2008-1 Transmitting power magnetic energy human being - Kryon through Mario Liani

I am Kryon, in Magnetic Service for all mankind. Oh dear human! We give you the warmest welcome for having come today, here and now, to this meeting, where the Love of your dear Spiritual Family is the only thing that can matter.

Our metaphorical veil has been run again. You perceived it, right? Through the beautiful visualization that you have been given, you heard a description very similar to what usually happens in inter-dimensional reality. While the description during the meditation described to them that the veil was so thin, so thin and thinned to openness ... the truth be told: we were already here.

We are always here with you, dear human. You are never alone ... You are not alone in your worst moments. When you need comfort, we are with you in your own thoughts, trying to make you feel the love of those who love you immeasurably.

Human, when we tell you that we literally prostrate ourselves at your feet, it's because we feel so much love and so much respect for you ... that we don't mind washing your feet. It is a beautiful metaphor that talks about how much love is needed to thank you for the courage you have had to give up your angelic essence and come here to experience human duality ...

What is duality? You always ask ... and we always answer it. The duality simply reflects your two faces: that of the human and that of the angel. Never forget that you are a true angel sent on a mission to change the perception of the world in which you live and to help transform the perception of others.

Do not forget that all of you are connected to an inter-dimensional grid, where the thought, the word or the action of one, of you ... moves absolutely all the threads that make up the network that links you to the rest of humanity, the one who You yourself have woven, dear human, with your daily actions and actions ... and especially with your spiritual evolutionary process. Each of you is part of that network and is responsible for the movement of the other frames. Human, each of your actions generates a consequence ...

Each act generates a consequence

Speaking of acts that generate consequence ... let's concentrate on the act of having decided to be present here tonight (referring to the meeting of almost 400 people who came to hear Kryon's words live on Saturday, May 31, 2008 in Caracas, Venezuela ).

As our spokesperson explained a few moments ago (referring to the preparatory talk Mario gave before channeling Kryon), for many of you the fact of having decided to be here ... represents the first of a series of changes that are going to originate in their lives and also in the lives of those who are under their responsibility or under their direct influence.

Having decided to be here tonight can mean a very profound change in different levels of your Being. All of your multidimensional "I" are now having a great experience, because - on other levels - they are feeling the emotional, spiritual and evolutionary impact derives from the fact of having come to receive an energetic message.

This voice that you are hearing through our spokesperson, is simply a part of the “energetic massage” that we have decided to apply tonight to your hearts… Through the sound vibrations that are being transmitted in this room - the human voice and the musical melody - a set of instructions are being generated that should directly impact each of its energy centers.

Changes in your DNA codes

On having come to this place, each one of you decided in a completely different instance from that of the physical world, that the time had come to receive information encoded in your DNA itself. Our spokesperson previously told you that these experiences produce important modifications in human DNA, which is encoded under different filaments. Some of these filament codes had not been activated by the human race until this present generation. In fact, the new generation of humans that is originating in these instances, is being born with new genetic codes, which will be implanted definitively to be able to propitiate in the being human the necessary evolution that is required to undertake the paradigm shift that the entire human race is beginning to generate as of this year 2008.

You already heard Kryon talk about Numerology and you know because we said it another time that 2008 is a year where a new paradigm for humanity began, an unprecedented nine-year phase during which the impacts of the change to which humanity is currently transiting will be felt intensely. Such impacts do not occur only from human to human, but at the level of all humanity, and mainly at the level of the physical system to which you are ascribed and that physical system is none other than that of Gaia, his dear Mother Earth.

Gaia breathes through you

Gaia and you are inextricably linked: when Gaia breathes, she does it through her own lungs, but each of the holes in those lungs has your own human name. Each of you represents the metaphorical orifice of one of the lungs through which Gaia breathes as Mother Earth breathes through you.

Therefore, the transition and the evolution of the human race involve the transition of Planet Earth, since both evolve together. When you, human being, through your intention you gave permission to your Higher Self so that he as our spokesman said in his previous talk will renegotiate the invalidation Not only did you have a restrictive implant, you not only gave permission to accelerate your own evolution, but you made it possible for Gaia to take a step toward the planetary equilibrium that so many of you want an Because the human who has consciousness, the human who has gained in spiritual vision through the elevation of his own conscience, knows that his evolution necessarily involves the evolution of the planet. Therefore, my dear ones, having decided to come here tonight, you have taken an important step to save Gaia.

Raising the energy of your Country, you also save Mother Earth

Now ... What portion of Gaia do you think you are saving right now? It is elementary: you are saving your beloved country ... since you ARE the lungs through which she breathes. In fact, you are the advanced mission that your dear country has sent here tonight to connect you with the need to seek alternatives to improve the energy level of your country. We do not have to talk about what that energy level is, because you should know that the energy level of your Country ... is in direct proportion to the energy level of each of its inhabitants and is reflected in the sum of all. In the end, this sum suggests a preponderant energy, which is the one that generally prevails and can affect them.

Therefore, you are at the moment energetically representing the majority who unconsciously - at a higher level - want a change. When we talk about change, dear ones, we are not talking about the social changes that you might imagine, but we are referring to concepts such as spiritual perception, transpersonal evolution and soul-group (as we did in a recent message). And speaking of soul-group, we are referring to a single consciousness that tonight has decided to have a healing experience primarily focused on the heart of its Mother Earth.

Your personal experience transmutes the collective experience

My dear human, when you yearn to have a spiritual experience that changes your perception and helps you to embark on the evolutionary path that you have decided to travel, you have actually aligned yourself with a greater power: the power of all souls, of all intentions and of all the wishes of that group conscience that “has decided” to have an experience and gradually transform it, step by step, day after day. Have you heard correctly? Have an experience and transform it… Why do we emphasize it? Because just as energy is never static, no experience is static. Day by day, through our own human intention, the individual experience is transformed. If this happens with the individual experience itself, how do you think it will not influence the transmutation of the collective experience?

Dear ones, the collective experience is not what you see every day through your "magic box" (TV) or through what you call "the news" ... The collective experience of which Kryon speaks is another: it is the beat of each heart, the feeling of each yearning, the projection of a desire, the walk in search of a dream ... the dream of each one of you present here, representing the great majority. That collective experience cannot be appreciated through any magic box, but it is possible to measure it, since it generates such a powerful energy that literally transforms the life of a large conglomerate of people.

Illuminating a portion of your Soul

Dear human, for years you are feeling a strong energy of change, generating powerful individual and social transformations that do not seem to have stopped. That is why you have come to seek your own healing, for you have felt a call to come here tonight to hear a message that lit the lamp that illuminates that dark corner of your soul. Do human souls have dark corners? Yes ... but when we talk about darkness we don't talk about negative things. Darkness is simply a state of Being that characterizes absence of light ... and the presence of light characterizes the absence of darkness. They are just simple energy findings that have led you to feel that in a corner of your soul there may be a portion that needs to be illuminated ...

Do you know anything, dear ones? You have the real ability to enter that corner of your soul and press the switch that illuminates that dimly lit portion of your Being ... but immersed as you are in human duality, you do not understand how to do it on your own ... And that is why you came here with other people who also need someone to tell them how to illuminate that dark corner of their soul. Your own duality does not allow you to perceive that this darkness is apparent, that it is a good trick that you yourselves created to originate in your own humanity the necessary potential ... so that on a given day, at a certain time and in a specific place ... they came to look for "the instructions".

In search of “the instructions” to take a first step

Human, I am hearing your heart cry out, I am literally flooded with your tears, for I am listening to your request for help ... That's why you're here, right? What did you come for? To hear words of comfort? To hear words of love? I know that you came to hear that you are tenderly loved, that you are absolutely revered, that you are dearly loved, longed for and deeply admired, oh human, for that absolute surrender to your Divine Being and for the immeasurable faith you have in your own and unknown divinity … Because it is your own divinity that has made it possible for you to undertake the first of a series of steps in search of your own healing.

Healing begins with a first step: the fact of recognizing the need to obtain balance in those areas of the Being where that equilibrium is not momentarily present. When you decided to align yourself with the possibility of having this experience, all your multidimensional aspects sang your name in chorus, all your multidimensional I vibrated and felt shivering, rejoicing and at the same time a great relief, receiving the good news that "all" your I - not only you - would go to meet this experience, in this place ...

"Formal" meeting with the Spiritual Family

Human, don't forget that you have transcended time and space. This place where you are now is no longer physical. This place has another energy. There are high inter-dimensional frequencies here, because you must be feeling around you how they hug you, how they caress you ... do you feel it? Do you feel how something of your being vibrates right now? That is the Spiritual Family that gives you its warm and loving welcome, because all that great Family that you have invoked tonight, was here just waiting for you ...

When we talk about spiritual presence, you already know what we mean: that we are always “there”. However, today you decided to feel us and we - of course - came to receive them "formally." Perhaps you could have said "we will formally visit our Spiritual Family." They did not think so, more unconsciously their Being sensed the formality of a long-awaited encounter ...

Dear humans, you are very funny! They are accompanied all the time by us, who are always there with you ... but nevertheless they believe that their precious, busy and complicated day by day does not favor the possible emergence of a suitable occasion to have a "formal" encounter of this nature. Why do you think we have fostered this precious formality? Because in formal meetings, the willingness to accept to participate is completely different from the energy of everyday life, during which - even knowing that you are interacting with your own Spiritual Family - you do not willingly accept that possibility by understanding that it may be necessary to perform "a ceremony" ...

Dear humans, we know that many of you appreciate ceremonies and therefore "summon" us under precise ceremonial rituals. This is not negative. We are very pleased and like ... and do you know why? Because through the ceremony we feel the love that you have placed so that this encounter is something very special, something out of the ordinary, something not routine.

Gathering of Souls

This is a true "Encounter of Souls", no longer routine but rather very special because we have been planning it among all. You generated the intention and proposed the agenda. We simply accept. We told them: “Don't worry. We will be there with you that night. Do not hesitate, have faith that when you go to that Meeting of Souls, there we will be. We promise you. ”

This is a Meeting of Souls! We like to use this concept very much, because we are all souls and we have come here to meet again in a kind of border where a part of you - which are souls - are here in the physical, and a part of us - that we are souls - we are here ... as souls using their physical bodies. Therefore, we surround you, open our arms, shake your arms tightly and "squeeze" your hearts, because we want you to feel love, the longed for love of the Home you came to seek ...

The message is not verbal ... it is energetic

When our spokesperson told them (during the previous talk) that the message of an encounter of this nature is not merely verbal, but is energetic, it was right ... In fact, we want this concept to be repeated: the message of this Night is not verbal, it is energetic. This human voice that is talking to you, the only thing you try is to caress them, nothing more ... And with our words, tonight we are going to caress you for a while ... We are going to talk about you and about this special moment that linked us all in this space.

We already briefly talk about the need for each of you to understand that you have come to seek the healing of a collective. That healing occurs through your own personal healing, which, my dear ones, originates through a true awareness and understanding that your psyche and your emotions must gradually transform. Just as energy is not aesthetic, a body is not aesthetic and therefore emotions are not static either, since they are obviously capable of being improved and transmuted.

Those emotional processes that the great majority of you closely observe how they usually produce certain circumstances in their lives and in the lives of the people who just love the most are the processes that most It is necessary to review!

My dear ones, each one of you has a different approach to life and it is natural, because each one is unique, original and unrepeatable. As you say, nobody is clonable . Maybe they can clone cells and therefore maybe they can produce physical entities that are equal to each other. However, these physically equal entities will be occupied by different souls. and sa is the vital difference, since there is no cloning of souls .

You are magnificent entities

Each one of you is unique, like a pure and perfect jewel, with an original shine and with a peculiar energetic frequency that vibrates differently from any other. When one of these energy frequencies comes into contact with another obviously different frequency, situations that alter the state of emotional equilibrium of those human beings involved may occur because you are `` magnificent entities '' ticas .

In a past public channeling, we clarify the fact that you are truly the `` Magnetic Service '' and when we talk about `` Magnetic Service '' In fact, we refer to the fact that we are entities that support their human work, through the mission that we have as their guides to help them balance Only your state of Being. As we said on that occasion and by virtue of the fact that you possess a peculiarly unique magnetic energy, the magnetism of Gaia or Mother Earth is actually constituted by the sum or the product of the magnetism of each of the inhabitants of this planet.

Your magnetic energy can transmute human DNA

Therefore, you already understood that the magnetic mission of the Kryon Group is simply to help the human being to find that necessary magnetic equilibrium so that with his presence - each of you can balance the another that is in its proximity. The magnetic energy that you radiate is also the cause of changes in human DNA, you didn't know that, right?

You must be asking why I said this ... It is very simple. Let's give an example. In the history of humanity different characters have emerged that have been named - according to different cultures - prophets, teachers or avatars. In this regard, the great healing impact produced by the presence of a special being when interacting with other beings that have a different quality of magnetic vibration is reviewed.

You have already heard or read that these beings had or have the great power to transform a human being who comes into contact with them. This occurs because the magnetic energy of these individuals vibrates beyond an average frequency. With this, it is clear that these beings have the potential to transform a human environment with their own presence ...

Now that you understand what we have explained to you, if a prophet or an avatar possesses that transmuting power ... why would you not have it? Could he be different from you? No, in fact it is not, because it is human just like you. Only its magnetic frequency is different.

Simply put, each of you has the potential to vibrate magnetically so intensely ... that with your presence alone, through words or with your only physical contact, you could bring emotional or spiritual changes to any of the people with whom you interact. Each time you come into contact with someone, you could change your life through the interaction between your own energy and that of the other person, or between your magnetism and the magnetism of the other being. It is a power that should not be overlooked, it is a potential possibility that should not be neglected ...

Why do we talk about neglecting? They already know that we are saying it because sometimes they forget the potential transmutator that could originate their presence only before another person. If that energy potential is balanced, how do you think its effects would be? You know the answer: the effects that would originate would be positively amazing. But if for some reason you lose control and become angry, aggressive, angry or upset ... what kind of "magnetic" energy do you think your Being would be emanating from? What “magnetic” energy could the other person be receiving from you?

It is clear that you are fully responsible for the balance of the environment around you. Your emotions are responsible for the emotions of others. Do not forget that the love that you are able to dump through the proper projection of the energy center that is located in the center of your chest - your heart - has great healing and transmutator power.

Conscious magnetic exchange between humans

We begin by saying that its magnetic energy can modify the DNA, yours and that of other people ... but there is another very unique thing that usually occurs. Just as you can transform other people through the projection (conscious or not) of your magnetism, others could also transform you! The union of two unique frequencies produces a very special magnetic result. When two humans come into contact and interact for a while, shocking results can occur not only at the level of their physical body, but also in their emotional and spiritual bodies ... for they are two entities that decided (without being aware of it) to grant themselves mutually permission to exchange energy and heal processes, one through the other.

My dear human, if this happens spontaneously and unconsciously - without your control - can you imagine what could happen if you (consciously) granted permission to openly receive the healing magnetism of another person - their magnetic energy - and you will be magnetically rewarded for that an exchange occurred that would flow both ways? What do you think would be the result? Certainly something absolutely wonderful would happen ...

That is the germ of the exchange that human society will have in the future. They are listening for the first time, humans! Towards this future new paradigm of which we have already spoken to you, the growth of the human being will be largely produced and quantified by the conscious exchange of magnetic energy between humans.

Healing originates from the heart

You already knew this, but at a very primary level. In fact, you would say something like this: “Fulano affected me. I felt very good and when he arrived, I got bad. ” Perhaps they would say the opposite: "I was so depressed and when I got so and so I don't know what happened, but I immediately started feeling better." They could also have said this as follows: “I was in such a place having a very bad time, but after a stranger sat next to me, he looked at me, smiled at me and then left if there was any word ... something happened in my Being. Something changed inside of me. I don't know what happened but I feel his presence here in my heart… ”

In the end ... what are we talking about, dear? We are talking about the heart, that powerful energy of intention that emanates from the energy center of emotions and adds to a powerful spiritual intention of wanting to transform everything around them for good.

Tonight's message has been focused on their need for a significant transformation in their lives. In fact, that's what they came for here tonight.

Answers to questions ... not formulated

I am listening to what some of you say to me: “Oh, dear Kryon, I am on the right track, I know, but there is something that I still cannot control, something that I cannot heal. Why does that happen to me? I want to talk to you personally and I want to feel your message. Maybe tonight I understand what I need to understand and what I should do. ” Others, on the other hand, may be thinking: “I don't understand… I don't understand. Kryon, I feel lost. However, I come to seek your help. I already hired that possibility tonight and therefore I have no expectations nor have I placed restrictions. I am open to the message I will receive, I will process it and I am sure I will find the answer ... to the questions I have not yet asked myself. ”

Do you understand me, human? You also came here with a question that you have not yet asked yourself ... but even if you have not asked it, you have it and at this moment you are listening - in your heart - the answer to what you did not formulate. This is what tonight's message is about. Do you realize why we said it is energetic and not verbal?

Most of those who are here, came to seek mainly a spiritual orientation, but "that" they came to seek ... Kryon already knows, because Kryon received the information ... through their presences. We know what they came for. You came to ask Kryon the following:

"Oh, dear Kryon, you know ... I am very spiritual. You know how much I pray, with how much passion I meditate, how I dream in a better world where relationships are completely frank, open and detached. However, what happens in my daily life? In the context of my personal life, I cannot understand how to reconcile the search and exercise of the spiritual… with my work activity, profession, with my family and friends. Why, Kryon - being a Being who has evolutionary consciousness and therefore knows that he came here to evolve ... - I find myself apparently doing something that does not match that feeling? Why does life seem to push me to do something that moves me away from my spiritual essence, from what I've always wanted? Am I that with my attitude I am moving it away? Am I not understanding how to attract it to my life? Are the others influencing and sabotaging me? Am I the one who let me influence and that is why I can't find the ray of light that leads me to the door that I think should open? What's up, Kryon? What I do? Could you tell me?

Reconciling spirituality through your physical vehicle

We understand you perfectly, human. That's why you're here! We know of your anguish, of your urgent need to reconcile your worldly life with your spiritual quest ... Now, the question I would ask you is this: are you really sure that you are not reconciling your spirituality with your day to day life? So you think? Why don't you check yourself a little? Why don't we review a little what you do in your day to day? We may have some surprises. You may not be clearly perceiving what is happening ...

Let me explain ... Each human being differs from another by the way of doing things. Each of you momentarily incarnated in humanity, leaving behind the divinity of your Angelic Being, to exercise, practice, transform and transmute your own ability or to discover a new ability in your way of being. Dear, in the way you conduct yourself as a human being is that ability, that unique and special formula that makes you be perfect, original and different from all other human beings.

Your true ability and potential teacher to manifest abundance and material prosperity in your life the one that you so much want to improve to become an expert not only possess it for that purpose, but also to make use of it and exercise your spirituality, trying to reconcile both tendencies (professional ability and spirituality) simultaneously.

That, my dear human, is the Alchemy of Being that you are supposed to be able to achieve in your expression of life. The human being who discovers that he is a very special being who has come to live his humanity with his own physical tools, also knows who he is evolutionarily and therefore, He knows that he must have what he has and what he is. That human being understands that the search for spirituality has to be done through the exercise of his physical vehicle. Therefore, do not look at your path as if it were forked and need to have two different vehicles to travel simultaneously.

Kryon, I do a certain productive activity and also the same, I dedicate myself to spiritual activities opposed to my main activity. How much it bothers me to have to devote myself to mundane or material activities! The truth is that I would prefer to devote all my time to the spiritual .

Oh, mi querido, no te has puesto a pensar que el Esp ritu desea que t aprendas a hacerlo todo junto ? No se te ha ocurrido que tu verdadera habilidad es ser perfecto y exitoso en el ejercicio del mundo f sico poni ndole una intenci n altamente espiritual a todo lo que hagas? Piensas que es dif cil? Mira, no es dif cil para nada, porque se trata simplemente de que ampl es un poco m s tu campo perceptivo y entiendas que lo espiritual est absolutamente presente en todos los actos cotidianos de tu vida.

Ser espiritual no es arrodillarse en un templo y repetir mec nicamente veinte veces una determinada oraci n ni asistir por obligaci na una ceremonia o ritual religioso. Ser espiritual es entender que t, humano, con tu sola presencia tienes el poder de cambiar la vida del mundo entero que con una sonrisa puedes alegrarle el d aa una persona que est muy triste que con un abrazo puedes reconducir al extraviado a su hogar Hay muchas maneras de ser espiritual y el ejercicio de la espiritualidad pasa a trav s de la pr ctica de una amorosa actitud.

A trav s de ustedes aqu presentes, vamos a examinar diferentes tipos de personalidades humanas, para que puedan percibir que cada uno puede ser espiritual a su manera.

El rol del conductor

Empecemos por ti, que est s sentado aqu ahora. Sabemos que eres el que todo lo sabe, el que est muy seguro de s, el que prefiere hacerlo todo por su cuenta, el que prefiere conducir a ser conducido. Eres un l der nato: sa es tu principal val a. Por tanto, qu har a una persona muy segura de s ? Lo obvio: decirle a los dem s lo que tienen que hacer, porque l posee en su Ser la seguridad de conocer aquello que es m s conveniente para los dem s. Dicho de otra manera, mi querido l der, eres alguien que tiene el innato potencial de saber dirigir a otros hacia un punto seguro. Entonces, qu se espera de ti? Que dirijas! Ah, he aqu tu angustia Te sientes inc modo contigo mismo, porque piensas que ejercer tu liderazgo en una actividad mundana material o comercial no tiene nada que ver con lo espiritual.

Sin embargo, te vamos a demostrar que eso sí tiene que ver con la espiritualidad. De hecho, la actividad mundana que tú ejerces, aquella que te da sustento día a día, en realidad representa una verdadera aula de clases para otras personas que conviven contigo o acuden a ti durante tu cotidiano ejercicio de liderazgo… puesto que durante dicho ejercicio – sin percibirlo – tú enseñas a otros a obtener o recuperar la propia seguridad y autoestima, a sentirse seguros de sí, a determinar cuando es el momento adecuado para dar un primer paso y tomar las riendas de la vida, ¿estás entendiendo? Tu potencial transformador tiene que ver con tu esencia humana. Si pudieras percibir que tu esencia humana puede ser ejercida de manera espiritual… ella podría llegar a convertirse en un verdadero ente transmutador “magnético” para otras personas, que sentirán ese impacto magnético y se preguntarán: “¿por qué yo no puedo sentirme tan seguro como él? ¿Por qué necesito que me indique qué debo hacer?”.

El rol cooperativo del seguidor

¿Quién crees que diría algo así? Ahora estoy hablando contigo, “seguidor”. Todo líder o conductor obviamente tiene que conducir a alguien y por tanto, necesita tener un seguidor. ¿Quiénes son los seguidores? Son aquellas personas que se encargan de darle cuerpo a la experiencia que el conductor concibió y dirigió… justamente para que otros aporten el potencial necesario para concretarla.

Por tanto, seguidor que buscas respuestas, probablemente le preguntes a Kryon lo siguiente: “Kryon, ¿por qué yo siempre tengo que estar dependiendo de los demás? ¿Será que nunca podré dar el primer paso? ¿Por qué siempre tengo que estar a la sombra de otros? ¿Cómo puedo ser espiritual, si siento una inseguridad que no me permite conciliar mis necesidades con las de los demás?”

Ah, querido humano, tu gran potencial es justamente el espíritu de colaboración que posees. Es lo que te hace ser único y es también lo que caracteriza tu misión de vida: tu disposición a aportar la energía de necesaria cooperación que ayude a materializar un objetivo que es también compartido por otros… Por consiguiente, tu aporte se sumará al aporte de otros – que como tú – están colocando su intención al servicio de una causa compartida.

Por ende, ¿qué sería del conductor sin ti? No sería nadie. Si un líder no posee seguidores, ¿a quién podría conducir? Bajo el espíritu de la mutua colaboración – de la cual eres un verdadero experto – tú aportas al conductor lo que él necesita para materializar su misión… mientras que el conductor te aporta la enseñanza vivencial que necesitas para alcanzar tu propia visión: la visión de que tú podrías ser algo más que un cooperador, de que podrías alcanzar tu propio poder, el de dirigir tu propia vida y decidir cuándo y cómo hacer tu voluntad…

El rol de aquel que sabe concretar realidades tangibles

Pudiéramos también analizar el rol de un ejecutivo, de un empresario o de un comerciante… En su sociedad, estas personas suelen ser tildadas de “materialistas”. En algunos de sus escenarios, cuando a alguien se le dice “materialista” pareciera que se le estuviera insultando, ¿verdad? ¿Es malo ser materialista?

“Oh, querido Kryon, estoy preocupado, ¿sabes? Yo me considero muy espiritual… pero también reconozco que soy materialista. Debido a eso, siento una gran necesidad de tener éxito en la vida y de ser reconocido por mis logros materiales. Ello hace que persiga la multiplicación de mi patrimonio, pues así estaré en condiciones de brindar seguridad material a todos aquellos que pudieran depender económicamente de mí. Sin embargo, a veces me siento impuro, sobre todo cuando tengo que imponer – quizás de manera ruda – mis criterios materialistas hacia personas que no entienden que ésa es mi naturaleza y es también una de mis virtudes. ¿Será posible que pueda conciliar mi potencial humano de materialización, con la búsqueda del equilibrio espiritual?”

Ah, mi querido humano, ¿te has puesto a pensar que gracias a tu habilidad para concretar realidades, las personas de tu entorno dependen de ti para alcanzar objetivos concretos o ampliar recursos materiales? Why? Porque tú, con tu toque de Midas, ¡vuelves oro todo lo que tocas! ¿Has pensado cuántas personas envidian tu toque de Midas? Lo envidian, porque no saben cuál es el secreto que tú posees para lograr todo lo que obtienes. ¿Has pensado sobre los alcances de todo lo que tú estás enseñando a aquellos que no saben cómo hacerlo? ¿Sabías que tú te convertiste ante esas personas en un maestro del arte de la materialización de bienes tangibles? Esas personas quisieran “copiarte” porque en el fondo, se preguntan cuál es tu secreto. Ellos desean aprender de ti. Pues, mi querido humano, he allí que entra en juego la actitud espiritual. Si tú – empresario, ejecutivo, comerciante, banquero – entiendes que tu rol en esta vida no es solamente producir riquezas a granel, sino también enseñar a otros a producirlas… con tu ejemplo te habrás convertido en un verdadero maestro en el arte de la materialización… y eso, mi querido amigo, “es espiritual”.

El rol de quien sustenta emocionalmente a su familia

Y a ti, querida, a quien observo todos los días… te siento… y percibo tu energía de agotamiento emocional. ¿Por qué te sientes tan cansada?

No entiendes por qué la vida te ha colocado ante la circunstancia de tener que hacerte responsable por otras personas a quienes cuidas incansablemente, ¿verdad? Sabemos que te afanas y te desvives por ellos. You know why? Tú lo sabes: porque ellos dependen de ti… y eso te produce un sentimiento agridulce. Por un lado, te sientes agobiada porque la carga te parece que es muy pesada y te preguntas si no habrá alguien más que pueda ocuparse de ella. Por otro lado, te sientes muy feliz de ser útil a los demás, principalmente a los de tu grupo familiar, porque te sientes el eje alrededor del cual la vida de otros se mueve. ¿Eres la madre o eres el padre? ¿O quizás seas la abuela, la que siente que “debe” responsabilizarse por aquello que su hija o su hijo pareciera no estar haciendo muy bien que digamos…

“Oh, querido Kryon, ante estas condiciones, ¿cómo hago para ser espiritual? Sí, una parte de mí entiende que debo sacrificarme porque otros me necesitan… pero la otra parte de mi Ser se siente muy amargada porque ese sacrificio me impide realizar actividades en provecho de mi propio crecimiento espiritual. Ahora no tengo tiempo para ir a ninguna parte, ni puedo asistir a ningún curso. Es más… tuve que pedirle a alguien que se quedara con mis chicos para venir esta noche a estar contigo.”

Querido humano, ¿sabes de quién hablamos, verdad? Aquí hay algunas personas que tuvieron que hacer eso. Por tanto, querido humano, ¿esas responsabilidades te impiden ser espiritual? Absolutamente no. Quizás no tengas tiempo para ir a aquel encuentro, reunión espiritual o curso del cual tú tanto querías participar… pues alguien necesita tu presencia.

Pero, ¿cómo tú podrías brindarle a esa persona tu amorosa dedicación si te sintieras angustiado y amargado por el hecho de que esa responsabilidad no te permitiera “ser”? Es conveniente que tengas presente que viniste a cumplir una misión con tus seres queridos, los que dependen de ti. Aunque ellos esperan de ti lo máximo a nivel de entrega, ésta no tiene producirse a través del sacrificio o la obligación. Ellos esperan simplemente que tú seas “aquello tú eres” y les hagas sentir amorosamente que los cuidas y los proteges… y nosotros esperamos que te responsabilices por la influencia “magnética” que ellos pudieran recibir de tu actuar, aquella de la cual hablamos previamente.

Yo te aseguro que tu adecuada actitud originaría un milagro: el milagro que estas personas cambiaran y aprendieran a valerse por si mismas, en vez de depender tanto de ti… porque tú les habrías enseñado a hacerlo a través de tu propio ejemplo, entregándoles amorosamente tu energía espiritual. Y así es como tu presencia y actitud podrían obrar milagros y cambiar literalmente la vida de los demás. Tú serás su espejo… y siéndolo, tendrás en tus manos el potencial para hacer que tu vida – aquella vida que consideras ordinaria, aburrida o rutinaria – se convierta en una verdadera misión de vida para ti y para aquellos que se conecten con dicha esencia.

Cuando ellos así lo entiendan, lograrlo ya no será un esfuerzo para ti. Todo sucederá de la manera más armoniosa posible. You know why? Porque un anillo de energía magnética te enlazará con unos y con otros… y al final se formará una verdadera cadena de personas, situaciones y eventos originados a través de la sanación que tú, querido humano, habrás logrado impulsar a través de ti por el hecho de “ser” aquello que en esencia ya eres…

Humano: sé tú mismo…

Muy amorosamente, Kryon les dice a cada uno de ustedes: sé tú mismo, sé tú misma. No tienes que cambiar. Simplemente procurar entender que posees el potencial para cambiar a otras personas a través de la manera como ejerces tu humanidad aunada a una apropiada actitud espiritual. ¿Cómo se alcanza esa actitud espiritual? Se la alcanza ejerciéndola. Puedes leer, ir a cursos, aprender diferentes técnicas… pero al final debes tratar de poner en práctica un sentir: el sentir de que tu bienestar depende de los demás y los demás dependen de ti para su propio bienestar; de que hay una cadena magnética que los enlaza a todos; de que el entramado del cual tanto hemos hablado es una verdadera realidad.

Pulsando las cuerdas del entramado ínterdimensional

Ése es el entramado en acción: cuando tú accionas con un simple dedo la cuerda del telar de ese entramado, estás haciendo vibrar todas las cuerdas del telar. Por ejemplo, cuando nuestro querido amigo músico aquí presente (haciendo referencia al músico Víctor Castillo) acciona una de las teclas de su teclado, las otras teclas que no están accionadas sienten la próxima vibración y claman para que él coloque allí su dedo y las haga sonar también. Esa tecla que él acciona como músico ejecutante, produce una vibración en ustedes y ustedes “sienten algo” a consecuencia de esa vibración. Ese sentir, ese percibir… es también sanación magnética producida por la música que hace vibrar todo su entramado cercano.

Nuestro querido amigo músico quizás también se estuviera preguntando c mo podr a ejercer su espiritualidad

Querido Kryon S, soy espiritual y me gusta todo esto. De hecho, estoy componiendo m sica para discos de estilo espiritual, pero, qu pasa con la otra parte de mi vida? De hecho, tambi n soy productor musical, hago comerciales ya veces tengo que escribir cosas que no me gustan, componer melod as que no transmiten la espiritualidad que yo quisiera pero es mi negocio, es lo que yo hago para ganarme la vida. C mo hago para conciliar mi vida con la espiritualidad?

Tambi n al m sico le podemos decir, que m s all de que l est aqu esta noche ayud ndonos a que todos abramos nuestros corazones a trav s del amor, cari oy suavidad con que cada uno de sus dedos pulsa las teclas de su instrumento, l tambi n puede pulsar las teclas de su vida diaria con una conciente actitud espiritual.

Con esa reci n adquirida conciencia, cada vez que aborde cualquiera de los temas comerciales con los que usualmente debe lidiar, l lo har con un esp ritu renovado, pues sabr que su actitud se constituir en un poderoso factor de cambio, aunque no pueda ejecutar su m sica tal como la est ejecutando esta noche. Quiz s un d a ustedes enciendan su cajita m gica y vean el comercial de un producto presentado a trav s de un abordaje inusualmente espiritual y quiz s se pregunten lo habr concebido el m sico aquel? . Probablemente s pero vamos a suponer que no haya sido l. Sin embargo, quiz s la verdad sea que l, con su renovada actitud, haya terminado por influir sobre otro m sico, productor o publicista, en fin, sobre aquellos que idearon ese comercial.

Al final qu fue lo que sucedi ? Aquello que dijimos con anterioridad: las cuerdas que alguien toca en alg n punto, vibran y repercuten en el entramado; todo el telar se mueve y todas las cuerdas claman por ser tocadas por el magnetismo de aquel que origin el primer toque Pero en verdad hay siempre alguien que origina el primer toque? No. M s bien todos lo estamos haciendo al mismo tiempo Ustedes y nosotros. Ustedes, con su presencia, originaron uno de los toques de las cuerdas de ese telar nterdimensional. Ahora todo est vibrando. Cada uno de sus corazones est vibrando con esa energ a de cambio que ustedes, mis queridos humanos, llevar na casa esta noche. Nosotros, con nuestra presencia, originamos la necesidad de que cada una de las cuerdas fuera pulsada en el momento preciso

El poder transmutador magn tico del ser humano

Qu suceder cuando ustedes lleguen a casa? Muchas cosas pueden suceder. Algunos quiz s no duerman esta noche, mientras que otros dormir n placidamente y otros posiblemente sue en intensamente. Otros, nada m s traspasar el umbral de su casa, recibir n un comentario de sus seres cercanos: Qu tienes? Te ves diferente. Hay algo en ti No s Est sm s feliz? .

Que habr pasado para que les pregunten esto? Simplemente, el otro sentir que algo cambi en su magnetismo y ese cambio originar que su reci n renovada energ a magn tica comience a influir en su medio ambiente. Y es as como cada cuerda influye sobre cada cuerda y cada tecla clama por ser tocada. Aquel que los ver llegar ma ana, sentir la necesidad de ser tocado por ustedes. Cuando hablamos de toques, ya ustedes saben qu estamos diciendo: hablamos de toque energ tico, toque emocional, toque espiritual. De esto se trata, mis queridos

Pretende vivir tu rol de humano

El tema de esta noche fue el de la sanación a través de la propia actitud emocional y espiritual enfocada a través de tu propio potencial físico, el que oculta el hecho de que tú eres un ángel disfrazado de humano. Ese disfraz es tan real, tan vívido y tan perfecto… que no tienes más remedio que olvidarte del rol que estás interpretando y “ser” el que estás interpretando… No pretender ser, sino “ser”.

Olvida tu disfraz por un momento y sé tu mismo. Simplemente intenta ser eso que tú eres hoy… aquello que tú siempre has sido, mi querido humano. No hay diferencia ninguna. Es simplemente un asunto de “recordar” con el corazón. Esta noche no vamos a recordar nada a través de la memoria física, porque en la dualidad humana no está permitido recordar esos detalles.

Simplemente vive la experiencia que viniste a vivir. Sé aquello que tú eres, sácale el máximo provecho a todo y aprende todo lo que puedas aprender. Perfecciona todas tus habilidades, enséñalas a los demás y conviértete – como dijimos en esta misma sala en una pasada reunión – en un maestro de ti mismo.

Ser maestros de sí mismos

Recordemos esos instantes… Sé un maestro de ti mismo y retoma esa maestría que tú sabes que te pertenece por herencia propia: tu herencia energética, tu herencia seminal y tu herencia multidimensional. De hecho, todos tus otros “yo” multidimensionales están pidiendo que reclames esa herencia. Es tu propia herencia. No tienes que disputarla con nadie. Simplemente retómala, regresa a casa y procede a cambiar la vida de los demás a través del ejercicio de tu Ser.

Todo lo que te hemos dicho, estamos seguros que podrás lograrlo fácilmente porque se han iniciado mecanismos que te están haciendo reflexionar la puesta en marcha de éste y otros procesos inconscientes que están relacionados – como se dijo anteriormente – con la negociación que tú hayas emprendido o vayas a emprender con tu Ser Superior.

Negociando con la multidimensionalidad de tu Ser

Quizás todo aquello que hemos dicho esta noche ha estado haciendo eco en algún punto de tu conciencia, pero ahora vamos a traerlo nuevamente a colación. Por tanto, es momento de negociar con tu Ser Superior, con tu multidimensionalidad o con las otras piezas de tu Ser que conforman esa bella realidad que tú eres.

Ser Humano, tú puedes renegociar tu contrato. ¿Hay algo que te aqueje? ¿Hay algún problema físico que desees sanar esta noche? Obsérvalo, contémplalo un momento… pero no lo hagas con angustia o con morboso melodrama. Contémplalo simplemente como un “proceso amigo” que te ha acompañado por una cierta cantidad de tiempo. Contémplalo como un proceso que nació en ti, que atrajo hacia ti personas interesantes, originó importantes cambios de escenarios en tu vida y te ocasionó sensibles mudanzas a nivel perceptivo y emocional, propiciándote finalmente una nueva auto valoración de tu Ser.

Despidiendo a un proceso amigo

Contempla ese proceso que tú llamas “enfermedad”… como una amiga. Contémplala, pero no la llames “enfermedad”… ya que no estás enfermo, humano. Habla con ella, así…

“Oh, mi querida amiga… ¡Cuánto tiempo me has acompañado, ¿verdad? Te quiero agradecer de corazón todo lo que he aprendido, gracias a ti y gracias a aquel contrato que yo acepté cumplir con tu presencia.”

“Tu amada y querida presencia ha hecho posible que yo aprendiera muchas de las cosas que coloqué en mi lista de tareas prioritarias para cumplir durante esta misión de vida. En verdad aprecio mucho todo lo que he aprendido de ti. Te lo agradezco de corazón y estoy tan, pero tan agradecido, mi querida amiga, que deseo liberarte de este compromiso. Deseo que simplemente entendamos que ambos hemos cumplido y que ya no nos necesitamos mutuamente.”

“Es momento de verte partir, querida amiga. Te dejo partir, te libero con todo mi agradecimiento y con todo mi amor, porque sé que has hecho por mí lo que nadie haría. Me has enseñado tanto… que ahora yo – en agradecimiento a tus enseñanzas y después de verte partir – empezaré a enseñar a otros, todo aquello que tú me has enseñado a través de tu contacto íntimo con mi Ser. Me has enseñado tanto, que me he convertido en un verdadero maestro sobre este tema que ahora conozco muy bien. Por tanto, yo te dejo partir, mi querida amiga.”

Las Enseñanzas De Kryon

El Grupo de Kryon

Kryon canalizado por Mario Liani

El Grupo de Kryon es la denominación que Mario Liani emplea

para canalizar la amorosa energía de Kryon,

la cual no representa a una entidad aislada,

sino a un grupo de conciencias superiores de ascendencia angelical

que opera sin individualidades y bajo una absoluta sincronía.

Kryon está siendo canalizado en varios idiomas

por diferentes voceros en todo el mundo.

Mario Liani es apenas uno de ellos y lo hace en idioma español.

El Poder Transmutador
de la Energía Magnética que Posee el Ser Humano

Canalizado en vivo el 31-05-2008

(Caracas, Venezuela)

Es conveniente destacar que el texto que sigue no es una trascripción exacta y literal de la canalización en vivo, puesto que las palabras canalizadas verbalmente poseen una calidad energética que no necesariamente puede llegar a ser plasmada por escrito. En virtud de ello, Mario Liani ha vuelto a canalizar a Kryon para realizar los ajustes necesarios para que el texto mantenga la coherencia necesaria y el mensaje pueda ser procesado cabalmente por el lector que no estuvo presente en el evento en vivo.

La voz de Kryon…

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