12 Vital tools for change times by Abjini Arraiz

  • 2013

1._ Breathe, Pray, Meditate, Thank.

Breathing is something basic to return to the center, when we breathe we allow the heart and emotions to calm down and return to that space of peace that we call the Source. Gaia says:

“And that internal space that I call the source is the space where you meet your divinity, where you find that illuminated divine part, much wiser, who does not doubt, who is certain, who is in the truth, who trusts and that he knows that absolutely everything that happens in this now of the third dimension is fine. And if ... you can breathe deeply ... now ... feeling like that space between those two mountains, that valley, that transition in which you are now is also well lived, because it is the place of gestation, it is the place of creation, it is the place of creation of that new being that you already are and that you only have to enter there to find it, to know that it has always been with you. ”

Pray is when we ask the Universe for something, to pray is to feel and visualize what we want. The mechanism is very simple, ask for what you want, feel it and let the universe bring it to you. The key is to wait.

To meditate is to put emotions and thoughts in order to be able to receive instruction from the Source. If you are in permanent action you reduce the possibility of receiving guidance and information. Meditation is sitting or lying down without doing anything.

To thank is to change the way we perceive, we are used to complaining and focusing on what we don't have. Thanking begins by acknowledging what you have and giving thanks. If you give thanks when you get up and go to bed you can really see how the quality of your journey changes. You can always thank being alive.

2._Danzar, Sing, Listen to music

People think conditionally that they cannot dance or sing, but we all have moments when we sing alone. Find a song and start dancing or singing it, this is one of the ways to raise the vibration and regain the enthusiasm for life. Join a group of peace dance, biodanza or dance therapy in your area, make this a discipline for your mental and physical health. Osho's dynamic meditations are a wonderful way to meditate, dance and exercise the body.

If you feel you can't do it then listen to relaxation music or any music that helps you feel at peace.

3._ Spend time in Nature.

This is indispensable to thank Mother Earth for all that she gives us. Take silent walks, restoring the original pattern of natural sites, mountains, rivers, forests, lakes. Perform cleaning of these natural places, not only physical but also energetic. Become a guardian of a small natural place. Take care of the purity of the watersheds, springs and waters. Commit to the care of the earth.

4._ Live in the present.

This means that when you do something you give yourself totally to what you do, whether it is a simple task or being silent. The important thing is to remain alert in the body and when you see yourself wandering towards the past or the future return to the breath observe your body posture. An easy way to be in the present is to ask yourself what am I doing? Return to the consciousness of the moment, breathe to return to the present when thoughts wander.

5._Activate your positive thoughts.

This is very important because with our thoughts and emotions we create our reality. If as a habit you start to think positively or make affirmations, you will realize how well-being enters your life imperceptibly. Gaia says:

“In your terms you could say that thought materializes instantly, we call that crystallization. Now it happens that when they imagine something, that something materializes much faster than before, even more if they put some emotional charge. And that is why it is so important that they are aware of what they feel and think, because the crystallization process is taking place very quickly. The field of creation does not know the polarity, that is, it does not know if something is good or bad, it simply follows the orders of the energy of thought and emotion, creates from there. "

Search Louis's books. There is a teacher on this subject or create your own thoughts daily.

6._Exercise your physical body (Walking, jogging, yoga, pilates, tai chi etc.)

This is something very important, to keep you exercised, that your body is flexible and cleansed by perspiration. Practice brisk walking and gentle jogging in the parks, this is an easy and free way to exercise your body and your mind. Of the spiritual disciplines, Yoga is the deepest, if you have the will and desire to make your body more flexible. You can start slowly until you reach an optimum level of flexibility, only perseverance is needed. Make taichi, pilates .

The important thing is not to crush or accumulate fat in unwanted places, invoke the ascended master Babaji, he can guide you to prolong your life and become immortal.

7._ Eat healthy.

This means eating as little as possible chemicals and tend towards vegetarianism. This point is only part of a complete book, but I am going to give a few basic guidelines: a) drink mineral spring water in sufficient daily quantities (not filtered, or ozone) b) Periodic detoxification, once an ideal month, or every three months, which means this can be fasting only by taking juice extracts for two days or it can be a three-week protocol where all chemical foods and processed, dairy, alcohol, coffee, sugar, processed meats and carbohydrates, spending the last week eating only vegetables and fruits. c) Use Sea Salt for salt and sugar cane sugar to sweeten. d) Eat or drink Coriander juice to eliminate heavy metals. These would be basic things as well as the recommendation to switch to a toothpaste without Fluor.

8._Respect and take care of nature.

Many people believe that respecting nature is doing some ecological work or something related to the environment, this is fine, but respecting nature goes beyond this. One form of respect is blessing and giving thanks for the food we eat, today the distance between the land that produced the food is so distant and we forget everything that had to happen to get to our Dish a carrot or chicken drumstick. Another is thanking the water we drink and the one we use when we bathe, as well as the fire with which we cook. As we sensitize ourselves in that sense we begin to stop consuming industrialized animals, that is another way of respecting life and nature.

9._ Perform selfless actions.

The most important of these actions is that they are motivated by unconditional love and that there is no commercial interest or exchange agenda involved. They are actions where the premise is not expecting to receive anything in return, not having expectations. Many times these actions take us out of our comfort zone, that's fine, it's outside that area where the ego is tested, where we see the shadow.

Do you remember the movie Chain of favors? Well that's what it is, but if you know it, I recommend you see it.

10._Act from the heart.

This is one of the most powerful tools to follow, acting from the heart does not always imply that our environment supports us, or that the people of our environment understand our behavior, often means not knowingly “knowing” because we make certain decisions, but that If we know from the place of feeling. To follow the heart is to be connected to our mission, not to deviate in the drama of everyday life, of relationships, of change and to follow the guidance of our inner wisdom.

Following the heart implies a deep respect for yourself, it means never violating what you feel inside yourself, or for what others may think, or because your conditioning leads you to please others. It takes a lot of courage and compassion to follow your heart, but it is the guarantee that you will always be healthy and healthy.

11._Open to receive.

The best thing to learn to receive is to open your arms as widely as you can and observe how you feel. Receiving is a passive attitude, not active, that is why it is so important to learn how to do it. It is similar to letting things happen and stop controlling. You have to practice this daily, simply by following the signs and letting yourself be guided.

12._Honor ancestors.

The natives talk about healing 7 generations above us to heal the next 7 generations. Here comes the healing of the family, of the family constellation, of the children, of the parents, the grandparents, of those who preceded us. Clarify your family tree, family, cultural pantheon, release idiosyncrasy habits that no longer serve us. To thank the country, the land, the country, city, town, urbanization, habitat, house, where you were born and where you live without attachment admitting your roots.Observe the beliefs of country, of gentilicio, the energy of the place where you were born, honor it and release her

To honor the ancestors is to make peace with all our relationships.

Author: Abjini Arráiz

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