20 Powerful ways to increase your energy, by Leo Alcalá

Table of contents hide 1 1. Connect with your purpose. 2 2. Focus on the result you want to achieve. 3 3. Find your “I can”. 4 4. Find faith in yourself. 5 5. Move differently. 6 6. Change your facial expression. 7 7. Breathe differently. 8 8. Meditate. 9 9. Ask yourself questions that empower you. 10 10. Connect with inspiring emotions. 11 11. Eat foods that give you energy instead of subtracting yourself. 12 12. Do physical exercise. 13 13. Ensure a quality break. 14 14. Stimulate your senses. 15 15. Hydrate yourself! 16 16. Connect with nature. 17 17. Take time to be alone. 18 18. Connect with other people's energy. 19 19. Achieve a goal or close an important cycle. 20 20. Free yourself from something.

1. Connect with your purpose.

I just got out of bed. Last night I decided that I would wake up early to take advantage of the first hour of the morning of this Saturday, before my daughter's awakening, to write. Almost that the sheets win and I do not achieve it. But fortunately, I remembered at the last moment, before closing my eyes again and curling up on my side, asking myself a question: Why am I going to get up to write? Answers connected to my purpose, to my desire to achieve an objective, to the motives that led me to stand up to advance in the culmination of my book 'POWER to ACHIEVE what you want' began to emerge. Imediately my energy went up. It was that question, that of the purpose of the action to be executed, that allowed me to turn on my energy. If your purpose, what you do for what you do, is connected with your passion, you have a powerful formula of energy within you. When you do what you love and excite, your energy flows naturally and feeds on your actions. The closer you get to your passion, the more energy you will experience.

What are you passionate about? What moves you? Why raise your energy?

2. Focus on the result you want to achieve.

Not knowing where we are going wears out. Action without purpose and direction is loss of energy. It all starts with having a clear vision of the result you want to achieve. Successful people have a common habit: they guide their actions based on results . They always have a clear answer in relation to what they want to achieve. This vision provides them with the necessary approach to concentrate their time and actions in achieving their goals. When you orient yourself towards your goals and feel that your day brings you closer to them, your energy grows. You feel in control of your life and your self-esteem is strengthened.

What do you want to achieve? What are your goals? What is your vision?

3. Find your I can .

You always can. You may not be able to do or achieve what you want at the time you are wanting it. But you can always do something.

Two days ago I was giving a workshop on Balance of Life and Work for executives and Microsoft staff in Lima, Peru. One of them approached me to ask me a question:

- Much of what you said sounds great and would be ideal. But what happens when you can't make changes in your life. When one is already married, with children and a mortgage, unable to take risks for the commitment to yours, what do you do?

He replied: I understand you. I am also at this time in a stage in my life in which I do not have the risk capacity I had before. However, remember: the most important thing is not where you are, but what is your address.

While we may not have the ability to change rapidly where we are, we can always change our address. It's simple: our direction is determined, in the first instance, by our thoughts. What we think precedes our actions and these to our results. Change your thoughts and gradually begin to get new results. And this, my dear friend, is something we can always do: choose new thoughts. With this single and simple fact, you have the power to initiate the change you want to see in your life.

If you can't make big changes right now, what small transformations are in your power? Modifications that allow you to vary the course to point to the desired destination.

Directing your life towards the vision that you really want may require great energy. But like moving a whole ship of hundreds of tons, it all starts with a small change. Don't focus on your "I can't." We all have them. However, it is in our "I can", however small, that is our power to redirect our lives. "

Remember: your focus determines your energy level.

What do you usually focus on? What you can't or what you can? Connect with your "I can" and you will be feeding your energy.

4. Find faith in yourself.

Yesterday culminated a two-day workshop organized by one of my clients from the oil industry, in which I participated as a consultant for its design and as a co-facilitator of the process. For this workshop, one of the resources that was used didactically was the movie Carrozas de Fuego. Various fragments were chosen in which several of the concepts to be worked on in the event were reflected. In one of the selected scenes, Eric Liddell speaks to a crowd gathered in the rain. Liddlell, who was a religious pastor, talks about the similarity between faith and a career.

“Where does the strength come to reach the end of the race when we already believe we can't? It comes from within. ”

Faith is perhaps, together with passion, one of the most powerful forces to which human beings can connect. It is an inner resource that allows you to go further. It is by connecting with faith when you can build what is unknown today. Faith is the supreme gasoline. Connect with her, decide to believe in something beyond the visible and you will feel an energy that will accompany you until the achievement of your vision.

5. Move differently.

What is the first chicken or the egg? The same can be asked about energy and movement. Obviously we need energy to produce movement. At the same time, the movement itself is an energy generator. Don't you sometimes wait for your feeling of vitality to come into action? In practice, very likely, what you need is to get moving, in physical action, to mobilize your energy and raise it. Your energy level is directly related to the way you move. Do you lack energy? It means you lack movement. Do not wait to have it to get you in action. Just do it! As the famous Nike slogan says.

Do you want to transform your energy? Make this movement at this moment and shout “Yes !!!”. Explore your body Play with your ability to move to increase your energy. Do not wait to have it. Sometimes it is simply "stagnant" and waiting for you to activate your physiology to be able to flow and expand.

6. Change your facial expression.

In the late 1980s a very interesting experiment was performed with manic depressive patients. It was very simple: on the walls of the common rooms of the clinic where the patients were held, they placed numerous mirrors. These people were given a simple instruction: “every time you find yourself in front of your reflection, smile. It doesn't matter if you feel like doing it. All you have to do is flex the muscles of your face just like when you smile. ”

The results were surprising. After a few weeks, several of the patients had already expressed visible changes in their mood. Depression seemed to dissolve as these people incorporated the habit of smiling several times a day.

What happened? How was this possible? The muscles of your face function as tourniquets, facilitating or decreasing the passage of blood to the frontal area of ​​your brain. If your tensions, frustrations or bitterness are reflected in the stiffness of your face, the blood flow and the level of oxygen that reaches your brain is reduced. When you smile, the 32 muscles in your face pump a higher level of oxygen to the central lobes. This stimulates the secretion of endorphins, neuronal hormones that induce states of pleasure which begin to counteract patterns of depression, sadness, apathy, rage.

Imagine: Prozac for free !! And with a wonderful side effect: others will return their smiles to see you. So the prescription is simple: laugh more often. You can even try making morisquetas to intensify your doses of endorphins.

7. Breathe differently.

One of the first physiological responses that changes when your emotionality is transformed is breathing. For example, when you start stressing your breathing it tenses and becomes less and less deep. When you get excited ... well, you know. When you need to inject instant energy, use the principle of changing the body to influence your emotionality by breathing differently deliberately.

How do you breathe when you are full of energy and vitality? How do you breathe when you are at your best? If you inhale and exhale like when you are in those states, you will begin to feel that energy. Remember that your energy comes from your cells; particularly from those tiny factories of cellular energy called mitochondria. In them and together with the oxygen injection supplied by your breathing, glucose is transformed into energy. More oxygen in your body through deep breathing translates into greater energy generation. Your brain also feeds on oxygen and by filling it, your ability to be alert and awake increases. Oxygenate your body - breathing deeply, exercising or making love - and fill yourself with vitality. Not in vain for many philosophies and systems of Eastern life, breathing is your connection with the energy of the universe.

8. Meditate.

Speaking of oriental practices, meditation is a great way to take care of and boost your energy. When I learned to meditate, I began to verify something that my meditation instructor had already warned me: I needed less sleep. Meditation recharges us and in many cases, helps us to free ourselves from what is blocking our energy. There are many types of meditation. One way to do this is to focus on your breathing as an "anchor" for your mind. You simply close your eyes and place your attention on the process and the sensations of your breathing. Without seeking to change anything, but rather witnessing your process, for a few minutes you focus gently on your breathing. Test it. Close your eyes and simply breathe for about 3 to 5 minutes. Come on, give yourself these minutes. Take a look at this mini-rest ... and start grabbing the taste of meditation.

9. Ask yourself questions that empower you.

What is wrong with your life? For!! Do not do it, do not think about it. Quick! Put a smile, stick out your tongue.

What things inspire you? What makes your soul vibrate and ignites your passion? What aspects are under your control? What can you do today - however small your action is - to improve your life? How are you going to increase your ability to move towards your goals? Who do you Love? Who loves you?

I bet you experienced a change of energy between the moment when you read the first question (just fractions of a second, I hope) and the following. Remember,

It's very simple: your frequently asked questions determine your approach; what you connect with, impacts your energy. Design your own empowering questions. Consciously use the power they have to direct your mind towards the thoughts that nourish you and elevate your vibration.

10. Connect with inspiring emotions.

Some movies move us. It is when they are masterfully expressed by the magic of acting, set design and musicalization, moments that trigger intense emotions. I cry when I see some of those scenes. Although not as much as Carol, my wife: when I have watery eyes, she is already crying mucus. There are movies, books, biographies and stories that show us the power of faith, determination, love, hope; They inspire us through the display of other human beings who have dreamed, defeated and emerged. Remember those scenes that moved you and use them as inspiration for what you have to do, overcome and achieve.

Passion, love, conviction, triumph, courage, faith, determination, compassion, joy, enthusiasm ... when we let ourselves be touched by these emotions we have no choice but to feel inspired by human greatness. The same that resides in you.

11. Eat foods that give you energy instead of subtracting yourself.

I have to confess something to you. A couple of hours ago I had a big plate of pasta and I still feel heavy. In fact, my body asked me to take a nap after such a meal. Actually, it was a counter-example of what I want to share with you. Digestion is the second of the biological functions that consumes the most energy. The first? Sex!

When you eat food and the digestive process triggers, your body needs to devote much of its energy to the processing and transformation of the ingested. If the food is not particularly "friendly" to your body, the energy required is enormous. So much so that it makes you sleepy, you feel heavy and it causes you to do nothing for a good while. Without going into details about nutrition and food (since it is a complex issue), I do want to communicate the following: if you want to optimize your energy and consistently maintain the necessary levels of vitality to achieve your goals, it is important to consciously choose what you eat.

It is impressive how sometimes we take more care of what we “feed” our car than our own body. The gasoline of the wrong octane would detract from the engine and poor quality oil could reduce its life. Your body is made up of millions of tiny energy engines on which your life and your ability to be in action depend: your cells. They also require the “gasoline” of the appropriate octane and the “oil” that allows them to work in optimal conditions. However, there are those who care little about what they eat. What you eat is not innocent; It has an impact on your biochemistry and ultimately on your vitality.

¿What is more valuable your car or your body? How is the quality of the “gasoline” that you supply to your body?

12. Do physical exercise.

Exercise helps strengthen your organs and keep your internal systems functioning in optimal condition. If you exercise properly, after doing them you will feel more energetic. Sometimes I have felt tired and about to postpone my weight session. But once I do them, I feel the energy return to my body. Test what exercises help you to awaken your vitality and use them as a resource to keep your health and energy high.

13. Ensure a quality rest.

To have more energy, sometimes you need to stop for a while. It is logical: when resting you recover from lost energy. Take care that your dream is healing. If it is not, seek to make changes in your environment that help you achieve it. You can make your room darker, buy better pillows or open windows to improve ventilation. For a restful sleep, it is important to help the mind "fall asleep" to the sound of your body. Try not to watch programs of high visual or psychological impact just before falling asleep. As well as maybe

In the morning you need a few minutes to "warm up your engines", also ensure a process to lower mental revolutions before bedtime. Disconnect from the day. What you could do today you did. If there is something pending, you cannot solve it until tomorrow. Therefore, release it. Leave it alone and rather, connect with what can induce pleasant emotions before you fall into your dream world. For this, you can ask yourself these questions when you are already lying down and with the lights off: What have I enjoyed today? How has this day contributed to the achievement of my goals? What have I learned today? What have I given today? What can I be grateful for? And sweet dreams…

14. Stimulate your senses.

Light and colors ... music ... water ... smell of cinnamon ... breeze touching your skin. Stimulating your senses increases your energy. It can be as simple as turning on a light; or better yet, go out to allow the reflection of sunlight to stimulate your eyes. Try listening to music that inspires you or drink a cold, refreshing glass of water or fruit juice. Inspire a stimulating aroma or allow your skin to be stimulated with sensations that help you raise the alert level. In short, things as simple to awaken your senses as pouring cold water on your face, can make a positive difference at a time when you feel that your energy is plummeting.

15. Hydrate yourself!

6 to 10 glasses a day is recommended by doctors. Deepak Chopra suggests that you carry a bottle of water with you at all times in order to take sips every 20 to 30 minutes throughout the day. Your body is composed of 70% water. It is no surprise to find that it depends on this precious liquid to work in excellent condition. When your brain triggers the sensation of thirst, it is already late: your body is in the process of dehydration. and when this happens, your energy drops. Do not depend on the thirst to drink water. Rather, he develops the habit of ingesting this liquid continuously during the day. Of course you will go to the bathroom more frequently, but you will be cleaning your body and maintaining its energy level.

16. Connect with nature.

The city where I live, Caracas, is surrounded on its northern edge by beautiful mountains which are known as "El Ávila". Virtually from anywhere in the city you can observe the majesty of these hills. As I contemplate the green silhouette of its peaks in contrast to the intense blue of the sky, immediately my lungs widen to breathe deeply and my energy emerges. I imagine that something similar should happen to you when you come into contact with nature, such as giving you the gift of observing and feeling a beautiful landscape. Nature projects a magic that penetrates you, stimulating your senses and leading you to thoughts with high doses of inspiration. The waves breaking on the coast; flocks of birds furrowing the sky at sunset; the brush of the cool breeze on your face; the scent of flowers; the crickets singing; the beautiful orange colors of the clouds when the sun goes down.

When was the last time you really connected with nature? What are you waiting to repeat it?

17. Take time to be alone.

Sometimes you need to recover your center. It is not true? I mean giving you a moment to be alone and settle your mind and emotions. To reflect, let you feel and reconnect with what is most important. Or simply, to find answers to pressing questions in the wisdom of silence. I mean really being with you, not with the TV and not even with a book. Only with your thoughts and your feeling. From silence comes what you mean. From calm spring what you have to do. Being still makes possible the reunion with your being. For. Shut up. Focus Let yourself be, let yourself be. It is in silence when you can best hear your intuition; It is in that space that you can find your center, your north, your essence, your depth, your power.

For three minutes, stop reading and allow yourself to be silent. Simply ... Breathe. Feel And from the silence ... comes up again to act your truth.

18. Connect with the energy of other people.

As my friend and excellent lecturer Eduardo Martí says, there are people who are drains, while others are a source. Drain are those who when they come into contact with you, leave you with less energy than you had before. They are demanding, often negative, cynical people. Do you know someone like that? Source are those who supply you with new energies. They are usually positive and enthusiastic individuals who also show a genuine interest in you. When you leave your company, you feel like recharged batteries. People around you impact your energy. Take care of who you are with and particularly, when you feel the need to raise your vitality, look for those who are the source. Of course, they will be there for you as long as you are also more a source than a drain.

19. Achieve a goal or close an important cycle.

Last night I was checking my list of goals for the week that is ending. I began to mark those results that I had managed to generate during the week. Every time I recognized the achievement of one of my goals, I felt that my energy increased. It's strange, but just doing the “completed” mark seems to shoot a stream of endorphins in our brain. So much so, that sometimes I add things to my list of results and actions for my day or week that I didn't initially have, but I've already done. By simply marking it as completed, I experience a psychological injection of energy. Be careful: Completing your goals can be addictive!

20. Free yourself from something.

Your energy may be consumed by people, situations or even goals that are not aligned with your vision of life. Goals of the type "I should." Pending issues or conversations. That you have not yet solved but which continues to jump into your memory. Situations that are not as you want but you have been tolerating, at the expense of your own well-being. Ideas about projects or activities you want to do, but about which you have not done anything yet. It can be a memory, a cycle that remains open, the idea for dinner next week, what you don't like about another or the product you are about to launch. All this consumes energy. Imagine that your mind has 100 units of attention. These units represent your ability to allocate a portion of your mental energy to process or just remember something. As these units disperse by having many things in your head, your mental energy decreases. Imagine the following mental inventory:

  • 20 attention units assigned to pending things.
  • 12 units caught in the thoughts about the conversation that you have not yet decided to have.
  • 14 units focused on what you are tolerating from your partner and to which you have not reached an agreement.
  • 18 units responsible for feeding your fear of the challenge you are facing, thinking about the worst.
  • 19 units located in exhausting thinking processes about things beyond your control.
  • 3 units set in the hall light bulb memory that you have to change (by the way, this reminds me that I have to ...)

How much you have left? Just 14 units of attention to devote to the enjoyment of your life and the achievement of your goals! Loose. Break free. Identify what is subtracting your energy and is not adding value. Write it. Decide Act Boot. Solve. Negotiate Forget You accept. In doing so you will recover energy and increase your ability to focus on what allows you to achieve greater satisfaction and productivity.

-> Seen at: http://www.el-amarna.org/2009/04/20-poderosas-maneras-para-aumentar-tu.html

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