similar a la sangre.


Este artículo fue fundamentado en el La Enciclopedia de Astrología: Presagios, creencias, misterios de Didier Colin, actualizado con el libro de Las adicciones.

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