What is alphabiotism? By Jesús A. Beutelspacher R.

  • 2012

Alphabiotism is much more than another alternative therapy.

Alphabiotism is a whole holistic system, based on a seemingly simple manual technique.

The name Alphabiotismo is formed with two Greek roots “Alpha” that means principle and “bios” that means life, with this we understand that alphabiotism focuses on a principle of life that is our vital energy.

The vital energy, we could define it in a general way as the universal sustenance of creation, we find it even in the smallest and microscopic particle, call it an atom, molecule, subatomic particle, light, photons, etc.

In the human being, we could say that it is the manifestation of God in each and every one of us, when this energy is present and flowing freely throughout our body, we are connected with our spirit, with God. And it is this connection that keeps us healthy holistically, that is, considering all aspects of being. In other words physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

That is why Alphabiotism focuses mainly on restoring that flow of vital energy that is blocking and decreasing in our body due to various causes, such as trauma, accidents, bad postures and excessive stress, mainly.

This results in a misalignment of our spine and an imbalance of our hip, which from the physical point of view results in an apparent shortening of one of the legs, displacement or sprains of vertebrae that can result in moderate or severe scoliosis or lordosis, intervertebral compressions that can develop what doctors call herniated discs, etc.

However, in addition to the aesthetic and musculoskeletal aspects, the most important thing is that this results in a blockage and decrease of the natural flow of our vital energy, causing a decrease in physical health, a lack of control of our emotions and our mind and a separation from our inner strength, our spirit.

At the beginning of the restoration of the flow of vital energy there is a balance or synchrony of the cerebral hemispheres, that is, they both begin to work together, resulting in a change in the perception of life and interpersonal relationships.

The left hemisphere is the conscious mind, and has been identified as responsible for logical, analytical thinking, reasoning, etc. And judge constantly. 80% of the people in the world are dominant in this hemisphere.

The right hemisphere is the unconscious mind, and has been identified as responsible for intuitive thinking, the creative, artistic, is multidimensional, omnicomprensive, is the contact with our Higher Self, our spirit and does not judge.

When there is a balance or synchrony of both hemispheres, it means that both begin to work together, resulting in a change in the perception of life and interpersonal relationships, modifying and positively affecting the environment in which it operates. the person, such as life as a couple, family and work life.

This occurs because at the same time that the flow of our vital energy is restored and there is the balance and synchrony of the cerebral hemispheres, there is a gradual opening and automatic alignment of the chakras, or energetic vortices, which generates a harmonization of the field Biomagnetic or energy body of people modifying and increasing their vibrational level.

This results in a strengthening of the organism against the ravages of excess stress, allowing people to regain control and break the vicious circle of "stress, physical, emotional and mental deterioration, greater stress, greater deterioration."

We know that the human body does things for some reason and we work in harmony with that innate and natural intelligence to restore the proper balance.

Once the natural flow of our vital energy has been restored then and only then, the body can begin to recover on its own, restoring the necessary reconnections to maintain a healthy balance on a physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual level.

This process is applied in an “alphabiotic table or bed” that has a 30 ° inclination and on which the participant lies.

We proceed to the evaluation of their lower extremities, comparing the length of them to identify a possible shortening secondary to a muscular contracture that has generated an imbalance and / or rotation of the hip.

This shortening is directly proportional to the level of involvement of the person by stress.

Immediately afterwards, the muscular force is measured in both arms, which together with the previous maneuver help determine the predominance of the cerebral hemispheres.

The alignment itself consists of a precise traction movement on the cranial edge to achieve the separation of the intervertebral spaces, which when they return to their anatomical position will be aligned, releasing the contractures of the nerves, allowing a greater supply of blood to the brain and restoring the flow of vital energy through the spine.

This maneuver, when performed by a certified alphabiotist, is perfectly safe and can be applied to people of all ages and conditions. It has been performed on babies and women since their first month of pregnancy.

When performing the alignment maneuver, in addition to a pleasant sensation, the patient experiences a feeling of lightness of the head, as if weighing less, the colors may seem brighter and muscle strength, compared with the initial evaluation, increases while the muscular contractures and the shortening they produced decrease and even disappear.

In 2% of cases, these manifestations may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sweating, fever, diarrhea or headache (headache), which is quite understandable if it is considered that blood and nerve release causes accelerated detoxification of the organism, which needs an exit route to eliminate toxins such as alcohol, tobacco, medicines and others, which have accumulated in it over time.

Thus, the people who most need this process will sometimes experience these conditions as part of their improvement and in subsequent sessions they will disappear.

With their first alignment, the vast majority of people feel immediate relief in their discomfort and can expect 48 to 72 hours of benefit, regardless of the time spent under the effects of stress.

In the three subsequent sessions the beneficial effect of the alignment will be longer, as this is cumulative.

Although for many people the first session might seem like a miracle to manifest a great improvement and even the disappearance of many symptoms and pains, as in any process, continuity is necessary.

Many of the benefits that we mentioned at the beginning are not achieved immediately, or overnight, for this a commitment and perseverance of the participant is necessary to achieve maximum benefits.

All these concepts mentioned here are not theory or speculation, but the result of observations and results in my daily practice over five years in the attention of hundreds of people and in my personal experience, since having been surgically operated on a tumor In the spine for more than 20 years, I had a sequel of chronic pain, unable to perform my usual work because I could not sit long, standing, or lying down.

This went on for almost 18 months, until one day a great friend took me to know and live the Alphabiotism, which allowed me to resume my life. Well, with just a few sessions he achieved, what conventional medicine cannot achieve in 18 months.

So I can say with conviction that I am a living testimony of the wonderful results of this truly "holistic system."

That's why I tell you and invite you:

When the solutions are more natural, safer and more effective, then ALPHABIOTISM is present.

Why not give yourself a chance?


Virtual magazine Life in Harmony


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