11th Phase of the Ascension of the Body of Light by Lauren C. Gorgo February 1, 2011

  • 2011

The New Normal

In the previous article I mentioned that we were in the middle of an unprecedented geomagnetic activity due to an important global rebalancing driven by a displacement of the magnetic poles…. or vice versa. I also mentioned that "it is very likely that these natural events will continue to occur and may even increase as the earth maintains its transition to a higher consciousness."

Well, today the Pleiadian Superior Council (CSP) confirmed that this year and from now on there will definitely be an increase in geomagnetic activity ... not that this is new news, but a confirmation that what we have been feeling recently throughout the world is related to the higher levels of light that can now penetrate the planet through / due to these various geomagnetic phenomena: solar winds, solar eruptions, coronal mass ejections, etc.

The CSP wants us to know that this level of intensity is really the "new normal" that we will all adapt in the long run, and that these energies are here to stay.

It is useful to understand this because as we are already seeing, in the coming days there will be an increase in volatile weather patterns, in addition to human emotional disturbances, protests, riots, etc., as emotional ups and downs scratch in the extreme due to these magnetic fluctuations. The light of truth is becoming impossible to resist and we are going to witness this more and more on the world stage, just as it is becoming unbearable to live without the light of truth in our own lives. In other words, once we feel the blissful, transcendent connection with our Source of power, we literally cannot bear to live without it ... this is becoming increasingly clear to each of us.

And for those who are vibrationally acceptable and have been actively preparing (purifying) to travel to uniqueness, I am hearing that these increasingly intense energies are going to push us completely into the unit's timeline, which will allow true neutrality ... feelings of peace and objectivity in the way we relate to the growing global pressures.

The Double Porrazo

It is really no secret that I work to humanize the ascension process by rooting the information I receive in earthly experiences with which they can identify ... and at the same time make a concerted effort not to decorate the stinking parts ... so I am definitely going To add that four days ago I would never have been convinced that feelings of peace and objectivity would be my reality when (Friday 28/1) we endured two solar eruptions, almost simultaneous.

Depending on where we reside in the spectrum of consciousness ... and therefore the spectrum of sensitivity ... these solar storms can REALLY bring us down. If they experienced increased irritability, frustration and relentless pressure, hopelessness, DEEP exhaustion for no reason, anxiety, nausea, dizziness / vertigo, sinus sensitivity / pressure, headaches, extreme TIP, hunger attacks, pain along the spinal cord, Flu-like discomfort / muscle aches throughout the body and manic emotional ups and downs, along with a burning desire to get out of your fat suits this past weekend ... most likely it is related to this double blow of solar delight.

Yes, after more than a decade of having the Great Central Sun pouncing on us without permission, it seems that a good solar beating still awaits us as before.

But seriously, anyway ... who can say when this has gone too far?

The CSP says that the reason why those of the warrior brigade (light workers / stellar seeds on the front line) are still shot down (read: massacred) by these energies is simply because… drum roll please… still We do not arrive. I literally cannot find enough ways of saying that we are still completing this painful transition from consciousness based on the polarity of the old world, to the unified field of collective uniqueness where (in the long run) we are going to stabilize through completion of biological regeneration.

And while the biological regeneration phase is not completely complete, I am hearing good things about March. Here you have a look:

For those who are preparing for the biological completion of the ascension of their body of light to the Christ consciousness, there is a programmed liberation, with a heavenly basis, of the programming of the polarity of the 3rd dimension ... a simultaneous entry into the consciousness of 5th dimension. It is written in the stars. -CSP

(Notice: Keep in mind that when invisible hyper-positives, sitting peacefully in non-duality, say those famous `` good things, '' this almost always translates into one thing for us mere mortals. : YAY! So make sure you leave behind any expectations (if you may have any left), give yourself to what it is and things will go much longer. It's soft, I assure you.)

Notice aside, I do feel a certain forward movement starting with this new moon on 2/2 (in the northeast), so I don't think we'll be sitting cross-legged waiting to be tortured, as usual. In fact, they may already be feeling this new energy, they are beginning to feel almost like a real ability to focus our intentions and give some mental sense to all those new information light packages. So we ingested in the last two months, but we couldn't decode.

From what I can intuit, it is almost like an impulse that is slowly accumulating to wind up in an even greater impulse once the equinox has arrived. Although sometimes we just need enough strength to break through any remaining self-imposed wall (block) that we have built as false protection, so if at some time your inner Humpty Dumpty It falls apart, just remember that many times we have to break ourselves before we can put the pieces back together again in the correct order.

But for now, at least for the next few days, we are still sitting in the stillness. (Luckily the new season of dolo is here to placate us a little more time )

And just to make it clear, stillness is definitely not the same as waiting. We are not, nor have we ever been, waiting for anything but ourselves on this trip. It is not that we sit down to wait for something outside of us to save us, or provide us with the means to get ahead as some may think, it is more a process of patience to allow all levels of our Being (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical) aligns with the Source within us so that we can be fully supported to move forward and create effortlessly using the power of the universe only with our divine will. The patience part is the master the self-discipline that we have meticulously polished in preparation for the proper application of alchemy.

Remember also that patience in this process is not only through consciousness, it is a VERY physical process, a re-delineation of our software and human hardware which requires a huge amount of physical energy to sustain it. hence the years of hibernation. We have to go through a transformation that reorganizes the fundamental molecular and cellular structures of our body's matter that align and tune with the molecular structure of the universe.

We cannot even begin to imagine the level of biological change we are going through and therefore the crucial practice of patience during these challenging times is always through physical stillness. In other words, if your body begs you to sleep, there is a good reason. It is better to answer the call, otherwise they will be knocked down by force.

Disposition of the Body of Light

The CSP wants to talk to us about what they call our “ascension of the body of light phase 11”… a term that they use to describe the full integration of the spiritual body as a result of the fusion of male / female polarities and the activation of our circulatory system as new-human fifth dimension. I like to think of that more as a descent from the body of light because although we are technically ascending in consciousness, we are actually descending in spirit ... which means we root our spiritual self more fully in our lives and bodies. through the process of ascension and as a result of cleaning our mental, emotional and physical dirt.

It is the point in our rise at which all levels of the body of light have been created and activated and at which cellular regeneration has been achieved. This is also the level of development in which we achieve mastery and begin, individually and as a collective soul group, to unite to create our vision of heaven on earth.

What they would like us to understand is that the body of light is not very different from our physical body ... it is a replica that is the same size (well, hopefully without swelling;)), shape and with the same characteristics as the body that we inhabit in physical dimensions, however, the body of light carries the plane that contains the map of our physical perfection.

This part of us contains the information and the fuel (vital force) required to activate all the rotating intersection points, or energy vortices, necessary to achieve total ascension. For us to activate these points and achieve mastery, we have to go through, or graduate in 11 levels of spiritual initiation ... similar to a video game in which we can only advance to the next level when we master the previous one.

Apparently, during the next two months, some of us will be preparing our bodies for a multitude of physical changes due to this transition ... changes that will encompass many multidimensional aspects of our lives (for example, changes in diet, sleep, desires, physical functioning, etc.) and that will offer us the ability to transcend our karmic miasmas. A miasma, similar to the homeopathic definition, was explained to me as a collection of discordant energies that the body contains as imprints of cellular memory of misaligned thoughts and emotions until they have been resolved (neutralized) and the four lower bodies can go beyond karmic patterns (repetitive cause / effect cycles).

As a result of going beyond this pattern, the physical body is then able to fully align with the template of the light body and allows a free transfer of energy from the original divine plane. This information encoded in light that comes from our divine plane then passes to and from the physical body in a sacred flow of geometry through several intersecting points of energy transfer.

As a result of this constant energy transfer, the physical vehicle can be more fully nourished with the food of the Source (prana / qui / chi, etc.) that maintains the splendor and pure health for which many of us have been working for so long. Essentially, the elimination of karmic miasmas guarantees proper and unobstructed connection with our plane of perfection, through which the disease ceases to exist.

They reiterate that the energetic body (of light) that surrounds our physical body is of perfect creation and alignment with the Source. If, over time, the physical body is not fed with the proper nutrition of light due to energy blockages (miasmas), then the body is undressed and degeneration occurs. With the completion of the ascension of the body of light comes the ability to completely eliminate the disease and replace it with the adequate sustenance with which the physical body was designed and intended to be nourished.

As you can imagine, this will have many ramifications for your changing world and those who first possess the ability to house a fully created and activated body of light will be the precursors of a new-human civilization. We will have more to say on this matter in the coming days. -CSP

What to Expect

If there was ever a time to let go and trust what is unfolding within us and before us, that moment is now. There really is no way that this new territory in which we are inhabiting fits in our heads ... and we probably would not want it to be that way anyway because it would ruin the fun of anticipation and the pure element of surprise. It can, however, fit into our hearts what comes next as we have undoubtedly become teachers in feeling / feeling our way.

The CSP reminds us that the ascension is non-negotiable ... (don't tell me) ... it is a pre-ordered celestial, cosmic and galactic event, which is already quite advanced and for which every living being on this earth pointed, however, everyone will experience it in their own divine way. They say that resisting this inevitability is similar to resisting gravity ... it exists independently of our participation. Our participation, however, makes the process less uncomfortable.

Once we have a basic mental understanding of the process, however, we are always encouraged to let go and let ourselves be guided with complete faith in what each of us has ahead of us. This time is no different ... there is no planning here, just motivation through divine inspiration, so we have to ignore any momentum of the old paradigm of trying to take control of the uncontrollable.

What is presented to us individually is always the same: the purest and most accurate reflection of our current level of consciousness and state of being.

For those who are aligned and prepared for the transition to the new timeline, this is no surprise and will not create any resistance ... it will seem like the next logical step. Those who have cleared enough will experience this transition to the next level as a simple incremental and vibratory climb, just like all other updates. And for those with limitations (fears) remaining to clean, they will be endowed with a greater awareness of exactly what those limitations are, as well as an infallible method to overcome them.

As always, what is important to know is that we already know everything.

Peace with you


Translation: Margarita López


Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author (s), and freely distributed.

He, with the proper authorization of Lauren C. Gorgo, has all his material in Word file, which you can download from his site Think with your Heart.Net in

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